Papers by Francine Vachon

Information technology & people, Apr 8, 2024
Purpose – This paper aims to increase understanding of pertinent exogenous and endogenous anteced... more Purpose – This paper aims to increase understanding of pertinent exogenous and endogenous antecedents that can reduce data privacy breaches. Design/methodology/approach – A cross-sectional survey was used to source participants' perceptions of relevant exogenous and endogenous antecedents developed from the Antecedents-Privacy Concerns-Outcomes (APCO) model and Social Cognitive Theory. A research model was proposed and tested with empirical data collected from 213 participants based in Canada. Findings – The exogenous factors of external privacy training and external privacy self-assessment tool significantly and positively impact the study's endogenous factors of individual privacy awareness, organizational resources allocated to privacy concerns, and group behavior concerning privacy laws. Further, the proximal determinants of data privacy breaches (dependent construct) are negatively influenced by individual privacy awareness, group behavior related to privacy laws, and organizational resources allocated to privacy concerns. The endogenous factors fully mediated the relationships between the exogenous factors and the dependent construct. Research limitations/implications – This study contributes to the budding data privacy breach literature by highlighting the impacts of personal and environmental factors in the discourse. Practical implications –The results offer management insights on mitigating data privacy breach incidents arising from employees' actions. Roles of external privacy training and privacy self-assessment tools are signified. Originality/value – Antecedents of data privacy breaches have been underexplored. This paper is among the first to elucidate the roles of select exogenous and endogenous antecedents encompassing personal and environmental imperatives on data privacy breaches.

Information Technology and People, 2024
Purpose – This paper aims to increase understanding of pertinent exogenous and endogenous anteced... more Purpose – This paper aims to increase understanding of pertinent exogenous and endogenous antecedents that can reduce data privacy breaches.
Design/methodology/approach – A cross-sectional survey was used to source participants' perceptions of relevant exogenous and endogenous antecedents developed from the Antecedents-Privacy Concerns-Outcomes (APCO) model and Social Cognitive Theory. A research model was proposed and tested with empirical data collected from 213 participants based in Canada.
Findings – The exogenous factors of external privacy training and external privacy self-assessment tool significantly and positively impact the study's endogenous factors of individual privacy awareness, organizational resources allocated to privacy concerns, and group behavior concerning privacy laws. Further, the proximal determinants of data privacy breaches (dependent construct) are negatively influenced by individual privacy awareness, group behavior related to privacy laws, and organizational resources allocated to privacy concerns. The endogenous factors fully mediated the relationships between the exogenous factors and the dependent construct.
Research limitations/implications – This study contributes to the budding data privacy breach literature by highlighting the impacts of personal and environmental factors in the discourse.
Practical implications –The results offer management insights on mitigating data privacy breach incidents arising from employees' actions. Roles of external privacy training and privacy self-assessment tools are signified.
Originality/value – Antecedents of data privacy breaches have been underexplored. This paper is among the first to elucidate the roles of select exogenous and endogenous antecedents encompassing personal and environmental imperatives on data privacy breaches.
Social Science Research Network, Dec 31, 2005
ABSTRACT "Thèse présentée en vue de l'obtention du grade de Philosophiae Doctor ... more ABSTRACT "Thèse présentée en vue de l'obtention du grade de Philosophiae Doctor (Ph.D.) (en administration)" Thèse (Ph.D.) -- École des hautes études commerciales, 2005.
Social Science Research Network, May 18, 2011
This article investigates two research questions concerning web shopping tools. The first asks ho... more This article investigates two research questions concerning web shopping tools. The first asks how online decision aids can support a consumer's non-cognitive decision processes. The second asks how these tools support non-cognitive online shopping for products of different categories. To answer these questions, the author conducted a thorough literature review in the fields of management information systems, e-commerce and consumer behaviour. The results show that e-shoppers may adopt several non-cognitive decision-making approaches. Not one tool is sufficient to support all of these, but web stores should offer a selection of decision aids to satisfy their customers' needs. These tools need to be adapted as well to the categories of products offered in each web store.

This case is available to instructors at no charge for teaching purposes. Please contact the auth... more This case is available to instructors at no charge for teaching purposes. Please contact the author to receive a copy of the accompanying teaching notes. The case teaching notes will only be distributed to instructors with proof of status (webpage) and will be sent at their institution e-mail. Please DO NOT distribute the teaching notes to students. Teaching Case: Factual case that masks the identity of the company/individuals. This case was evaluated by the editorial committee. Scholastic University is a small Canadian university. Until fifteen years ago, Scholastic was primarily a teaching institution. Over the last few years, greater emphasis was placed on Scholastic's research mandate. New hires are expected to produce high-quality research and to demonstrate teaching excellence. Professor Charlene Smith is a new tenure-track assistant professor of information systems. Each term, she teaches three sections of BMOD101, Business Modeling. As well as teaching, Professor Smith m...
This field study examines how Critical Success Factors can be used as a consensus-building tool d... more This field study examines how Critical Success Factors can be used as a consensus-building tool during the requirements analysis stage of a software development project. First, an exhaustive list of CFS was collected from the design and from a group of users. Based on their answers, a questionnaire asking each participant to rate the importance of each CFS. Significant differences were found between the two groups. Participants were also asked to assign a relative weight to each CFC. Consensus-building software was used to assign a global weight for each CFS. This allowed the researchers to build a consensual set of Critical Success Factors for both the designers and the users.

Cette recherche propose un modele de ‘fit’ cognitif entre le format de presentation de l’informat... more Cette recherche propose un modele de ‘fit’ cognitif entre le format de presentation de l’information et la charge informationnelle de la tâche de selection d’un produit en contexte de cybermagasinage. Le modele propose que le ‘fit’ influence l’entropie estimee, la facilite d’utilisation percue et l’effort cognitif percu et que ces deux dernieres variables sont des antecedents a la satisfaction envers la selection effectuee. En contexte de cybermagasinage, la tâche de selection de produit est primordiale puisque la transaction d’achat ne s’effectuera que lorsque le consommateur aura trouve un produit satisfaisant. Les antecedents de la satisfaction envers la selection de produit n’ont pas encore ete etudies par les chercheurs en systemes d’information. Cette etude s’interesse a ces antecedents et examine l’impact du format de presentation de l’information au client d’un cybermagasin sur la satisfaction envers le choix de produit par le consommateur. Le modele propose ici s’appuie sur...
Journal of Technologies and Human Usability, 2015
ABSTRACT Abstract: It seems that everything, from our cars to the search engines we use, collects... more ABSTRACT Abstract: It seems that everything, from our cars to the search engines we use, collects information about us and our activities. Breaches compromising personal information are an unfortunate by-product of our modern information-intensive society. In this paper, we examine previous research on this problem from diverse perspectives. We then develop an interdisciplinary framework that examines parties involved, benefits derived by each party, losses from a breach and the ability of each party to mitigate losses. Within this framework, appropriate economic theories are extended to other types of breaches and frauds.
International Journal of Business and Management, 2011
ABSTRACT "Thèse présentée en vue de l'obtention du grade de Philosophiae Doctor ... more ABSTRACT "Thèse présentée en vue de l'obtention du grade de Philosophiae Doctor (Ph.D.) (en administration)" Thèse (Ph.D.) -- École des hautes études commerciales, 2005.
Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 2007

Information Systems (IS), as a scholarly discipline, has been characterized as very diversified a... more Information Systems (IS), as a scholarly discipline, has been characterized as very diversified and has evolved considerably over the years. The purpose of this study is to present an overview of the changes in IS research that occurred between two periods 1984 to 1986 and 1996 to 1998, based on articles published in IS journals: MIS Quarterly and Information Systems Research. The articles were analyzed according to main topic, technological approach, research methods, keywords and contributing disciplines such as humanities and social sciences. Significant differences were found between the two periods. Cognitive maps of keyword-main topic associations are presented for each period. The various findings are discussed and linked to current trends. They show the beginnings of a promising tendency toward the development of an evolutionary and cumulative research tradition. The findings will provide food for thoughts for researchers of all disciplines.
This research examines the cognitive fit between the information presentation format and the info... more This research examines the cognitive fit between the information presentation format and the information load of a product selection task in a context of e-shopping. The research model proposes that this fit influences the estimated entropy, the perceived ease of use and the perceived cognitive effort. The two latter variables are antecedents of the satisfaction towards the selected product.Cette recherche propose un modele de ‘fit’ cognitif entre le format de presentation de l’information et la charge informationnelle de la tâche de selection d’un produit en contexte de cybermagasinage. Le modele propose que le ‘fit’ influence l’entropie estimee, la facilite d’utilisation percue et l’effort cognitif percu, et que ces deux dernieres variables sont des antecedents de la satisfaction envers la selection d’un produit.
In today's increasingly competitive business world, organizations are using ICT to advance their ... more In today's increasingly competitive business world, organizations are using ICT to advance their business strategies and increase their competitive advantage. One technological element that is growing in popularity is knowledge discovery in databases (KDD). In this paper, we propose an analytic framework which is applied to two cases concerning KDD. The first case presents an organization at the analysis stage of a KDD project. The second one shows how a multinational company leverages its databases by mining data to discover new knowledge.

SSRN Electronic Journal, 2000
This study addresses the question of which information presentation format e-retailers should cho... more This study addresses the question of which information presentation format e-retailers should choose to encourage consumers to use their websites. The study proposes a model built on three conceptual foundations: the technology acceptance model (TAM), the theory of cognitive fit, and the trade-off effort-accuracy model. The model posits that consumers' perceived cognitive effort mediates the relationship between cognitive fit and consumer perceived the perceived usefulness of the website interface for selecting the best product alternative. An online experiment was conducted with 599 e-shoppers. The results suggest that e-retailers encounter a dilemma when selecting the information presentation format for their website interface. Indeed, while cognitive fit is positively related to perceived ease of use of the website, it is negatively related to perceived effort. In turn, perceived effort is positively related to perceived usefulness conceptualized as perceived decision accuracy.
Papers by Francine Vachon
Design/methodology/approach – A cross-sectional survey was used to source participants' perceptions of relevant exogenous and endogenous antecedents developed from the Antecedents-Privacy Concerns-Outcomes (APCO) model and Social Cognitive Theory. A research model was proposed and tested with empirical data collected from 213 participants based in Canada.
Findings – The exogenous factors of external privacy training and external privacy self-assessment tool significantly and positively impact the study's endogenous factors of individual privacy awareness, organizational resources allocated to privacy concerns, and group behavior concerning privacy laws. Further, the proximal determinants of data privacy breaches (dependent construct) are negatively influenced by individual privacy awareness, group behavior related to privacy laws, and organizational resources allocated to privacy concerns. The endogenous factors fully mediated the relationships between the exogenous factors and the dependent construct.
Research limitations/implications – This study contributes to the budding data privacy breach literature by highlighting the impacts of personal and environmental factors in the discourse.
Practical implications –The results offer management insights on mitigating data privacy breach incidents arising from employees' actions. Roles of external privacy training and privacy self-assessment tools are signified.
Originality/value – Antecedents of data privacy breaches have been underexplored. This paper is among the first to elucidate the roles of select exogenous and endogenous antecedents encompassing personal and environmental imperatives on data privacy breaches.
Design/methodology/approach – A cross-sectional survey was used to source participants' perceptions of relevant exogenous and endogenous antecedents developed from the Antecedents-Privacy Concerns-Outcomes (APCO) model and Social Cognitive Theory. A research model was proposed and tested with empirical data collected from 213 participants based in Canada.
Findings – The exogenous factors of external privacy training and external privacy self-assessment tool significantly and positively impact the study's endogenous factors of individual privacy awareness, organizational resources allocated to privacy concerns, and group behavior concerning privacy laws. Further, the proximal determinants of data privacy breaches (dependent construct) are negatively influenced by individual privacy awareness, group behavior related to privacy laws, and organizational resources allocated to privacy concerns. The endogenous factors fully mediated the relationships between the exogenous factors and the dependent construct.
Research limitations/implications – This study contributes to the budding data privacy breach literature by highlighting the impacts of personal and environmental factors in the discourse.
Practical implications –The results offer management insights on mitigating data privacy breach incidents arising from employees' actions. Roles of external privacy training and privacy self-assessment tools are signified.
Originality/value – Antecedents of data privacy breaches have been underexplored. This paper is among the first to elucidate the roles of select exogenous and endogenous antecedents encompassing personal and environmental imperatives on data privacy breaches.