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AJAX Thumbnail Rebuild


AJAX Thumbnail Rebuild allows you to rebuild all thumbnails on your site. There are already some plugins available for this, but they have one thing in common: All thumbnails are rebuilt in a single step. This works fine when you don’t have that many photos on your site. When you have a lot of full-size photos, the script on the server side takes a long time to run. Unfortunately the time a script is allowed to run is limited, which sets an upper limit to the number of thumbnails you can regenerate. This number depends on the server configuration and the computing power your server has available. When you get over this limit, you won’t be able to rebuild your thumbnails.

Why would you want to rebuild your thumbnails? WordPress allows you to change the size of thumbnails. This way, you can make the size of thumbnails fit the design of your website. When you change the size to fit for a new theme, all future photos you are going to upload will have this new size. Your old thumbnails won’t be resized. That’s where this plugin comes into action. After changing the image sizes, you can rebuild all thumbnails. But instead of telling the server to recreate all thumbnails at once, they are rebuilt one after another. Rebuilding thumbnails for one photo won’t take all too long, so you won’t run into any script timeouts. Note that you still have to wait until all thumbnails have been rebuilt. If you close the page before the task is completed, you have to start all over again.

You can also select the thumbnail sizes you want to rebuild, so that you don't need to recreate all images if you've just changed one thumbnail-size. You can also choose to only rebuild post thumbnails (featured images).

This plugin requires JavaScript to be enabled.

Contributions are welcome at Github

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  • Plugin in action


Upload the plugin to your blog, activate it, done. You can then rebuild all thumbnails in the tools section (Tools -> Rebuild Thumbnails).


16. Maja 2024.
No replies to support queries for over a year so it seems like a dead plugin. hopefully you backup your site before trying this.
8. Marta 2024.
This is a great plugin, easy to use and it should be in Core in some way or form. It's ridiculous that Woo does automatic thumbnail regeneration, but WP Core doesn't. Thanks for this.
12. Marta 2021.
Nice plugin, very useful, efficiency top. Make it automatic for every new photo or drawing in medias, it will be giant !!! 😉
9. Septembra 2019.
My site has 7600 images, no other regeneration plugin would come close to finishing the process. This did the trick! Even though it hasn't been tested with the latest three updates of WordPress, it ran perfectly fine. I hope the developer keeps this one alive. It saved me! No other plugin would work in this situation. Word of caution as stated in the description. Do not close the window, or allow your computer to hibernate. If you have a lot of images, leave the window open, turn off sleep mode in your control panel settings and play movies so images dont burn into your screen. Thank you so much! I can't stand bloat on my server. This really did its job. and it was a big job.
Read all 89 reviews

Saradnici i programeri

“AJAX Thumbnail Rebuild” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


“AJAX Thumbnail Rebuild” je prijeveden na 15 dijalekata. Zahvala prevodiocima za njihov doprinos.

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Zapis promijena


  • Fix security issues (props @patchstack)
  • Fix Github link (props @Julix91 @garretthyder)
  • Fix crop-settings for additional sizes (props @karlkowald)


  • Compatibility with PHP 7.2 (props @thomas-gordon)
  • Implemented throttling and retries for image regeneration (props @da2x)



  • Compatibility with PHP7


  • FIX: An issue where rebuilding thumbnails in the media gallery
    would not work


  • FIX: An issue where the plugin would sometimes break the media gallery.


  • NEW: Rebuild thumbnails of single images on the media attachment page.


  • NEW: Checkboxes can be activated by clicking on text.


  • NEW: Slovak translation, provided by Branco Radenovich.


  • FIX: Don't create metadata with empty size when original image is smaller
    than the target size.


  • FIX: Don't forget metadata for sizes that aren't rebuilt.
  • FIX: Option to only rebuild featured images should now work correctly.
  • FIX: Don't fail if there are no attachments.
  • NEW: It's now possible to toggle all selected sizes.
  • NEW: Added translation: German.


  • Add option to only rebuild post thumbnails (featured images)


  • Tested with WordPress 3.2


  • Fixed: Show correct height value for thumbnails.


  • You can now select which thumbnail sizes you want to rebuild. Thanks to Nicolas Juen!


  • Tested with WordPress 3.0


  • Initial release