I am an Asian female who was
assaulted today at 3:15pm outside Ginga Sushi, South Bank. The Caucasian male - around 50 years of age, dirty grey hair, rough beard and pale dusty white clothing - rammed me in the shoulder and called me a "Slanty-eyed faggot.". He thought I was a male because of my tied back hair. When he realised I was female he let go and then punched out an Asian man nearby in the face. He ran off. Security said, "We'll try our best but chances of catching him are low."
Later I found out at around 8pm last night,
another Asian girl was assaulted (attempted mugging) by a young Caucasian male along Logan Rd from Garden City en route to Palmdale shopping centre. It appears she was followed from the Garden City Library according to surveillance cameras. Security are on the lookout for this man.
I was the one who had issues with racist customers at my place of work in South Bank. I tire of this constant harrassment and this assault has broken me in pieces. This is too far. Why are these attacks against "ethnics" occurring so frequently as of late? Indians, Oriental Asians, Sudanese...all are targeted at the moment.
In pseudo-relation, there is a
white-supremacist festival to be held at the Gold Coast in late April. Is our beloved QLD turning into a hick state?
I feel I don't belong here anymore. I've been here 15 years and this is how people of "my kind" are treated? Brisneyland - what is your honest opinion?
Thank you.
[edit] Time of second assault was last night.
[post-script] I've made report to Police on that evening. Progress in waiting. Thank you for your kind support everyone. Here's to justice being served eventually.