Flush OPcache
- creates a button in admin bar to flush OPcache
- flush only files in WordPress absolute path
- individual or bulk file invalidation
- support both memory and file caching
- support multisite
OPcache Statistics
- memory, hits, strings and keys statistics
- directives, functions and general informations
- list all files
- fully responsive
WP CLI ready
- add flush-opcache command to flush cache with cli:
wp flush-opcache flush
- don't forget to add
to your PHP configuration
There are three tabs in admin page under Tools:
- General settings: plugin settings
- Statistics: responsive dashboard about OPcache statistics
- Cached files: list of cached files with the possibility of invalidating them
Slike ekrana
As usual…
20. Februara 2025.
1 reply
First, thank you! Second, please update it!!!
8. Septembra 2024.
1 reply
I have 2 wordpress sites on my server and one was always fast and one always slow ( and this would swap around)
Using your plugin I could see that the Opcache memory was full and also what all the settings were.
I added some settings to /etc/php/8.1/cli/conf.d/10-opcache.ini and now both my wordpress sites are fast !
18. Augusta 2022.
Thanks and keep going please! 🙂
7. Juna 2022.
Good way to find out how well your opcache setup works
21. Maja 2021.
Läuft einwandfrei und tut genau das, was es soll!
15. Marta 2021.
Does what is says, fantastic plugin
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“WP OPcache” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.
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Zapis promijena
- Ensure user is admin or superadmin to display flush button in admin bar
- Ensure to not continue if OPcache is disabled or not installed to avoid printing PHP errors
- Maintenance release
- Menu moved under Tools
- Add CLI support
- Fix a bug on clearing cache after upgrade
- Flush files even when WP use its own directory
- Use WordPress 6.0 as default
- Use php8.0 as default
- Fix a bug on datetime in cached file list
- Fix a bug with ABSPATH when WordPress uses its own directory
- Tested up to WordPress 5.8
- Remove i18n (use translate.wordpress.org)
- Use wp_opcache_invalidate instead of opcache_invalidate
- Enhance README.txt
- Remove old screenshots
- Invalidate files only in WordPress absolute path
- Use tabs instead of pages in admin area
- New tab with cached files list
- Tested up to WordPress 5.7.1
Full changelog here