[19 Sep 2009|08:42am] |
hi. i was really excited to join but noone is posting! wth
Just so everyone's aware |
[16 Aug 2009|06:49am] |
Nobody's shut us down, the board and domains and everything attached should still be intact. This is a billing issue, and I'm just waiting for confirmation on something before confronting domainhost. I'm hoping to have this fixed either today or tomorrow, depending on when Amber's next online. I believe that this issue is related to similar issues other customers have had with payment via Paypal, but need to make absolutely sure it's not an error on our part before talking to the billing department.
No need to freak out. We'll have it fixed as soon as possible. :)
We should... |
[15 Aug 2009|09:12pm] |
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hopeful |
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Have a LJ party while we're here. :)
[15 Aug 2009|08:10pm] |
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anxious |
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thanks for keeping us updated. <3
working on it |
[15 Aug 2009|06:35pm] |
Tanya is working on this diligently.. just letting you guys know that.
Broken Being Down |
[15 Aug 2009|03:29pm] |
We can use this post as means of communication, if you'd like. (I don't know if Ruth wants her Facebook status to be the central location.. ;p)
I'm in the process of talking to someone who would know more what is going on.
Staci and I will be on top of this til we are able figure it out!
wtf |
[15 Aug 2009|02:14pm] |
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What happened to Broken?
Erm? |
[10 Feb 2009|03:31pm] |
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confused |
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IPS driver error?
Where did Broken go?
Halp! I can't log in to Broken! |
[05 Jan 2009|02:31pm] |
Hope some admin checks this semi-regularly! I accidentally deleted my password email (I never changed it from the funky system generated one) & can't get the password help thingy to email me directions like its supposed to under either my username there or the email address I registered under. Dunno why...
Can some kind admin soul email me with help? Pleeeeease! (I am assuming you have access to my email address that I registered under)
Thanky so much!
Hmm.. |
[29 Sep 2007|04:35pm] |
Nicolby here. :)
Is Broken down for anyone else? Did I miss a post about scheduled downtime? :P
*sniff* |
[03 Apr 2007|10:25pm] |
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sad |
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If an admin sees this (or someone who can contact an admin), could I please be unbanned from Broken?
I emailed but that was a couple of days ago and I'm still blocked.
I miss it.
down? |
[30 Mar 2007|11:54am] |
Is Broken down? It's not loading for me..
[21 Mar 2007|08:26am] |
Temp Board is online! http://z1.invisionfree.com/forums/brokenboard
Again, could all Brokenites please point non-LJ users to that temp forum Let them know the following:
If you've created an account in the past, it's still there. Log in with that account. If your username has changed but you remember your old account, log in with the old account and I'll do you a name change. If you have not created an account, please only do so with your current board username. Any persons registering for TempBroken whose usernames I do not recognize will be deleted immediately.
Do not bog down The Tanya while she is spazzing. The Tanya is prone to flamage when stressed. When updates exist, they will be posted in the forum created for them. Do not ask "are we there yet?" or any variation of. We cannot be held responsible for siezures resulting from the combined use of blink codes and rainbows. If you flame, I'll flame right back and then ban your ass. It's the only rule that still exists.
Now go play.
ummmmm |
[20 Mar 2007|08:19am] |
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blank |
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where's broken? did i miss something - like there's going to be some kind of downtime or something? :|
She reappears? |
[26 Feb 2007|09:52pm] |
So, I was on the boards 2-3 years ago... my username was themayqueen, not that I much expect anyone to remember.
I've tried to log back in a couple of times over the past few months, but I guess there was some cleaning out of the database, and now I can't reregister. I'm sure there's a good reason things got changed around; I'm just wondering if this is going to be indefinite. Because, quite honestly, I'm scared out of my wits about things right now, and I haven't found an environment quite the same anywhere else. :/
[09 Jan 2007|03:26pm] |
it's deborah aka smallening from broken. i just wanted to let everyone know i have a livejournal. whee!
[06 Jan 2007|11:33am] |
hi! its gemma30 from the boards. i just started a LJ site so thought i'd say hi.
[05 Jan 2007|01:15am] |
mmk guys, this is going to take just a little bit longer (i hope)
parts of the AdminCP are broken. I have to fix them before I can let everybody back on the board.
Keep an eye out, check every ten minutes or so. I hope to have it open again very soon.