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Introduction The situation of women and history's situation: gender and historicism, 1771-79 Spectacles and sentiments: disembodying women's history, 1789-1810 'Beautiful and poetic creations': Scott and the fictions of... more
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Dracula pastiches have been popular for decades, but it is only since the 1970s that authors have regularly turned to imagining romances between Dracula and Mina Harker. This article analyzes how Dracula/Mina romance plots exist at the... more
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Agnes Strickland (1796-1874) was arguably the preeminent biographical historian of the Victorian period. She published actively from the early 1820s, working in genres as varied as the popular natural history, religious fiction, and... more
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of content is confined to a brief Appendix A, supplemented by a further Appendix C giving the publication and subscription history of the periodical and locations of surviving issues. (Appendix B brings together some of the contemporary... more
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Dracula pastiches have been popular for decades, but it is only since the 1970s that authors have regularly turned to imagining romances between Dracula and Mina Harker. This article analyzes how Dracula/Mina romance plots exist at the... more
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Agnes Strickland (1796-1874) was arguably the preeminent biographical historian of the Victorian period. She published actively from the early 1820s, working in genres as varied as the popular natural history, religious fiction, and... more
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Dracula pastiches have been popular for decades, but it is only since the 1970s that authors have regularly turned to imagining romances between Dracula and Mina Harker. This article analyzes how Dracula/Mina romance plots exist at the... more
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      ArtLiteraturePopular Romance Studies
A PROTESTANT CLERGYMAN exhorts a young Jewish woman to tell her father of her conversion, and reminds her of Matthew 10.37: "He that loveth father and mother more than me, is not worthy of me" (Ball 36). A Roman Catholic priest rebukes a... more
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      HistoryCultural StudiesVictorian Literature and Culture
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      HistoryReligious Studies
Surveying the religious landscape of Victorian England, Protestants saw no heretics burning at the stake, no racks, no fearful imprisonments. Yet this absence of violent martyrdoms turned out to be deeply (if paradoxically) disquieting to... more
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Some of this might have to do with the question of audience. Scholars will not always be surprised by what is in this book (even if we might often be delighted by it); work on nineteenth-century literature and culture has long attended to... more
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      Cultural StudiesArtReligion and the Arts
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