Ovaj dodatak nije testiran s najnovija 3 glavna izdanja WordPress-a. Možda se više ne održava ili se ne podržava i može imati problema sa kompatibilnošću kada se koristi sa novijim verzijama WordPress-a.

EFavourite Posts


Do you want to allow your users to add Most Favorite Posts in WordPress Website?

Here is the most favorite post plug-in for WordPress which allows your website visitors to add favorite posts. This plug-in also uses cookies for saving data so unregistered users can also favorite a post.

How to Allow Users to Add Favorite Posts in WordPress?

You have two options to set favorite posts with login user or without login.

  • If a user logged in then favorite’s data will be saved in the database instead of cookies.
  • If user not logged in data will be saved in cookies.

You have also option to set for only registered users can favorite posts as well as where to show favorite posts link for adding a post as favorite. You can set widget for favorite posts where the user can see most visited posts on your website. For this, you have to put below function where you want to display your EFavorite Posts widget.

Plug-in also support custom posts so that your user can favorite unlimited post types by selecting posts to display favorite option on any post type from “Custom Posts Settings”.

you can also create a page template for display favorite posts list for specific user and for this one you have to add this shortcode: {{efav-favourite-posts}} to the content area.

Most Favourited Posts

If you use WP Super Cache you must add page (which you show favorites) URI to “Accepted Filenames &
Rejected URIs

  • If a user logged in then favourites data will saved in database instead of cookies.
  • If user not logged in data will saved in cookies.

If you need support create a topic on support forum

Slike ekrana

  • General Settings
  • Label Settings
  • Custom Posts Settings
  • Help
  • Add posts to favourite and widget
  • Page for Favourite posts list


  1. Unzip into your /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Place <?php if (function_exists('efav_link')) { efav_link(); } ?> in your
    single.php or page.php template file. Then favourite this post link will appear in all posts.
  4. OR if you DO NOT want the favourite link to appear in every post/page, DO NOT
    use the code above. Just type in [efav-link] into the selected post/page
    content and it will embed the print link into that post/page only.
  5. Create a page e.g. “Your Favourites” and insert {{efav-favourite-posts}}
    text into content section. This page will contain users favourite posts.
  6. That's it 🙂


6. Novembra 2019. 2 replies
The plugins breaks menu in my theme, options in another plugin. Very weird. And the favorites page won’t show anything on my site. I don’t have time to investigate more. Quite disappointing.
8. Jula 2019.
I don't know this is bug or what, but i got some problem : I have tested with admin account, but i didn't saw anything display after click favourite feature. Then i tested with guest and found that it worked well. It look like that the background from image with extension “.png” file won't transparent as it should be Anyway, thank you for great plugin, this is very useful
6. Maja 2019.
Plugin does what it supposed to do. Easy way to let users bookmark post (and cpts) as favorite.
24. Aprila 2018.
I have tried many of favourites plugin but at last this one is best to use.even it supports cookie so without login user can favourites.Love this plugin!
Read all 6 reviews

Saradnici i programeri

“EFavourite Posts” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


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