Ovaj dodatak nije testiran s najnovija 3 glavna izdanja WordPress-a. Možda se više ne održava ili se ne podržava i može imati problema sa kompatibilnošću kada se koristi sa novijim verzijama WordPress-a.

Template SEO Checker


This plugin allows you to check if current template your are using for your website is SEO friendly or not. Why is this important? If you want to reach as many people as possible, first of all you might take care about your SEO On page. And this is exactly what this plugin does.

This plugin, tries to help you to optimize your SEO On page by telling you which things you could change in order to improve your ranking at SERP. Because you should never forget that if your website ranks better than other, more visits you will have and more money will you earn. (because all this is about the money, isn't it?)

If you are looking more information about SEO optimization check my SEO blog and enjoy yourself!

Este plugin te permite comprobar si tu plantilla/tema de WordPress está optimizada para SEO o no. ¿Porqué es importante? Si quieres impactar al mayor número de personas posbile, lo primero que debes tener en cuenta es el SEO On page, y esto es exactamente lo que este plugin hace.

Template SEO Checker, te ayudará a optimizar tu SEO On page, diciéndote las cosas que podrías cambiar para mejorar tu posición en el ranking de las páginas de resultados de los buscadores. Nunca debes olvidar que si un sitio web posiciona mejor que otro, obtendrá más visitas y muy probablemente generará más dinero. (¿Porque todo se basa en ganar dinero, no?)

Si buscas más información sobre optimización SEO puedes visitar blog de SEO y disfrutar!

Slike ekrana

  • Main board after plugin installation
  • A list of wordpress posts and current SEO score.
  • Detailed factor score after check SEO score for a URL


  1. Download Template SEO Checker for WordPress plugin ‘template-seo-checker.zip’
  2. Login to WordPress and go to Plugins-> Add New -> Upload
  3. Click the Choose File button and select template-seo-checker.zip from your hard drive.
  4. Click Install Now
  5. Once the plugin has been installed, click Activate.
  6. Check configuration options and adjust them.


  1. Download Template SEO Checker for WordPress plugin ‘template-seo-checker.zip’. Extract the contents of the file.
  2. Using your favourite FTP client, upload the folder to ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ on your server.
  3. Login to your WordPress account and go to the Plugins page.
  4. Activate the plugin.
  5. Check configuration options and adjust them.


Why is important that my wordpress template is SEO ready?

If you have been installed this plugin, it is possible that you already know the answer. There are two big areas in the SEO world, the SEO Off page (link building, social media, domain authority…) and SEO On page (website faster, optimized, HTML5 ready, with rich snippets, etc).

This plugin, tries to help you to optimize your SEO On page by telling you which things you could change in order to improve your ranking at SERP. Because you should never forget that if your website ranks better than other, more visits you will have and more money will you earn. (because all this is about the money, isn't it?)

Can you explain me in more deep every SEO factor?

Sure, all of them are detailed inside plugin's FAQ section.

How you determine final score?

Based on my experience of SEO manager I developed an algorithm who scraps your theme and check every factor defined in the plugin to know if your template is SEO friendly. Then, foreach factor your theme gets an score and the sum of all of them determines the current URL score.

What should I do if my wordpress template had a lower score?

If you don't care about SEO, don't do anything. If you care about SEO and you don't mind about your design you can try another wordpress theme. If you really like your current theme, you can try to fix the errors manually. And if you don't have the knowledge to fix the errors manually you can try to hire me.

Can I hire you to check and fix my wordpress site to be ready for SEO?

Of course! You can contact me anytime writing me or following on Google+, Twitter, Linkedin, Facebook or in my personal site. Tell me about you and your site and let's see if we come to an agreement.


Nema recenzija za ovaj dodatak.

Saradnici i programeri

“Template SEO Checker” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


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Zapis promijena


  • Version number fixed.


  • Readme.txt is updated


  • Profile author pic updated.


  • Initial release.