Books by Reza Kateb
This study examines the modern political history of Afghanistan and analyze the Elections in the ... more This study examines the modern political history of Afghanistan and analyze the Elections in the 20th century, and discusses the two Presidential and two parliamentary and provincial council elections in 2004, 2005, 2009 and 2010 in post Taliban era. Importantly the study consists of three main sections. Two of section forms the literature review and analysis around democracy and elections before and after the rein-science as well as the modern era in modern world and other Asian countries. Although it is in Persian (Dari) narrowed down on Afghanistan in post Taliban however it touches the 20th century as twelve rulers were not successful in ‘peaceful power transition’ in modern history. Power monopoly remains a challenge towards democratic transition of power. This book will be published in Dari (Persian).
Thesis Chapters by Reza Kateb
Ministry of Interior Affairs, 2017
The Civilianization Road Map is a pathway toward an Integrated Civilian and Uniformed Workforce A... more The Civilianization Road Map is a pathway toward an Integrated Civilian and Uniformed Workforce Analysis in Afghanistan's Ministry of Interior Affairs. Civilianization is a critical reform initiative for the Ministry of Interior Affairs (MoIA). If completed successfully, civilianization will have a profound impact on MoIA’s ability to deliver upon its mandate and improve public trust and confidence in the Afghanistan National Police (ANP).
The study seeks to examine networked politics and the policy process at the High Peace Council (H... more The study seeks to examine networked politics and the policy process at the High Peace Council (HPC) of Afghanistan. Face-to-face semi-structured interviews were conducted to gain understanding of the experiences and perceptions of being in networked politics. The aim of the dissertation is to address the question: What network of contact the HPC of Afghanistan is using to strike a peace deal with the Taliban and other armed groups?
Papers by Reza Kateb
This piece focuses on how women in Afghanistan have been treated from 1900 to the present day. I ... more This piece focuses on how women in Afghanistan have been treated from 1900 to the present day. I will break history into specified divisions of time to understand the past, the oppression and violence women faced between 1900 and the Present.

In 2012, my role at the Ministry of Finance was to examine the Government's goal such as security... more In 2012, my role at the Ministry of Finance was to examine the Government's goal such as security, governance, rule of law and human rights and economic and social development stated in the Afghanistan National Development Strategy and also it was the Government's commitments agreed at the Tokyo Conference in 2012. 1 I have identified the economic challenges for the transition of security, political power, and economic transition until June, 2015. Here, I reflect on my experiences related to the reduction of violence against women in the context of Afghanistan that is often deeply rooted in traditional practices and attitudes that deny women equal rights with men. Today, over 30 million women and girls and marginalized populations out of 38,346,720 of people are facing violence 2 or the Taliban's false amnesty 3 and the Gallup data about Afghanistan confirms that "the Taliban's takeover of Afghanistan' the country's economic prospects remain grim, with some estimates placing 97% of [people] below the poverty line by mid-2022. 4

, the Taliban was considered one of the protuberant groups in Afghanistan's civil war. Taliban me... more , the Taliban was considered one of the protuberant groups in Afghanistan's civil war. Taliban members largely came from the Pashtun areas of eastern and southern Afghanistan where most of their key actors had attended traditional Islamic schools. In addition, numerous former officers from the Communist regime of Afghanistan after the collapse of the Communist regime also joined the Taliban or lobbied for them in 1995. 1 'Talib' refers to a student of Madrasa who often receives a primary Islamic education. However, the Taliban has projected a more paradoxical image of themselves between 1994 to Present. Firstly, their fighting skills and combat techniques used against the Mujahidin parties have suggested that the Taliban had received advanced training on how to use Russian-made weapons and artillery. Secondly, they use a unique strict religious ideology mixture of Deobandi traditionalism and Wahhabi puritanism with a conservative Pashtun social code (Pashtunwali)-to justify a brutally repressive regime. 2
The current process of ongoing reconstruction and state-building in Afghanistan has been seriousl... more The current process of ongoing reconstruction and state-building in Afghanistan has been seriously questioned by policy-makers, academics, and experts. Ten years since the International intervention, Afghanistan still remains one of the poorest countries in the world and faces serious challenges in regard to insecurity, international terrorism and the drug economy, and ordinary Afghans are losing hope in their country' future.
This essay responds to the question of what does the concept of social exclusion add to our under... more This essay responds to the question of what does the concept of social exclusion add to our understanding of poverty, and with what implication for policy. The question is discussed with a considerable focus on the key terms and concepts involved, such as understanding of poverty, social exclusion, and the policy implication for this phenomenon.
This paper discusses whether or, not quantitative method should alone be used to inform policy in... more This paper discusses whether or, not quantitative method should alone be used to inform policy intervention to tackle poverty. While doing so the issues of ontology, epistemology, validity, reliability and generalisability will be examined within two of the most important research approaches, i.e., quantitative and qualitative, to identify their merits and shortcomings.

From the beginnings of human thought, public policymaking has been a central subject for study an... more From the beginnings of human thought, public policymaking has been a central subject for study and discussion by social philosophers and practical politicans alike and their writtings include many moving exhortations, profound insights, fascinating descriptions, and stimulating ideas that not only are not of much theoretical significance but, also have been of great practical import in shaping contemporary policy issues . According to Oxford English Dictionary the word 'policy' means 'a course of action adopted and pursued by a government, party, ruler, statesman etc' . Moreover, the policy arts sought on problems of government and to influence the activities and decisions of government in variety of ways and in recent decades policy sciences claimed to offer a better approach to the problems of government. Hence, Hill cites that master's programme were set up in univerities, thinktanks were established to advise governemnts, and he argues that the aimed of these initiatives to fuse the rather longer-standing use of economics in policy analysis with new ideas from political sciences, sociology and organisation theory (Hill, 1997, p. 2). Although, it is beyond the scope of this informative paper to address the question.
Miscellaneaus by Reza Kateb
Ministry of Women's Affair of Afghanistan, 2014
This report has been uploaded this report for public dissemination.
Etilaatroz, 2020
وزارت امور خارجه امریکا با نشر بیانیهی مطبوعاتی[1] در ساعت 7:45 دقیقهی[2] بعد از ظهر روز دوازده... more وزارت امور خارجه امریکا با نشر بیانیهی مطبوعاتی[1] در ساعت 7:45 دقیقهی[2] بعد از ظهر روز دوازدهم ماه می، مدعی گردید که آنها متوجه شده است که طالبان دست داشتن بر هر دو حملهی تروریستی روز دوازدهم ماه می را رد نموده و هر دو حمله را محکوم کرده است، یعنی هم حمله بر شفاخانهی نسایی ـ ولادی صد بستر دشت برچی را و هم حمله بر نمازگزاران در ننگرهار را محکوم کرده است.

The Government, 2006
The Office of the Administrative Affairs of the Council of Minister of the Government of Afghanis... more The Office of the Administrative Affairs of the Council of Minister of the Government of Afghanistan has produced a comprehensive report from forty-three governmental ministries and independent directorates in September 2006. This report is a complex analysis of mid and high level of government employees based on their ethnicity and provinces that they come from or they are belonging.
The report covers four categories of the governmental employee starting from rank 3, 2, 1 and above the rank, that covers all general managers, directors, director general level jobs, and above the rank probably covers various other key positions such as deputy minister, chief of staff, commissioner, governor, ambassador, deputy ambassador, senior advisers to the ministers or the ministry or independent organizations.
From an ethnicity point, this report only captured fourteen ethnic groups living in all thirty-four provinces of Afghanistan which includes 7776 mid and high level of employee of the government employed till September 2006. Furthermore, this report has its own limitation that has been highlighted in page 4 and,5 and executive analysis mentioned in 89 and 90 of the report itself.
Therefore, this unique report is written in Dari/Persian language, as per the country’s constitution this kind of report really strengthening the public accountability and transparency in Afghanistan.
I talked about latest developments in Economics, Afghanistan National Development Strategy and it... more I talked about latest developments in Economics, Afghanistan National Development Strategy and its different sectors including status of national priority programs, through Ministry of Finance.
Republic of Silence , May 2013
The Siraj al-tawarikh is the important history of Afghanistan ever written. It was commissioned a... more The Siraj al-tawarikh is the important history of Afghanistan ever written. It was commissioned as an official national history by the Afghan prince, later amir, Habib Allah Khan (reigned 1901-1919). The author, Fayz Mohammad Khan, better known as “Kateb” (The Writer), was a scribe at the royal court. For more than three decades, he had full access to government archives and oral sources and thus presents an unparalleled picture of the country from its founding in 1747 until the end of the nineteenth century. The roots of much of the fabric of Afghanistan’s society today-tribe and state relations, the rule of law, gender issues, and the economy are elegantly and minutely detailed in this immense work (McCheseny 2012).
the Republic of Silence , Jan 10, 2012
During my reseach project on contemporary history of Afghanistan, I found a couple of Pashto scri... more During my reseach project on contemporary history of Afghanistan, I found a couple of Pashto scripts pages in the work of Fayz Mohammad Kateb. Yet I have not seen in the published books of Kateb at vol. 3
Books by Reza Kateb
Thesis Chapters by Reza Kateb
Papers by Reza Kateb
Miscellaneaus by Reza Kateb
The report covers four categories of the governmental employee starting from rank 3, 2, 1 and above the rank, that covers all general managers, directors, director general level jobs, and above the rank probably covers various other key positions such as deputy minister, chief of staff, commissioner, governor, ambassador, deputy ambassador, senior advisers to the ministers or the ministry or independent organizations.
From an ethnicity point, this report only captured fourteen ethnic groups living in all thirty-four provinces of Afghanistan which includes 7776 mid and high level of employee of the government employed till September 2006. Furthermore, this report has its own limitation that has been highlighted in page 4 and,5 and executive analysis mentioned in 89 and 90 of the report itself.
Therefore, this unique report is written in Dari/Persian language, as per the country’s constitution this kind of report really strengthening the public accountability and transparency in Afghanistan.
The report covers four categories of the governmental employee starting from rank 3, 2, 1 and above the rank, that covers all general managers, directors, director general level jobs, and above the rank probably covers various other key positions such as deputy minister, chief of staff, commissioner, governor, ambassador, deputy ambassador, senior advisers to the ministers or the ministry or independent organizations.
From an ethnicity point, this report only captured fourteen ethnic groups living in all thirty-four provinces of Afghanistan which includes 7776 mid and high level of employee of the government employed till September 2006. Furthermore, this report has its own limitation that has been highlighted in page 4 and,5 and executive analysis mentioned in 89 and 90 of the report itself.
Therefore, this unique report is written in Dari/Persian language, as per the country’s constitution this kind of report really strengthening the public accountability and transparency in Afghanistan.
I described the Afghanistan's SDGs, and also argued that we should to learn some good lessons from Thailand's sufficiency economy philosophy, SEP that has fundamentally shifted Thailand's economy towards sustainable development in south and east Asia.