Click to Call or Chat Buttons


  • Add a custom button for calling via mobile phone.
  • Add a custom button for calling or chat on WhatsApp.
  • Add a custom text.
  • Easy configuration of colors, sizes and distances as desired.
  • Event Tracking for Google Analytics.

A flexible module which adds two buttons that can be called directly by phone or WhatsApp.

This plugin adds two full configurable buttons on the website that allows direct dialing via mobile phone or WhatsApp with a simple click.

The buttons are fully configurable and offer the possibility to add a custom text.
You can change the colors, text size, edges and position of the buttons.

How to configure?

Fill in the phone numbers “Phone number to call” and “WhatsApp number to call” and the texts associated with them “Phone number (or text) to display” or “WhatsApp number (or text) to display”
The associated texts will only appear in the box if you fill them in with their icons.
It is recommended for phone numbers to contain the country code (prefix) and to be in a callable format (for example “+41987654321”). However, the associated texts can contain any text or any format of telephone numbers (for example “Call Us” or “0987.654.321”)

Choose the colors

If you do not want a specific color and prefere the element to be transparent, then delete the color from the corresponding field.

Set the positioning

In the “Topography” group set the active fields, display mode and position.

Also in “Restrict appearance” set on which pages the buttons will appear. If you select “Only on pages” or “Not on pages” then fill in the ID of the pages or posts separated by commas.

Set events tracking

If the Google Analytics tracking code is already added to the page, then choose the appropriate version to track events.
The module will automatically add the tracking script and you will be able to find the events in Google Analytics by clicking Behavior> Events> Overview

Save changes

After checking the completed fields, save the changes and retouch the appearance if necessary.


Finally, test if buttons call the right numbers and verify the Google Analytics events traking.

Slike ekrana

  • Click to Call or Chat Buttons tempates


Install the module following the usual procedure and activate it.

  1. From your WordPress Dashboard go to “Plugins” > “Add new” and search for “Click to Call or Chat Buttons”.
  2. Click “Install Now” under the title of the “Click to Call or Chat Buttons” plugin and click “activate”.
  3. Go to “Settings” > ‘Click to Call or Chat Buttons’, enter your phone numbers and check the buttons status box to activate.
  4. Click “Save” and check your website front page to see the buttons.


  1. Upload the “click-to-call-or-chat-buttons” folder to the “/wp-content/plugins/” directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the “Plugins” menu in WordPress
  3. Go to ‘Settings’ > ‘Click to Call or Chat Buttons’, enter your phone numbers and check the buttons status box to activate.
  4. Click ‘Save’ and check your website front page to see the buttons.


I updated the button but I'm not seeing the changes on my website

You have a caching plugin active on your website and you are looking at a cached version of your website. Delete/empty the cache and reload your website.


31. Januara 2024.
<!– wp:paragraph –> <p class=””>A very nice and easy to use plugin. waiting for updates</p> <!– /wp:paragraph –>
Read all 3 reviews

Saradnici i programeri

“Click to Call or Chat Buttons” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


“Click to Call or Chat Buttons” je prijeveden na 6 dijalekata. Zahvala prevodiocima za njihov doprinos.

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Zapis promijena


  • Initial release.= 1.1.0 =
  • Icon changed.


  • Banners changed.


  • Banners changed.


  • Small corrections.


  • SEO improvements for Lighthouse report,
  • Fix Cross Site Scripting vulnerability in admin (thanks to


  • WordPress version updated.