Papers by Edinaldo Tebaldi
We thank William Greene for his helpful feedback on model specification and Reagan Baughman for h... more We thank William Greene for his helpful feedback on model specification and Reagan Baughman for her valuable critique of an early version of this paper. We also thank Padmaja Ayyagri, Michael Baker, Shilpi Bhardwaj, Lewis Davis, and Ilyana Kuziemko for insightful comments that improved the paper
ABSTRACT This research examines whether knowledge spillover exists in the United States and Brazi... more ABSTRACT This research examines whether knowledge spillover exists in the United States and Brazil, as proposed by Lucas [1988], Romer [1990] and Acemoglu [1996]. Specically, this paper uses a quasi-Mincerian approach to verify wether the concentration of college-educated individuals employed in the business service sector contributes to increased productivity in other sectors of the economy. We estimate the return to education in major market sectors using data from the 2008 U.S. Current Population Survey (March supplement) and from the 2008 Brazilian household survey (PNAD). This paper nds evidence of a positive and signicant spillover eect. In addition, this paper also nds evidence of increasing returns to education in Brazil, and diminishing returns to education in the United States.

This dissertation contributes to the literature by investigating the links between institutions a... more This dissertation contributes to the literature by investigating the links between institutions and innovation from both a theoretical and an empirical standpoint. Specifically, this dissertation (i) develops a theoretical growth model that explicitly accounts for the influences of institutions on technical innovation and output production; (ii) specifies an empirical model suitable to examine the affect of institutions on technical innovation based on a theoretical model; and (iii) tests if different measures of institutions (i.e., Control of Corruption, Rule of Law, Regulatory Quality and Expropriation Risk) have differentiated impacts on innovation. A major prediction of the theoretical model is that better institutional arrangements boost innovation and thus economic growth. The lack of right institutions will retard or prevent the utilization of newly invented inputs in the productive process, leading to relatively lower levels of output. Therefore, controlling for all other determinants of income, countries or regions that experience institutional constraints preventing the adoption of newly invented technologies will be expected to lag behind in terms of growth and levels of output per capita. Additionally, the x ii Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. theoretical model shows that this gap does not vanish over time. The model also predicts that in the steady state the stock of human capital should not be associated with the growth rate of output, but rather that the growth rate of human capital should be associated with the growth rate of output. The empirical analysis uses cross-country data and instrumental variables in order to examine the influences of institutions on technical innovation. The results support the argument that institutions explain much of the variation on patent production across countries and this finding is consistent across countries that are both on and off the technological frontier. The empirical results also provide evidence that control of corruption, market-friendly policies, protection of private propriety and a more effective judiciary system have growth effects on income because institutional quality affects an economy's rate of innovation. Ultimately, innovation is the engine of economic growth. This study also finds evidence that geography, p e r se, does not explain innovation across countries. Geography affects innovation, but only through institutions. x iii Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Social Science Research Network, 2011
ABSTRACT This study develops an economic indicator tailored to measure economic conditions at the... more ABSTRACT This study develops an economic indicator tailored to measure economic conditions at the state level by recognizing a state's economy is an integrated part of the region and responds to both regional and national economic outlooks. This paper applies our methodology to the state of Rhode Island. In the case of Rhode Island, the addition of a regional economic indicator appears to make a significant improvement over the the Philadelphia FED Coincident Index. Moreover, the robustness analysis above shows that economic indicator developed to tracks the business cycles in Rhode Island perform quite well and that the indicator is robust to various identification schemes. Therefore, we believe this preliminary study indicates that it is worthwhile to expand this project to include all fifty states.
There is much commentary making claims about Rhode Island’s economy. It is easy to get wrapped up... more There is much commentary making claims about Rhode Island’s economy. It is easy to get wrapped up in headline-grabbing statistics. But economics is more nuanced than that. It is important to parse which signals are most important without feeding preconceived or ideological notions. In my assessment, while our economy still has vulnerabilities resulting from decades-old structural problems that require attention, it is undeniable that the state’s position has improved significantly
This report provides a data-driven and comprehensive assessment of the economic impact and tax in... more This report provides a data-driven and comprehensive assessment of the economic impact and tax incidence implications of economic activities at the Quonset Business Park.

O objetivo deste artigo é verificar se o capital humano é um determinante importante da mudança e... more O objetivo deste artigo é verificar se o capital humano é um determinante importante da mudança estrutural nos diferentes setores da economia e se este pode acelerar a velocidade dessa transformação estrutural. Este artigo contribui com a literatura ao desenvolver um teste empírico do modelo proposto por e ao utilizar o Método Generalizado de Momentos (GMM), que considera o problema de endogeneidade encontrado nas variáveis de capital humano. O artigo também utiliza duas proxies para capital humano e mudança estrutural, a fim de verificar se elas afetam ou não a variável de interesse e também para fornecer resultados robustos. Os resultados encontrados mostraram que o capital humano tem um papel essencial no processo de transformação estrutural da economia, uma vez que afeta a participação relativa dos setores no valor agregado total ou no emprego total. Além disso, o capital humano mostrou-se como um potencial acelerador dessa transformação estrutural.

Revista Brasileira de Economia, 2024
This article examines the role of institutions and entrepreneurship to foster economic developmen... more This article examines the role of institutions and entrepreneurship to foster economic development under increasing complex economic structures caused by structural changes. The empirical work utilizes data from several sources including the Penn World Table 9.1, The Global Entrepreneurship and Development Institute, the Observatory of Economic Complexity (OEC) at the MIT, and The International Country Risk Guide (ICRG). The empirical work circumvents the endogeneity and heterogeneity problem that plague crosscountry regressions by using the Arellano and Bover (1995) and Blundell and Bond (1998) system GMM estimator. The results show that while entrepreneurship is positively correlated to economic development, this correlation disappears when controlling for heterogeneity and/or for differences in quality of institutions. There is also evidence that the importance of institutional quality for economic development increases when an economy become more complex. Overall, findings of this research suggest that quality of institutions is not only important to foster entrepreneurship, but also very important to mediate complex economic structures that emerge as part of the development process and structural changes. The main policy implication of this work is that economies in transition must take steps to improve the quality of their institutions, particularly of institutions that enable productive entrepreneurship and mediate the increased complexity resulting from the inherent structural transformation associated with economic development.
Agri-food system is dynamic and competitive. Primary sector accounts for a small share of GDP and... more Agri-food system is dynamic and competitive. Primary sector accounts for a small share of GDP and employment. Rural-urban gap closes significantly. Poverty is delinked from agriculture and the rural space.
from the Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Development in Transition Economies (IAMO), and Dr. Lo... more from the Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Development in Transition Economies (IAMO), and Dr. Loy Jens-Peter from the Christian-Albrechts Universität zu Kiel. The team is grateful for insightful peer reviewer comments from Willem G. Janssen (Lead Agriculture Economist) and Irina Schuman (Senior Agriculture Economist) that made the report stronger. The team also benefited from comments from Kateryna Schroeder and Eva Hasiner and support from Saleema Vellani, Mikhail Matytsin and Funda Canli from the World Bank.

DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Sep 1, 2003
Este artigo discute os efeitos da integração nacional à luz da teoria do crescimento endógeno. Ne... more Este artigo discute os efeitos da integração nacional à luz da teoria do crescimento endógeno. Neste sentido, avalia-se como diferentes hipóteses sobre a difusão de conhecimento e qualificação de mão-de-obra afetam as trajetórias do produto, do capital e do consumo. Mostra-se que na ausência de difusão de conhecimento a integração entre regiões desiguais faz com que aquela mais atrasada se especialize na produção de bens manufaturados, enquanto a outra permanece diversificada na produção de manufaturados e de novos projetos, governando a trajetória de crescimento de ambas as regiões. Por outro lado, se a difusão de conhecimento ocorre, ambas as regiões continuam engajadas na produção de bens manufaturados e de novas tecnologias. Além do mais, a integração nacional tem efeitos positivos sobre a trajetória de crescimento independentemente da difusão de conhecimento.

Estudos Econômicos, Sep 1, 2003
Este artigo discute os efeitos da integração nacional à luz da teoria do crescimento endógeno. Ne... more Este artigo discute os efeitos da integração nacional à luz da teoria do crescimento endógeno. Neste sentido, avalia-se como diferentes hipóteses sobre a difusão de conhecimento e qualificação de mão-de-obra afetam as trajetórias do produto, do capital e do consumo. Mostra-se que na ausência de difusão de conhecimento a integração entre regiões desiguais faz com que aquela mais atrasada se especialize na produção de bens manufaturados, enquanto a outra permanece diversificada na produção de manufaturados e de novos projetos, governando a trajetória de crescimento de ambas as regiões. Por outro lado, se a difusão de conhecimento ocorre, ambas as regiões continuam engajadas na produção de bens manufaturados e de novas tecnologias. Além do mais, a integração nacional tem efeitos positivos sobre a trajetória de crescimento independentemente da difusão de conhecimento.
Atlantic Economic Journal, Sep 10, 2011
ABSTRACT This paper uses a panel dataset from 1980 to 2008 to examine the determinants of high-te... more ABSTRACT This paper uses a panel dataset from 1980 to 2008 to examine the determinants of high-technology exports. This research finds evidence that human capital, inflows of foreign direct investments, and openness to international trade are the major factors impacting the performance of a country's high-tech industry in the global market. It also shows that institutions do not have a direct impact on high-tech exports. However, institutions might impact high-tech exports indirectly via their effect on proximate factors such as human capital and inflows of foreign direct investments. This paper also demonstrates that gross capital formation, savings, and macroeconomic volatility have no significant effect on high-tech exports.
Country-Diagnostic-background-note-agriculture brought to you by CORE View metadata, citation and... more Country-Diagnostic-background-note-agriculture brought to you by CORE View metadata, citation and similar papers at provided by DigitalCommons@Bryant University Romania Systematic Country Diagnostic BACKGROUND NOTE
Romania-Systematic Country Diagnostic: background note-Romania-Systematic Country Diagnostic: bac... more Romania-Systematic Country Diagnostic: background note-Romania-Systematic Country Diagnostic: background noteagriculture (English) agriculture (English)
Este artigo discute os efeitos da integração nacional à luz da teoria do crescimento endógeno. Ne... more Este artigo discute os efeitos da integração nacional à luz da teoria do crescimento endógeno. Neste sentido, avalia-se como diferentes hipóteses sobre a difusão de conhecimento e qualificação de mão-de-obra afetam as trajetórias do produto, do capital e do consumo. Mostra-se que na ausência de difusão de conhecimento a integração entre regiões desiguais faz com que aquela mais atrasada se especialize na produção de bens manufaturados, enquanto a outra permanece diversificada na produção de manufaturados e de novos projetos, governando a trajetória de crescimento de ambas as regiões. Por outro lado, se a difusão de conhecimento ocorre, ambas as regiões continuam engajadas na produção de bens manufaturados e de novas tecnologias. Além do mais, a integração nacional tem efeitos positivos sobre a trajetória de crescimento independentemente da difusão de conhecimento.

Southern Economic Journal, Sep 26, 2017
There is substantial evidence on the importance of education as a driver of earnings, productivit... more There is substantial evidence on the importance of education as a driver of earnings, productivity, and economic growth. However, knowledge of the specific role of associates degrees in U.S. economic growth is limited. We analyze the sources of U.S. economic growth and identify the contribution of associates degree holders to improvements in earnings, labor quality, productivity, and overall economic growth. We find evidence that substitution toward workers with associates degrees has increased U.S. earnings, aggregate labor quality, and productivity, and that these effects are concentrated in the health care, trade, and government sectors. While the average educational attainment of people entering the labor force has plateaued, our results suggest that shifting workers from some college to associate degrees could improve earnings, the quality of the workforce, productivity, and growth, potentially without more time spent in school.

The World Bank eBooks, May 11, 2004
Analyses of municipal GDP growth in Rio Grande do Norte in the Northeast of Brazil during 1970-96... more Analyses of municipal GDP growth in Rio Grande do Norte in the Northeast of Brazil during 1970-96 reveal that the cross-section dispersion of per capita income increased over time. Although the analysis indicates some spatial dependence in income, it is small and has a downward trend, indicating that the growth path is only weakly determined by geographical links in Rio Grande do Norte. Moreover, dynamic analysis, based on the Markov chain transition matrix, show that the probability of a municipality moving from a poor income class to a rich class is very small and vice-versa. Municipalities located in the middle-income class have high mobility, but there is no strong evidence indicating direction. Public policy should include assisting the rural families by providing them education and training that increases their opportunities for employment. There should also be policies to assist poor and/or unskilled migrants to integrate fully into the modern economy in the urban areas through skill development training and education.

REN. Revista economica do nordeste, 2006
O presente estudo contribui para um maior entendimento dos efeitos do crescimento econômico sobre... more O presente estudo contribui para um maior entendimento dos efeitos do crescimento econômico sobre a renda dos pobres através da avaliação de várias medidas de pobreza e da decomposição das fontes que contribuem para sua redução. Os resultados obtidos, usando dados da PNAD de 1995 a 2004, mostram que os componentes de crescimento da renda média e de sua distribuição são suficientes para explicar grande parte das variações nos níveis de pobreza entre os estados brasileiros. Além do mais, este trabalho também indica que alguns resultados encontrados em Silveira Neto (2005) não se sustentam quando se leva em conta na análise medidas que capturam com maior precisão a intensidade da pobreza. Mais especificamente, utilizando o conceito de hiato de pobreza, evidencia-se que as políticas que impulsionaram o crescimento da renda na região Nordeste têm sido mais "pró-pobres" que as das outras regiões do país nesse período. Isto, por outro lado, é uma evidência de que o crescimento econômico tem sido o principal instrumento de combate à pobreza no Nordeste. Portanto, uma das contribuições mais importantes dessa pesquisa é mostrar que os resultados da avaliação do impacto do crescimento econômico na renda dos mais pobres é bastante sensível aos critérios utilizados na sua medição. Esse resultado tem implicações diretas na formulação e na avalição de políticas, uma vez que sugere a seus formuladores, a necessidade de se considerar quando do desenho, implementação e avaliação de políticas referentes aos pobres, os diferentes aspectos da pobreza, incluindo principalmente seus diversos níveis de intensidade e desigualdade. Palavras-chaves: Fontes de redução da pobreza, Crescimento Econômico, Nordeste

Atlantic Economic Journal, Jul 21, 2017
This paper utilizes two alternative econometric strategies to test the hypothesis that countries ... more This paper utilizes two alternative econometric strategies to test the hypothesis that countries with poor institutional arrangements create an environment with increased impunity, thus providing incentives for potential lawbreakers to engage in criminal activities that lead to rapid contagion of violence. Several measures of institutions including legal, political, market, government, and sociocultural institutions are considered in the paper. The empirical analysis provides evidence that the impact of institutional quality on violence is important regardless of income levels. This finding implies that differences in quality of institutions explain why countries with similar levels of income per capita may have different rates of violence and crime. In addition, the results show that quality of institutions matter for a successful long-term strategy to reduce violence.
Papers by Edinaldo Tebaldi