Papers by Mozammal Hossain

Journal ofpulation Therapeutics & Clinical Pharmacology, 2024
This study looked into the relationship between the histology and clinical characteristics of bur... more This study looked into the relationship between the histology and clinical characteristics of burning mouth syndrome (BMS). Individuals who experienced BMS symptoms for a minimum of six months underwent clinical and histological evaluations. Preliminary assessments included recording mean age, diabetes mellitus, menopausal status, length of non-irritable and irritative salivation or symptoms, and oral hygiene. Clinical trials were conducted on the following conditions: headache, pain, non-specific health issues, taste, thirst, dry mouth, and severe menopausal symptoms. Blood tests for HBS Ag, CBC and S. Iron, S. Ferritin, S. Folic acid as well as testing for female hormones including iron, folic acid, TSH, FT3, T4, and estrogen, were among the laboratory tests. The tongue is subjected to a prospective, blind histological examination, and mucosal samples are prepared for light microscopy. The Statistical Package of Social Science (SPSS) version 23 computer statistical program (SPSS Inc. Chicago, USA) was used to compile the data that had been gathered. The tongue and oral mucosa were examined for variations in their histological and clinical characteristics using the Chi Squire and Student's t-tests; p-values less than 0.05 are regarded as statistically significant. In summary, BMS is linked to xerostomia, altered taste on laboratory examination, physical and psychological stress, and histological characteristics that may indicate a source of neuropathy.

International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies, 2024
Perfect cleaning and shaping is the key to successful root canal treatment. Therefore, a careful ... more Perfect cleaning and shaping is the key to successful root canal treatment. Therefore, a careful understanding of the internal anatomy and structure of the root canal system is an important factor when performing cleaning and cosmetic procedures. Mandibular premolars are among the most complicated teeth to treat with root canals due to their abnormal root canal anatomy. Furthermore, it varies in different ethnic groups. Therefore, it is needed to evaluate and search for an abnormal root canal anatomy in a failed root canal. In light of these observations, this case report provides a case of previously root canal treated mandibular first premolar tooth which was failed due to different root canal patterns. The tooth was subjected to re-root canal treatment and after completion of the therapy, the tooth was symptomless and patient was referred to the Department of Prosthodontics for a full veneer crown.

International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies, 2024
Chronic inflammation of the dental pulp is one of the reasons for cutaneous sinus tract of odonto... more Chronic inflammation of the dental pulp is one of the reasons for cutaneous sinus tract of odontogenic origin. A cutaneous sinus or extra oral sinus from a lesion of endodontic origin is rare as compared to an intra oral sinus and may occur as result of long-standing inflammatory process associated with necrotic pulp. Such patients are usually healthy and are unaware of the underlying asymptomatic dental problem. Thus, the treatment protocol should be elimination of the etiological factors first. A 24year-old male was presented with a draining sinus tract on his left cheek. In radiographic assessment, periapical lesion was noticed associated with the roots of the affected tooth. Root canal treatment was performed using Calcium hydroxide as an intracanal medicament. The sinus tract disappeared one weeklater. However, longterm clinical and radiological evaluation is necessary.

Int. j. adv. multidisc. res. stud, 2024
Chronic inflammation of the dental pulp is one of the reasons for cutaneous sinus tract of odonto... more Chronic inflammation of the dental pulp is one of the reasons for cutaneous sinus tract of odontogenic origin. A cutaneous sinus or extra oral sinus from a lesion of endodontic origin is rare as compared to an intra oral sinus and may occur as result of long-standing inflammatory process associated with necrotic pulp. Such patients are usually healthy and are unaware of the underlying asymptomatic dental problem. Thus, the treatment protocol should be elimination of the etiological factors first. A 24year-old male was presented with a draining sinus tract on his left cheek. In radiographic assessment, periapical lesion was noticed associated with the roots of the affected tooth. Root canal treatment was performed using Calcium hydroxide as an intracanal medicament. The sinus tract disappeared one weeklater. However, longterm clinical and radiological evaluation is necessary.

North American Academic Research, 2023
In this work, the corrosion of stainless-steel K-file and pro taper rotary NiTi-file instruments ... more In this work, the corrosion of stainless-steel K-file and pro taper rotary NiTi-file instruments was evaluated and compared about the effects of 5.25% sodium hypochlorite solution. Thirty new Pro Taper NiTi rotary files (D# 20, 25, and 30) and thirty stainless steel K-files (D# 20, 25, and 30) were subjected to a 5-minute immersion in 5.25% NaOCl at 50°C. Every file was put through the corrosion test, which involved recording the open circuit potential (OCP). Corrosion current, corrosion rate, and corrosion potential were all assigned to each file's recording. A potentiated and a standard calomel electrode reference were used to calculate the percentage of open circuit potential (OCP). The frequency of corrosion that may be seen visually was also studied using a scanning electron microscope (SEM). The findings indicated that the corrosion rate for stainless steel has the following mean and standard

European Journal of Dental and Oral Health, Jun 7, 2023
This cross-sectional observational study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of green tea and chl... more This cross-sectional observational study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of green tea and chlorhexidine mouthwashes in reducing post-extraction complications such as pain and bleeding. The studied sample consisted of 80 people with an average age of 43.67 (±4.78) years. Tooth extraction is shown to all participants. After the tooth extraction, the green tea group was advised to bite the pictures of the gauge into the green tea, take a bite, and rinse their mouths with green tea mouthwash the next day. Subjects with another group bite soaked in chlorhexidine saline solution after tooth extraction and chlorhexidine mouthwash. Operation time, hemostasis time, VAS pain after tooth extraction and total number of analgesics were recorded. Descriptive statistics were calculated, and chi-square t-tests and independent samples were performed using SPSS 22. The results showed that there was no significant difference in age, sex, and time of surgery between the two groups. The mean VAS was significantly lower in the green tea group compared to the chlorhexidine group. In addition, the green tea group also showed a shorter time for complete hemostasis and less analgesic consumption than the chlorhexidine group. It can be concluded that green tea is significantly effective in reducing the time of complete hemostasis and pain after tooth extraction. Thus, by conducting additional studies, green tea can be found to be therapeutically useful for the treatment of postextraction bleeding and pain.
International Endodontic Journal, Jul 1, 1999
A 22-year-old female presented with a draining sinus tract on her left cheek. The tooth responsib... more A 22-year-old female presented with a draining sinus tract on her left cheek. The tooth responsible was examined clinicopathologically. On clinical examination, the mandibular left first molar tooth was restored with an amalgam filling. Radiographic examination revealed base or pulp capping material below the restoration and a radiolucent periapical lesion surrounding the distal root apex. Conservative non-surgical root canal treatment was performed; 10 months later, the sinus had healed completely and the periapical lesion had resolved. Histopathological examination of pulp tissue recovered during treatment revealed foreign bodies, made up of capping material and amalgam, associated with chronic inflammation. These findings suggested that chronic inflammation in the pulp tissue had resulted in a draining sinus tract.

European Journal of Dental and Oral Health, Dec 23, 2022
This clinical trial was planned to examine the long-standing clinical achievement of dental impla... more This clinical trial was planned to examine the long-standing clinical achievement of dental implants equipped either with cemented or screwretained systems. A total of 100 teeth were selected based on the following inclusion criteria: should have a particular implant by means of cement and screw implant prosthesis, participants should have superior oral hygiene, non-alcoholic and non-smoker patients, and aged between 20-65 years. They were separated into two groups; 50 teeth were cemented (group A) and 50 by a screw (group B) system. At least 24 months evaluation was integrated to measure the periodontal pocket depth. Statistical analysis was done by using SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Science) where comparisons were assess by using the Chi-square test, Fisher's exact test; a P-value <0.05 was considered significant. It was found that at six months, periodontal pocket depth was increased in 2.0% of teeth in Group-A, but none in Group-B. Periodontal pocket depth increased significantly in group A (20%) at 12 months comparing to group B (4.0%). In the same way, at 18 and 24 months, teeth in group-A had significantly higher periodontal pockets (64.0% and 84.0%, respectively) than in group-B (8.0% and 32.0%, respectively). It can be stated that comparing to the cemented implant, the screw implant prosthesis perform better in terms of their periodontal pocket depth.

European Journal of Dental and Oral Health
The study was designed to find out the effect of different angulations of monolithic Zirconia cus... more The study was designed to find out the effect of different angulations of monolithic Zirconia custom-made abutments on fracture resistance. In this experimental type in vitro study, a total of thirty implant analogs with a diameter of 4.3 mm and a length of 11.5 mm were obtained for the maxillary central incisor. A total of thirty abutments specimens in three groups- 0-degree, 15-degree, and 25-degree, ten in each group were fabricated with monolithic zirconium by CAD/CAM system. Each abutment was subjected to load until fracture in a Universal testing machine and data was collected to a data collection sheet. One-way ANOVA was done to compare the fracture load among the three groups and pairwise comparison was done by Tukey post hoc test. The statistical significance p-value was considered as less than 0.05. The range of fracture load of 0-degree, 15-degree, and 25-degree angulated abutments were 590.55-1305.43N, 755.89-1720.55N, and 496.68-820.88N respectively. The highest fractur...
Journal of Dental Research, 2002

Bangladesh Medical Research Council bulletin, 2006
In the present study, the marginal integrity of different filling materials was evaluated in invi... more In the present study, the marginal integrity of different filling materials was evaluated in invitro. Furthermore, the effect of manipulation technique on their microleakage was also investigated. A total of sixty standard prepared class V cavities were filled with glass ionomer cement (both auto-cured and light-cured), light cured packable variety composite resin pretreated with echant and bonding agent and dental amalgam (both mechanically and conventional hand mixed) with or without pretreatment by cavity varnish. Cavities were then subjected to microleakage test following thermocycling. Statistical analysis was performed by One way ANOVA and Sheffe's multiple comparison tests. The results showed that mechanically mixed Silver Amalgam pretreated with cavity varnish showed the least microleakage, whereas, autocured glass ionomer showed highest marginal leakage. Light-cured packable composite was superior in resisting microleakage than both types of glass ionomer but was inferi...

Journal of Oral Rehabilitation, 2003
summary In the present study, the compositional changes and knoop hardness of the cavity floor p... more summary In the present study, the compositional changes and knoop hardness of the cavity floor prepared by Er,Cr:YSGG laser irradiation was compared with that of the conventional bur cavity. Fifteen laser and 15 bur cavities were cross‐sectioned, and subjected to atomic analysis by SEM‐EDX and knoop hardness test. Statistical analyses were performed using the Mann–Whitney U‐test; a value of P < 0·01 was considered significant. Surface characteristics of the prepared cavities were also investigated by light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The results showed that the quantities of Ca (Ca weight %) and P (P weight %) were increased significantly in the laser cavity floor but no significant differences were found between the Ca/P ratio and knoop hardness number of laser and bur cavities. The SEM observation revealed that the lased cavity surface was irregular and there was also the absence of a smear layer; the orifice of dentinal tubules was exposed. Er,Cr:YSGG l...

Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University Journal, 2018
The present study compared the clinical performance of nanoparticulated resin modified glass iono... more The present study compared the clinical performance of nanoparticulated resin modified glass ionomer and conventional glass ionomer pit and fissure sealant on permanent molars. Fifty patient having bilateral occlusal grooves in pits and fissures of the occlusal surface were included for this study where 50 teeth were treated with nanopaticulated resin modified and the remaining 50 teeth were subjected to conventional glass ionomer sealants. The color match, retention and marginal adaptation were assessed at 3, 6 and 12 months and statistical analysis was performed by Chi-square test to assess the difference between the two sealants; a values of <0.05 was considered as statistically significant. The results showed that although there were no significant differences between two sealants at baseline and 3 months observation period but nanoparticulated resin modified glass ionomer sealants showed better clinical performance than that of conventional glass ionomer sealants at 12 mont...

International Journal of Medical Science
This study sought to ascertain how antipsychotics affected patients with schizophrenia's salivary... more This study sought to ascertain how antipsychotics affected patients with schizophrenia's salivary flow and risk of dental caries. 24 individuals with recently diagnosed schizophrenia who were given antipsychotic medication by a licensed psychiatrist made up the study population. Patients with schizophrenia who are on first-generation antipsychotic medications make up 12 participants, while patients with schizophrenia who are taking second-generation antipsychotic medications make up another 12 participants. Participants' oral health status was assessed using the decay index/missing/filled teeth (DMFT) and salivary flow rate. The results of this study indicate that in the first-generation group, 50.0% of patients were hydrated for 30 to 60 seconds, 66.7% of patients had foamy or bubbly saliva, 50% of patients had a PH of 6.0 to 6.8, and the mean salivation rate was 0.13 ± 0.06 milliliters per minute. In the second-generation group B, the mean salivation rate was 0.24 ± 0.09 (ml/min), 66.7% of patients had frothy or bubbly saliva, 66.7% had saliva with a PH of 6.8-7.8, and 58.3% had hydration 30 seconds. In terms of DMFT, 41.6 and 41.7% of patients in both groups they have had DMFT 0 at day zero. The DMFT score of zero, however, rapidly reduced in the second-generation group while remaining constant in the first-generation group. At 12 months, the variations in DMFT between the two groups were statistically significant (P <0.005). In conclusion, 2nd generation drug recipients with schizophrenia had much better oral health than the 1st generation group.
International Journal of Medical Science

Journal of Clinical Laser Medicine & Surgery, 2001
Objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate the acquired acid resistance of human den... more Objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate the acquired acid resistance of human dental enamel and dentin treated by 38% diamine silver fluoride [Ag(NH 3) 2 F] solution and semiconductor (diode) laser irradiation in vitro. Background Data: There have been no reports on the acid-resistant effect by combined use of fluoride and semiconductor laser. Methods: Sixty crowns of extracted human molars were divided into two groups for enamel and dentin samples, and each group was subdivided into three subgroups of 10 each. Each subgroup of enamel and dentin samples served as a control; one was treated with Ag(NH 3) 2 F and the other was treated with Ag(NH 3) 2 F and semiconductor laser irradiation at 2 W for 30 sec. Then all samples were immersed in 5 ml of 0.1 M lactic acid (pH 4.8) at 37°C for 24 h. The concentration of calcium ion (Ca 21) dissolved in the solution was measured by atomic absorption spectrophotometry, and the samples were observed by stereoscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Results: In both enamel and dentin samples, dissolved Ca 21 concentration in Ag(NH 3) 2 For Ag(NH 3) 2 F-and laser-treated group was significantly decreased compared with that in the control (p , 0.01). SEM findings showed that numerous cubic particles ranging from 0.1 to 0.5 mm were observed only in the combined treated groups of both enamel and dentin samples. Conclusions: A significantly decreased solubility of human enamel and dentin was acquired after treatment by Ag(NH 3) 2 F and semiconductor laser irradiation, which suggested that this combined use has the capability of a more efficient acid-resistant effect on human dental hard tissues.

Journal of Clinical Laser Medicine & Surgery, 2000
This investigation was performed to evaluate the possibility of the removal of canine gingival me... more This investigation was performed to evaluate the possibility of the removal of canine gingival melanin pigmentation with the semiconductor diode (SCD) laser in vivo. Recently, a semiconductor laser, which can ablate soft tissue, has been developed. It is already used in dentistry as well as in medicine. The SCD laser was irradiated on the pigmented area of canine gingival surface with the irradiation output of 3W. The effect of the SCD laser irradiation was evaluated at the two intervals: immediately after irradiation and at 3 weeks following irradiation. In addition, histological examination was performed before irradiation and at the same intervals from the biopsies (4 microm) of unlased and lased areas. The SCD laser was effective in removing melanin pigmentation. In histological examination, neither inflammatory cell nor any tissue damage was observed with hematoxylin-eosin staining. At 3 weeks, there was a continuous healing process with the proliferation of squamous epithelial cells. SCD laser irradiation can be considered an alternative procedure for removal of melanin pigmentation.

Int. j. adv. multidisc. res. stud. 2023; 3(4):367-370, 2023
This study looked at the negative effects of passive smoking on one's health as well as how the s... more This study looked at the negative effects of passive smoking on one's health as well as how the socio-demographics of tobacco users affected those effects. The National Institute of Preventive and Social Medicine (NIPSOM), in Dhaka, Bangladesh, conducted this cross-sectional study. The survey included 150 adult males and female respondents in total. Age was determined to be averaged at 38.93 ± 2.04. The majority of respondents (103.36%) smoke smokeless tobacco, while 30% of respondents reported being unemployed based on their profession. The problem with smoking revealed that environmental pollution was a 91.3% problem, problems with pregnant women were 89.3% problems, and the majority (52.67%) had breathing problems and 34.67% had teeth pain. It can be concluded that smoking poses a serious threat to the world's public health, causing serious mental and physical health problems. Implementing focused preventative interventions is therefore essential to deterring tobacco use. It would also be helpful to perform more research on how tobacco users estimate danger.

International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies, 2023
This descriptive type of cross-sectional study was conducted with the aid of a standardized quest... more This descriptive type of cross-sectional study was conducted with the aid of a standardized questionnaire and check list, information was gathered through face-to-face interviews and clinical examinations. The respondents ranged in age from 15 to 74 (46.46 ± 11.24), 62% male and 38% female. 79% did not treatment periodontitis previously; 60% brush their teeth before breakfast, 69.3% brush their teeth once daily, 53.3% used toothpaste for brushing, 74.7% did not use flosses, and 82% did not used mouth wash. 32% participants have periodontal pocket and according to index 34% of them had grade 4 periodontitis, 24% grade x periodontitis, 18.3% grade I periodontitis, (10%) grade 3 periodontitis, (7.3%) grade 2 periodontitis and rest (6%) had grade 1 periodontitis, 76.7% of them had periodontitis, and rest of them (23.3%) had not. 85% of them were have no hepatitis, 98% of them were have no tuberculosis, 53.3% of them were have high blood pressure, 53.7% smoker, 56.7% had tobacco chewing habit. Regarding periodontitis, clinical factors hepatitis, high blood pressure were statistically significant (X 2 =10.59 df=1 P=.001), (X 2 =51.92 df=1 P<0.01) and tuberculosis was not statistically significant (X 2 =1.99 df=1 P=.160), while the life style factors like tooth brushing time, used of mouth wash, used of dental floss, tobacco chewing habit and smoking were highly statistically significant (X 2 =14.80 df=3 p=.002), (X 2 =42.74 df=1 p<0.01), (X 2 =17.34 df=1 p<0.01), (X 2 =38.99 df=1 p<0.01) and (X 2 =28.30 df=1 p<0.01). The study findings recommended for provision of essential dental health services (especially periodontitis) to the diabetic patient for prevention and control of various dental health problems.

This study sought to ascertain how antipsychotics affected patients with schizophrenia's salivary... more This study sought to ascertain how antipsychotics affected patients with schizophrenia's salivary flow and risk of dental caries. 24 individuals with recently diagnosed schizophrenia who were given antipsychotic medication by a licensed psychiatrist made up the study population. Patients with schizophrenia who are on first-generation antipsychotic medications make up 12 participants, while patients with schizophrenia who are taking second-generation antipsychotic medications make up another 12 participants. Participants' oral health status was assessed using the decay index/missing/filled teeth (DMFT) and salivary flow rate. The results of this study indicate that in the first-generation group, 50.0% of patients were hydrated for 30 to 60 seconds, 66.7% of patients had foamy or bubbly saliva, 50% of patients had a PH of 6.0 to 6.8, and the mean salivation rate was 0.13 ± 0.06 milliliters per minute. In the second-generation group B, the mean salivation rate was 0.24 ± 0.09 (ml/min), 66.7% of patients had frothy or bubbly saliva, 66.7% had saliva with a PH of 6.8-7.8, and 58.3% had hydration 30 seconds. In terms of DMFT, 41.6 and 41.7% of patients in both groups they have had DMFT 0 at day zero. The DMFT score of zero, however, rapidly reduced in the second-generation group while remaining constant in the first-generation group. At 12 months, the variations in DMFT between the two groups were statistically significant (P <0.005). In conclusion, 2nd generation drug recipients with schizophrenia had much better oral health than the 1st generation group.
Papers by Mozammal Hossain