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Embed Tweets without compromising your users’ privacy and your site's performance. This plugin works with the built-in Tweet Gutenberg block by removing Twitter's script and using Twitter's API to retrieve the data.

You can optionally provide Twitter API keys to show the number of likes and retweets and load images and other media in Tweets.

Learn more | View source

FAQ and Troubleshooting

Tweets are not loading

Please make sure your API keys are set up correctly and that you're using the v2 of Twitter's API. (See the Get Started section.)

I need to run a script after Tweets are processed

You can use the tembeds_tweets_processed event. Using jQuery as an example, you could do the following:

$( document ).on( 'tembeds_tweets_processed', function(){
    $( '.twitter-tweet' ).each( function(){
        let $tweet = $( this );
        // Now you can do something with each Tweet.
    } );
} );

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“TEmbeds” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


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