Oznaka dodatka: Parent
Parent Category Toggler
(15 ukupno ocjena)Automatically toggle the parent categories when a sub category is selected.
Custom Post Type Parents
(6 ukupno ocjena)Set a "parent page" for custom post types that is indicated in menus, lists of pages, and the Simple Section Navigation widget.
TreePress – Easy Family Trees & Ancestor Profiles
(18 ukupno ocjena)TreePress is a simple solution for creating and displaying family trees on WordPress.
Filter Pages by parent in admin
(6 ukupno ocjena)Filter pages in the wp-admin by their parent pages
Remove Parents
(0 ukupno ocjena)Remove Parents is a tiny plugin which remove "category" and parent categories from permalink.
Taxonomy Tree Toggler
(0 ukupno ocjena)Check all parent taxonomies on check, uncheck all sub-taxnomies on uncheck. Compatible with WordPress Gutenberg. Working with WordPress hierarchical …
Category Parent Children Selector
(1 ukupno ocjena)Helps you in selecting parent-children categories.
JSM Inherit Parent Featured Image
(3 ukupno ocjena)Inherit the featured image from the Post, Page, or Custom Post Type parent, grand-parent, great-grand-parent, etc.
Ambrosite Unlink Parent Pages
(1 ukupno ocjena)Unlinks parent pages in page menus and lists. Useful for creating dropdown menus with top-level placeholders. Affects the output of wp_list_pages and …
Redirect 404 to parent
(2 ukupno ocjena)This plugin helps you redirect any 404 request to the parent URL.
Change Media Parent
(1 ukupno ocjena)Allows editors to change the parent post of an attachment after it has been set.
Simple Page Hierarchy Widget
(4 ukupno ocjena)Displays the most logical arrangement of Parent, Child, & Grandchild pages.
Ambrosite Unlink Parent Categories
(1 ukupno ocjena)Unlinks parent categories/taxonomies in category menus and lists. Useful for creating dropdown menus with top-level placeholders.
Parent Page Link
(0 ukupno ocjena)This widget plugin will display a backlink to the parent page at the end of subpages
Change Comment Parent
(2 ukupno ocjena)Simple plug-in for editing the parent comments to any user comments. Use it to edit the threaded structure comments.
Concat Parent Page Slugs
(0 ukupno ocjena)Add template file loading rule for 'Pages'. When loading the template of the child page, preferentially loading the template file that conca …
Update Permalink/Slug Previews in Admin
(0 ukupno ocjena)Automatically reloads permalink/slug previews in admin edit view when changing a page's parent or the categories of a post.