University of Bristol
Theology and Religious Studies
A brief exploration of the relationship between the ‘ideas’ or principles of all existing things as they are held in the divine intellect, and the Logos itself. I shall be pointing out that Balthasar’s assumption that pagan Neo-Platonism... more
Can non-human animals be said to be "religious", and what is meant by "religion"? I address traditional arguments against this possibility, as well as more modern attempts to ground "religion" in natural lusts and affections, largely... more
It has been traditional to suppose that human beings, if they are to be reckoned something else than ‘animals’, must have an eye to the whole truth, the cosmos as a living reality, rather than the simple local worlds, the Umwelten, of all... more
Atheists in general need share no particular political or metaphysical views, but atheists of the most modern, Western, militant sort, escaping from a merely nihilistic mind-set, are usually humanists of an especially triumphalist kind.... more
Spiritual Healing: how spooky must it be, and what would (did) Plotinus have to say about it?
How best can an apparently inconsistent triad be reconciled? To be good we must be ethically virtuous; being good is being like God; God isn't ethically virtuous. I offer an examination of the pagan and patristic insistence that we should... more
Persons are creatures with a range of personal capacities. Most known to us are also people, though nothing in observation or biological theory demands that all and only people are persons, nor even that persons, any more than people,... more
According to Plotinus’ exegesis of Homer’s Odyssey 11.601-2, Heracles’ image or shadow is in Hades, but he himself is among the gods (Ennead I.1[53].12; see also IV.3 [27].32). I shall explore the distinctions between living body, shadow... more
Robots are to be built as animated tools, and the possibility of their rebellion is to be avoided by imposing fundamental laws. But those laws are both ambiguous and easily subverted. Despite our inclination to attribute personality and... more
It is a thoughtful and direct essay. Singer claims that a certain moral principle is true. He claims that it implies that affluent people such as ourselves ought to give very substantial assistance to the poverty-stricken victims of... more
protect dispositional autonomy. To permit voluntary enslavement, for example, would exalt the occurrent over the dispositional. Paternalism is, however, distinguished from Devlin-type legal moralism. Chapter 7 devotes insufficient space... more
PLOTINIAN DUALISMS AND THE "GREEK" IDEAS OF SELF I. The Concept of "The Greek Concept" Talking about "the Greeks" or "the Classical Greeks" at all is likely to irritate classical scholars, who will point out that there is small reason to... more
British Idealism was the dominant philosophy in Britain and the entire Englishspeaking world during the last decades of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century.
T he overall aim of the NHS R&D Health Technology Assessment (HTA) programme is to ensure that high-quality research information on the costs, effectiveness and broader impact of health technologies is produced in the most efficient way... more
On Stoic principles (and those of classical physics) there is only one determinate time-line, whether or not its elements can always be predicted or retrodicted. It is now more often agreed that there are many possible time-lines, though... more