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There has been a growing interest in the examination of the steady state of simultaneous bilinguals. An understanding of what leads to the possible weaknesses in the grammar of early bilinguals can contribute to our understanding of the... more
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      Generative linguisticsCode Switching
The Overt Pronoun Constraint (OPC) has been studied on numerous occasions, addressing, in particular, the capabilities and limitations of the second language learner (Gürel, 2003; Kanno, 1997; Pérez-Leroux & Glass, 1997; Rothman &... more
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      Spanish LinguisticsSyntax-Semantics InterfaceHeritage Language SpeakersSyntax-discourse interface
Given that most postsecondary institutions have recognized the need to prepare interculturally competent undergraduates, this study used the Intercul-tural Development Inventory to measure the extent to which one group of undergraduate... more
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      EducationIntercultural CompetenceTeaching Spanish as a Foreign LanguageTeaching French as a foreign language
This study investigates the grammar of Spanish and Polish heritage speakers in Canada: Speakers who grew up speaking their family language at home, where the community language is English. Studies looking at the language of heritage... more
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    • Spanish
Ontario A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Doctor of Philosophy degree in Hispanic Studies
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    • Spanish
This research investigates incomplete acquisition and attrition in nominal case inflection in Polish heritage speakers in Canada. Incomplete acquisition found in heritage speakers occurs when there is an abrupt interruption in the input... more
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This article has two primary goals: First, the aim is to show how monolingual Spanish speakers react to the Overt Pronoun Constraint (OPC) (Montalbetti 1984) within specific contexts that were elicited and/or forced. Past work that has... more
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