Brown University
East Asian Studies
According to recent Modern Language Association (MLA) reports (2015, 2019), student enrollment in Korean language classes shows the fastest growth among all foreign languages offered at US higher education institutions for the past... more
The aim of this study is to examine current testing practices in Korean language classrooms in U.S. colleges and universities. Twelve final examinations of beginning and intermediate level classes are analyzed following Bachman &... more
Wang Hye-Sook. 2009. 2. 28. Learning while Laughing: Integrating Language and Culture through Humor. Bilingual Research 39, 171-211. This paper examines the use of humor in Korean language education. While various materials such as... more
This study attempts to report the results of the current state of Korean language teachers in U.S. higher education from a governance perspective, and discusses the findings in the broad context of Korean language teaching. Two sets of... more
This article tries to map out the common ground between literary writing and handicraft production in Six Records of A Life Adrift. By analyzing the craft of artifacts, it seeks to overcome the division between aesthetic judgment and... more
Mass migration characterizes the current moment of globalization. Constituting a particular subset of this global migration are Korean-American male English teachers who use the linguistic capital of English, commodified as the language... more
This paper examines how Korean gays and lesbians negotiate South Korea's heteronormative system anchored in the heterosexual and patriarchal family through marriages of convenience ("contract marriages"). Korean gays and lesbians pursue... more
In 1600, Japan-based Jesuits printed a moveable-type edition of the Wakan rōeishū (The Collection of Japanese and Chinese resonant verse), a bilingual anthology of classical Japanese and Chinese poetry that had long been an emblem of... more
Only the sea is like a human being; the sky is not, nor the earth. But the sea is always moving; always something deep in itself is stirring it. It never rests; it is always wanting, wanting, wanting.
In this article, kungfu and jazz -performing art forms that originated from the racial Others -will be used as shorthand for two concurrent, interdependent and dialectically opposing cultural processes: one that prioritizes boundary... more