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In the early years of COVID-19, our willingness to swiftly modify workplaces, classrooms, and other commons generated access at unprecedented scale. These de facto accommodations belied conventional thought about whether institutions can... more
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      Employment LawDisability StudiesCritical Disability StudiesEmployment Relations
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires employers to restructure exclusionary environments upon the request of employees with disabilities so that they may continue working. Under a virtually unexamined aspect of the mandate,... more
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      Political PhilosophyEmployment LawDisability StudiesCritical Disability Studies
Theorizing work and its regulation has held enduring appeal for legal theorists. Yet intellectual movements that wish to theorize worker coercion within a broader critique of law often sidestep race. Since Lochner, landmark opinions... more
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      HistoryConstitutional LawCritical PedagogyLaw and Society
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      Rabbinic LiteratureCultural power and resistance
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      Rabbinic LiteratureAncient Rome
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    • Limited Partnerships
Lawmakers, prosecutors, homeowners, policymakers, investors, news media, scholars and other commentators have examined, litigated, and reported on numerous aspects of the 2008 Financial Crisis and the role that residential mortgage-backed... more
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Related-party exchanges raise the issue of improper extension of the Section 1031(a)(3) 45-day identification and 180-day exchange periods. Related-party exchanges also call into question the amount of boot a related party may receive... more
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Editors' Synopsis: The first Series LLC statute was enacted in Delaware in 1996. Under that statute, and similar statutes of other jurisdications, a single LLC may create any number of entities (also known as series), the assets of which... more
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    • Double Taxation
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