Kontakt forma 7


Contact Form 7 is a plugin designed to be a practical tool for all WordPress users who embrace the philosophy of free and open source software. It employs sophisticatedly modularized architecture and its original Schema-Woven Validation technology.

Dokumentacija i podrška

You can find docs, FAQ and more detailed information about Contact Form 7 on contactform7.com. When you cannot find the answer to your question on the FAQ or in any of the documentation, check the support forum on WordPress.org. If you cannot locate any topics that pertain to your particular issue, post a new topic for it.

Contact Form 7 treba tvoju podršku

It is hard to continue to maintain this plugin without support from users like you. There are several ways for you to contribute to the project: testing, coding, translating it into your local languages, helping other users, financial donations, etc, etc. We equally welcome you regardless of the way you contribute.

Obavijesti o privatnosti

Sa zadanom konfiguracijom, sam po sebi, ovaj dodatak:

  • ne prati korisnike potajno;
  • ne zapisuje bilo koje osobne podatke korisnika u bazu podataka;
  • ne šalje bilo koje podatke na vanjske poslužitelje;
  • ne koristi kolačiće.

Ako aktivirate određene značajke u ovom dodatku, osobni podaci podnositelja kontakt obrasca, uključujući njihovu IP adresu, mogu se poslati pružatelju usluga. Stoga se preporučuje potvrđivanje pravila o privatnosti pružatelja usluge. Te značajke uključuju:

Slike ekrana

  • screenshot-1.png


Ovaj dodatak omogućava 1 blok.

  • Contact Form 7 Insert a contact form you have created with Contact Form 7.


  1. Prenesite cijelu contact-form-7 mapu u /wp-content/plugins/ direktorij.
  2. Aktivirajte dodatak preko Dodaci zaslona (Dodaci > Instalirani dodaci).

Naći ćete Kontakt meni na svom WordPress administratorskom panelu.

Za osnovnu upotrebu možete pogledati i početnu stranicu dodatka.


Imate li pitanja ili problema s Contact Form 7? Koristite ove kanale za podršku na odgovarajući način.

  1. Dokumentacija
  2. FAQ
  3. Forum podrške



17. Februara 2025. 1 reply
I noticed no email has been sent for these years. I spent a lot of time tweaking the Mail Setting due to the rigid rules that won't accept email addresses with different URLs, but nothing worked. I have switched to Ninja Forms. While my website using this plugin is not my primary one, I am so sad that I haven't received any emails because of this plugin.
17. Februara 2025.
This plugin is really simple easy to use for the people who are starting with wordpress. 100% Recommended
30. Januara 2025. 1 reply
Contact form 7 is an essential WordPress plugin, offering everything from top-notch security and performance improvements to social sharing tools and analytics. At WPHostee.com, our WordPress devs always install Contact Form 7 on every project we take on, as it’s a reliable tool that enhances the overall quality and functionality of our client sites.
21. Januara 2025.
I’ve been using Contact Form 7 for years, and it’s undoubtedly one of the most reliable and versatile plugins for creating contact forms. Its simplicity, compatibility, and lightweight nature make it an excellent choice for WordPress users. The ease of customization and integration with other tools is impressive, and it has served my websites flawlessly. That said, I’d love to see a few enhancements to make this plugin even better. Adding a built-in date and calendar feature would simplify creating forms for bookings or appointments. Improving dropdown menu styling options would also be a great touch to enhance form aesthetics. Overall, this plugin remains a must-have for any WordPress site, and I look forward to seeing its future updates!
9. Januara 2025.
This is the one plugin i used o my every wordpress site. its keeps getting better. However we would to see some more features like Calender and recapthca implementation with this form with ease.
Read all 2.128 reviews

Saradnici i programeri

“Kontakt forma 7” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


“Kontakt forma 7” je prijeveden na 67 dijalekata. Zahvala prevodiocima za njihov doprinos.

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  • Updates the copyright year to 2025.
  • Updates the “Contact Form 7 needs your support” message content.
  • Updates the Constant Contact deprecation warning.


  • Removes unnecessary type declaration from nullable arguments to avoid deprecation warnings in PHP 8.4.

















