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Critical reading is the apex of tertiary education and the chief focus in higher education courses as they prepare adults for the workforce. Without significant improvements in academic preparation and support, many linguistically diverse... more
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      Early Childhood EducationTeaching and Learning Writing and ReadingElementary EducationCritical Literacy
This paper reports the results of a quasi-experiment investigating the efficacy of using critical literacy as an instructional method. Using a quantitative comparison method, critical literacy is the study’s treatment. The treatment... more
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      PsychologyLiteracyEducationSociocultural Theory
The Role Mentorship in Supporting African-American Students' Entry into Stem Careers Synopsis: This presentation will share the findings of a paper that explored the role of mentorship in promoting African-American students' entry into... more
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      EducationMedicineCurriculum and InstructionMentorship
Mastery of developmental reading courses offers both an opportunity for academic enrichment and a barrier to college completion. We examine what it means to use multiple texts in college developmental reading courses, the benefits of... more
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      PsychologyMathematics EducationCritical ThinkingCultural Capital
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This mixed-methods study examined the effectiveness of the Upward Bound TRIO program in preparing a low-income and first-generation population for the successful completion of high school and acceptance into postsecondary institutions of... more
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      Career and College ReadinessTRiO Student Support ServicesUpward Bound
Critical reading is the apex of tertiary education and the chief focus in higher education courses as they prepare adults for the workforce. Without significant improvements in academic preparation and support, many linguistically diverse... more
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      PsychologyLiteracyEducationCultural Capital
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      Mathematics EducationCritical ThinkingCultural CapitalDevelopmental Reading
This study examines a practice which is characteristic of an era of intensifying globalization: As part of a transnational lifestyle, an increasing number of immigrants to North America send infants thousands of miles back to their... more
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