Pimpage |
[01 Jun 2011|05:35pm] |
sailormoonland is an interactive team community for the fans of Sailormoon.
There are three teams, which for the most part you can choose to join: Team Inners, Team Outers, and Team Chaos. You will be encouraged to participate in activities, earn points for your team, and hold both in-team and across-team discussions and parties and other fun things. i.e. IT IS AWESOME!
Make sure to mention my name/username when you sign up, please! :D
the rules || application post |
139 voting |
[24 Jun 2008|09:22am] |
[x] Vote for your favorite TWO. [x] If you vote for more than TWO, your vote will be discarded. [x] Do not vote for your own icon. [x] You have until Tuesday night to vote.
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reminder |
[19 Jun 2008|09:06pm] |
Enter Challenge #139: w oh crap. i forgot that this challenge was due last week. -_-;; oopsie. exams have really gotten to me. so in that case i'm postponing it until Saturday June 21!!
138 winners |
[15 Jun 2008|03:30pm] |
- mizugazipan Would it be possible for you to post with the full image of your icon Mizu? One of the members wanted to know which image you used. =)
- kori_ya
- incandescance
ps. there's still time to enter your icons for challenge 139!! ENTER HERE
138 voting |
[08 Jun 2008|11:03pm] |
[x] Vote for your favorite THREE. [x] If you vote for more than THREE, your vote will be discarded. [x] Do not vote for your own icon. [x] You have until Tuesday night to vote.
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137 voting |
[02 Jun 2008|01:44am] |
[x] Vote for your favorite TWO. [x] If you vote for more than TWO, your vote will be discarded. [x] Do not vote for your own icon. [x] You have until Tuesday night to vote.
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136 Voting |
[25 May 2008|09:49pm] |
[x] Vote for your favorite THREE. [x] If you vote for more than THREE, your vote will be discarded. [x] Do not vote for your own icon. [x] You have until Tuesday night to vote.
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135 Voting |
[18 May 2008|09:09pm] |
[x] Vote for your favorite THREE. [x] If you vote for more than THREE, your vote will be discarded. [x] Do not vote for your own icon. [x] You have until Tuesday night to vote.
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reminder |
[16 May 2008|11:22pm] |
late reminder Enter Challenge #135: Colourful Okay, I just read the date and it said it was due May 10th. I totally thought it was due May 17th. -_-;; OOPSS!!! Sooo..just keep submitting until May 17th? xD