? ?
Journal created:
on 17 January 2006 (#9285937)
on 31 May 2006
Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon Koufuku
Posting Access:
All Members , Moderated

Hello, this is your friendly local moderator, adelviento. This community is all things BISHOUJO SENSHI SAILOR MOON. Everyone is welcome to join, post, comment, and participate. :)

As long as the post is relevent to Sailor Moon and is not hateful towards bssm_koufuku and its members, feel free to contribute. That includes sharing great websites, sailor moon offers, icons, communities, fanfic, fan-art, etc. My only request is that anything longer than half a screen long be placed behind an lj-cut and anything higher than a PG-rating be placed behind one as well.

Other than that, the rules aren't very strict. But if 3 - 7 of these are broken twice, you will be banned (though I reserve the right to ban you after a first offense, if I feel there is a need). Here they are:

-- Have fun!!
-- To help us stay active, please promote this community as much as possible. There are buttons at the bottom of this userinfo that you could put in your userinfo, if you wouldn't mind. :)
-- REMAIN RELEVENT TO SAILOR MOON. "BSSM" is in the username for a reason. However, feel free to include the manga, anime, or both versions of Sailor Moon. Both are wonderful. :)
-- Maybe this is purest or elitest of me, but you are required to use only the japanese names for characters here. The american dubbed version or any other version can not begin to compare to the real thing. Usagi is usagi, not serena. Etc. Got it?
-- Please put anything longer than half a screen long or wider than 400 pixels be placed behind an lj-cut and anything higher than a PG-rating behind one as well.
-- Do not flame. Period. No flaming. I don't care what it is about, don't do it. If someone calls you a monkey's uncle? I don't care. You report it to me, and I'll deal with it. Otherwise, I'll ban you along with the offending person. This is a happy, friendly community, not a battle-field.
-- Even though the promotion of sailor moon communities is allowed, there is a restriction of one promotion per week per user. Also, if you'd like further promotion, ask and I will add you to the affiliates list below.


Buttons for promoting with:


