Dawei Han
Real-time Flood Forecasting
Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System
Flood Risk Assessment and Management
Water Resources Management
Natural Hazards
Weather Radar
Numerical Weather Prediction (MM5, WRF)
Water quality
Address: Department of Civil Engineering
University of Bristol
Bristol BS8 1TR, UK
Real-time Flood Forecasting
Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System
Flood Risk Assessment and Management
Water Resources Management
Natural Hazards
Weather Radar
Numerical Weather Prediction (MM5, WRF)
Water quality
Address: Department of Civil Engineering
University of Bristol
Bristol BS8 1TR, UK
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Books by Dawei Han
The book content covers the fundamental theories and their applications in systems engineering, including background to systems engineering, system types, system boundaries, emergent properties, hard and soft systems, systems thinking, system architecture, systems tools, systems analysis, system modelling and simulation, optimisation, system uncertainty, principles of systems engineering, systems engineering processes, and decision making. A list of recommended reading resources is provided in the appendix for readers to further explore the interested systems engineering topics.
The book covers the fundamental theories on hydrological cycle (water balance, atmospheric water, subsurface water, surface water), precipitation analysis, evaporation and evapotranspiration processes, infiltration, ground water movement, hydrograph analysis, rainfall runoff modelling (unit hydrograph), hydrological flow routing, measurements and data collection, hydrological statistics and hydrological design. The text has been written in a concise format that is integrated with the relevant graphics. There are many examples to further explain the theories introduced. The questions at the end of each chapter are accompanied by the corresponding answers and full solutions. A list of recommended reading resources is provided in the appendix for readers to further explore the interested hydrological topics.
The book content covers the fundamental theories (continuity, energy and momentum equations), hydrostatics, pipe flow, physical modelling (dimensional analysis and similarity), open channel flow, uniform flow, channel design, critical flow, rapidly varied flow, hydraulic jump, hydraulic structures, gradually varied flow, computation of flow profile, unsteady flow and hydraulic machinery (pump and turbine). The text has been written in a concise format that is integrated with the relevant graphics. There are many examples to further explain the theories introduced. The questions at the end of each chapter are accompanied by the corresponding answers and full solutions. A list of recommended reading resources is provided in the appendix for readers to further explore the interested hydraulics topics.
Due to its online format, it is expected that the book will be updated regularly. If you find any errors and inaccuracies in the book, you are encouraged to email me with feedback and suggestions for further improvements.
Papers by Dawei Han
The book content covers the fundamental theories and their applications in systems engineering, including background to systems engineering, system types, system boundaries, emergent properties, hard and soft systems, systems thinking, system architecture, systems tools, systems analysis, system modelling and simulation, optimisation, system uncertainty, principles of systems engineering, systems engineering processes, and decision making. A list of recommended reading resources is provided in the appendix for readers to further explore the interested systems engineering topics.
The book covers the fundamental theories on hydrological cycle (water balance, atmospheric water, subsurface water, surface water), precipitation analysis, evaporation and evapotranspiration processes, infiltration, ground water movement, hydrograph analysis, rainfall runoff modelling (unit hydrograph), hydrological flow routing, measurements and data collection, hydrological statistics and hydrological design. The text has been written in a concise format that is integrated with the relevant graphics. There are many examples to further explain the theories introduced. The questions at the end of each chapter are accompanied by the corresponding answers and full solutions. A list of recommended reading resources is provided in the appendix for readers to further explore the interested hydrological topics.
The book content covers the fundamental theories (continuity, energy and momentum equations), hydrostatics, pipe flow, physical modelling (dimensional analysis and similarity), open channel flow, uniform flow, channel design, critical flow, rapidly varied flow, hydraulic jump, hydraulic structures, gradually varied flow, computation of flow profile, unsteady flow and hydraulic machinery (pump and turbine). The text has been written in a concise format that is integrated with the relevant graphics. There are many examples to further explain the theories introduced. The questions at the end of each chapter are accompanied by the corresponding answers and full solutions. A list of recommended reading resources is provided in the appendix for readers to further explore the interested hydraulics topics.
Due to its online format, it is expected that the book will be updated regularly. If you find any errors and inaccuracies in the book, you are encouraged to email me with feedback and suggestions for further improvements.