Books by Christine Daigle
What are the challenges that Nietzsche's philosophy poses for contemporary phenomenology? Elodie... more What are the challenges that Nietzsche's philosophy poses for contemporary phenomenology? Elodie Boublil, Christine Daigle, and an international group of scholars take Nietzsche in new directions and shed light on the sources of phenomenological method in Nietzsche, echoes and influences of Nietzsche within modern phenomenology, and connections between Nietzsche, phenomenology, and ethics. Nietzsche and Phenomenology offers a historical and systematic reconsideration of the scope of Nietzsche’s thought.

Addresses questions of influence between two of the 20th century's greatest minds
"This collectio... more Addresses questions of influence between two of the 20th century's greatest minds
"This collection of essays is a remarkable achievement. It allows readers access to the exciting domain of existential philosophy, fiction, autobiography, and more." —Shannon M. Mussett, Utah Valley University
While many scholars consider Simone de Beauvoir an important philosopher in her own right, thorny issues of mutual influence between her thought and that of Jean-Paul Sartre still have not been settled definitively. Some continue to believe Beauvoir's own claim that Sartre was the philosopher and she was the follower even though their relationship was far more complex than this proposition suggests. Christine Daigle, Jacob Golomb, and an international group of scholars explore the philosophical and literary relationship between Beauvoir and Sartre in this penetrating volume. Did each elaborate a philosophy of his or her own? Did they share a single philosophy? Did the ideas of each have an impact on the other? How did influences develop and what was their nature? Who influenced whom most of all? A crisscrossed picture of mutual intricacies and significant differences emerges from the skillful and sophisticated exchange that takes place here.
Twentieth-century existential thinkers, critical of traditional, overly rationalistic approaches ... more Twentieth-century existential thinkers, critical of traditional, overly rationalistic approaches to ethics, sought to provide a better account of what it means to be human in the world. They articulated ethical views that respected the individual yet were fundamentally concerned with the Other and the ethical value of an authentic life. Their philosophy has often been dismissed as unsuccessful.
Through examination of the thought of eight key figures in existentialism - Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, Heidegger, Arendt, Camus, Sartre, Beauvoir, and Merleau-Ponty - this collection demonstrates that such dismissals are unfounded. Contributors tackle the difficulties raised by an existentialist ethics and show how each thinker successfully elaborated an ethics that provides a viable alternative to traditional ethical views.
Dans son essai, Christine Daigle établit en quoi les philosophies de Nietzsche et Sartre converge... more Dans son essai, Christine Daigle établit en quoi les philosophies de Nietzsche et Sartre convergent ou divergent en ce qui a trait à la problématique du nihilisme, à la quête de sens et à l'éthique. Elle examine leur solution respective au mal moderne créé par le nihilisme, soit le manque de fondement pour les valeurs. Cette solution passe par une réponse optimiste à la question du sens de l'existence qui met l'accent sur le rôle de l'humain comme créateur de sens, et ce, chez Nietzsche comme chez Sartre. Sur ces bases, Nietzsche et Sartre proposent une éthique existentialiste humaniste qui promeut l'épanouissement authentique de l'individu. Si chacun élabore cette éthique à sa façon, Christine Daigle démontre que l'on peut soutenir que Nietzsche et Sartre sont, du point de vue éthique, de proches parents.
Papers by Christine Daigle
Sapere Aude Revista De Filosofia, Jun 23, 2014
The Journal of Value Inquiry, 2015

Sapere Aude Revista De Filosofia, 2014
Em meu artigo remeto ao que percebo ser a preocupação fundamental de Beauvoir, a ética. Seu pensa... more Em meu artigo remeto ao que percebo ser a preocupação fundamental de Beauvoir, a ética. Seu pensamento ético está fundamentado em considerações ontológicas e fenomenológicas que lhe permitem pensar as relações interpessoais. Uma vez que é isso que impulsiona sua filosofia, considero que sua preocupação fundamental é ética. O problema da alteridade é um dos que Beauvoir busca abordar em sua obra. Discutindo isso, trato da questão da sua origem e do problema da influência com relação a Sartre e Beauvoir. Isso me leva a uma análise de como Beauvoir aborda o problema da alteridade em A Convidada. Minha posição é que o romance não apresenta uma teoria da alteridade, mas sementes de tal teoria encontram-se nele. No entanto, o pensamento de Beauvoir, apresentado nesse romance, exerceu influência sobre Sartre. Mas também se pode argumentar que a influência entre ambos foi recíproca
Philosophiques, 2000
Montréal. Il a pour mission la promotion et la valorisation de la recherche. Érudit offre des ser... more Montréal. Il a pour mission la promotion et la valorisation de la recherche. Érudit offre des services d'édition numérique de documents scientifiques depuis 1998. Note : les règles d'écriture des références bibliographiques peuvent varier selon les différents domaines du savoir.
Sartre Studies International, 2014
Encyclopedia of Motherhood, 2010
Philosophiques, 2000
Montréal. Il a pour mission la promotion et la valorisation de la recherche. Érudit offre des ser... more Montréal. Il a pour mission la promotion et la valorisation de la recherche. Érudit offre des services d'édition numérique de documents scientifiques depuis 1998. Note : les règles d'écriture des références bibliographiques peuvent varier selon les différents domaines du savoir.
Horizons philosophiques, 2000
Montréal. Il a pour mission la promotion et la valorisation de la recherche. Érudit offre des ser... more Montréal. Il a pour mission la promotion et la valorisation de la recherche. Érudit offre des services d'édition numérique de documents scientifiques depuis 1998. Note : les règles d'écriture des références bibliographiques peuvent varier selon les différents domaines du savoir.
Ohnmacht des Subjekts, Macht der Persönlichkeit, 2014
I explore Sartre's and Beauvoir's views on the body and on sexuality and link these notions to in... more I explore Sartre's and Beauvoir's views on the body and on sexuality and link these notions to intentionality, freedom, and trasncendence/immanence. I also discuss how their respective notions of embodiment are connected with their success or failure in describing the intersubjective ethical realm.
Books by Christine Daigle
"This collection of essays is a remarkable achievement. It allows readers access to the exciting domain of existential philosophy, fiction, autobiography, and more." —Shannon M. Mussett, Utah Valley University
While many scholars consider Simone de Beauvoir an important philosopher in her own right, thorny issues of mutual influence between her thought and that of Jean-Paul Sartre still have not been settled definitively. Some continue to believe Beauvoir's own claim that Sartre was the philosopher and she was the follower even though their relationship was far more complex than this proposition suggests. Christine Daigle, Jacob Golomb, and an international group of scholars explore the philosophical and literary relationship between Beauvoir and Sartre in this penetrating volume. Did each elaborate a philosophy of his or her own? Did they share a single philosophy? Did the ideas of each have an impact on the other? How did influences develop and what was their nature? Who influenced whom most of all? A crisscrossed picture of mutual intricacies and significant differences emerges from the skillful and sophisticated exchange that takes place here.
Through examination of the thought of eight key figures in existentialism - Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, Heidegger, Arendt, Camus, Sartre, Beauvoir, and Merleau-Ponty - this collection demonstrates that such dismissals are unfounded. Contributors tackle the difficulties raised by an existentialist ethics and show how each thinker successfully elaborated an ethics that provides a viable alternative to traditional ethical views.
Papers by Christine Daigle
"This collection of essays is a remarkable achievement. It allows readers access to the exciting domain of existential philosophy, fiction, autobiography, and more." —Shannon M. Mussett, Utah Valley University
While many scholars consider Simone de Beauvoir an important philosopher in her own right, thorny issues of mutual influence between her thought and that of Jean-Paul Sartre still have not been settled definitively. Some continue to believe Beauvoir's own claim that Sartre was the philosopher and she was the follower even though their relationship was far more complex than this proposition suggests. Christine Daigle, Jacob Golomb, and an international group of scholars explore the philosophical and literary relationship between Beauvoir and Sartre in this penetrating volume. Did each elaborate a philosophy of his or her own? Did they share a single philosophy? Did the ideas of each have an impact on the other? How did influences develop and what was their nature? Who influenced whom most of all? A crisscrossed picture of mutual intricacies and significant differences emerges from the skillful and sophisticated exchange that takes place here.
Through examination of the thought of eight key figures in existentialism - Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, Heidegger, Arendt, Camus, Sartre, Beauvoir, and Merleau-Ponty - this collection demonstrates that such dismissals are unfounded. Contributors tackle the difficulties raised by an existentialist ethics and show how each thinker successfully elaborated an ethics that provides a viable alternative to traditional ethical views.