I'm no longer a BSG girl, but I still feel welcome here. :)
When I say no longer a BSG girl, I mean my parents moved & they're selling the house in BSG. I'm so upset about it too! :( And I now live in Johnson City with my boyfriend. <3
Anyway, Spring is on it's way here & fast! Like today, it's very beautiful outside!
So yeah, I have plans for spring break & I'm getting more excited about it every day! My parents asked me to go with them to Vegas (don't even comment that I'm not old enough to gamble, i hate gambling!). So, that's what I'm doing. We're flying out & staying with my uncle. I plan on SHOPPING! The only part I don't like is that Michael, my boyfriend, didn't want to go ... so I'll be missing him. My little sister is going, so I plan on bonding & making up for lost time with her. :)
I've posted some pictures from christmas in my journal recently, so just go there to see them.
Okay, yay for updates!