British Museum has one of the best collections of Vietnamese ceramics from the Neolithic to the present day. This article illustrates 23 items and records all items acquired up to 2002.
Romance drama, one of the most important types of Yuan opera, which describes the love of literators and prostitutes, has distinctive meanings and art value. Especially on the point of aesthetic tropism, figures of prostitutes and... more
The Jiangshengben and Guozhengyue Enterprises borrowed the farmlands from the aboriginal's society, and beckoned the pioneers in 1735. Jhenyu Guo (the original name of Guozhenyue) is the earliest ancestor of the Guo clan living in the... more
The Chuanqi Opera in Ming Dynasty is an important link in the chain of ancient Chinese operas. Shiji Opera is one of the themes of Chuanqi Opera in Ming Dynasty. It not only inherited the gene of Shiji, also disseminated the spirit of the... more
The Tang dynasty musical composition, A Parting Tune with a Thrice Repeated Refrain, has been spread for over a thousand years and loved by people all the time. The article analyzes the cause for that of the aspects of its background,... more
A land grant issued by Raṇasiṃhadeva of the Candrāvatī branch of the Paramāra dynasty in North-West India has recently come to my attention. It contains a genealogy of the Candrāvatī line from Utpalarāja to Raṇasiṃha. This ruler is... more
Viśākhadatta’s Mudrārākṣasa is somewhat unique among Sanskrit dramas in that its plot is concerned with political intrigue. Though the occurrence of certain stanzas of the Mudrārākṣasa in other (non-fiction) works has been noted even by... more
A pair of copper plates found in Jamkhed and written in cursive box-headed characters witness a donation of land by an anonymous prince or king who says he is the son of Devarāja and grandson of the Rāṣṭrakūṭa king Bhavanmāna. This paper... more
Strange Caesurae in Sanskrit Metrical Verse – A case study in
Viśākhadatta’s Poetry
In Hungarian, I'm afraid; flip to the end of the document for an abstract in English.
Viśākhadatta’s Poetry
In Hungarian, I'm afraid; flip to the end of the document for an abstract in English.
This is my PhD thesis, defended in 2015. Don't be put off by the Hungarian on the first two pages - that's the official stuff. The rest is in English. My primary purpose is to examine a Sanskrit drama—the Mudrārākṣasa of Viśākhadatta—as a... more
Ez a disszertációm magyar nyelvű összefoglalója (tézisfüzete).
This is the English-language abstract of my dissertation.
Classical Sanskrit metrical verse patterns prescribe obligatory positions for caesurae (yati). The testimony of preserved texts shows that poets painstakingly observed these re-strictions most of the time, yet in a number of instances the... more
A land grant issued by Raṇasiṃhadeva of the Candrāvatī branch of the Paramāra dynasty in North-West India has recently come to my attention. It contains a genealogy of the Candrāvatī line from Utpalarāja to Raṇasiṃha. This ruler is barely... more
A review of a Hungarian translation of the Bhagavadgītā by one of the early 20th-century pioneers of Oriental Studies in Hungary, Ervin Baktay.