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brisneyland, posts by tag: news/current events - LiveJournal
A community for anyone who has ever lived, left or loved Brisbane!
10th-Jan-2011 07:57 am - A helpful website
film shoot
To help y'all keep track of where you can and cannot drive:

This is the current list of road closures and areas where the roads are affected and how badly. It's pretty comprehensive and state wide, but the Metropolitan list is right at the top.

I'm in Nundah, just up the hill from Kedron Brook, which was less than a metre below the bridge on Shaw Road last night. I'm taking a wild punt and saying that it's now likely underwater. How's things where you are? Everybody staying mostly dry?

I am an Asian female who was assaulted today at 3:15pm outside Ginga Sushi, South Bank.  The Caucasian male - around 50 years of age, dirty grey hair, rough beard and pale dusty white clothing - rammed me in the shoulder and called me a "Slanty-eyed faggot.".  He thought I was a male because of my tied back hair.  When he realised I was female he let go and then punched out an Asian man nearby in the face.  He ran off.  Security said, "We'll try our best but chances of catching him are low."

Later I found out at around 8pm last night, another Asian girl was assaulted (attempted mugging) by a young Caucasian male along Logan Rd from Garden City en route to Palmdale shopping centre.  It appears she was followed from the Garden City Library according to surveillance cameras.  Security are on the lookout for this man.

I was the one who had issues with racist customers at my place of work in South Bank.  I tire of this constant harrassment and this assault has broken me in pieces.  This is too far.  Why are these attacks against "ethnics" occurring so frequently as of late?  Indians, Oriental Asians, Sudanese...all are targeted at the moment.

In pseudo-relation, there is a white-supremacist festival  to be held at the Gold Coast in late April.  Is our beloved QLD turning into a hick state?

I feel I don't belong here anymore.  I've been here 15 years and this is how people of "my kind" are treated?  Brisneyland - what is your honest opinion?

Thank you.

[edit] Time of second assault was last night.

[post-script] I've made report to Police on that evening.  Progress in waiting.  Thank you for your kind support everyone.  Here's to justice being served eventually.
21st-Dec-2009 03:37 pm - Where do you get your news??
boyd tie

I am a Journalism student at the University of Queensland, and wanted to ask you guys some questions to help with a little background on my topic from real people. If you want to answer it would be really helpful, but please could you include your age, as this assignment is about different generations. And, if you don't mind your answer possibly being quoted in a University assignment (nowhere else) then please include your full name. It would be a great help guys!!!

Firstly, where do you guys get your news from?
Do you read newspapers, watch the news on TV, or get your news online, or any combination of these forms?

Is there a different level of trust in news that you read in the paper, watch on TV or read/view online?

And one more thing. Does anyone here actually create news content, for either online or offline media platforms? Does anyone write a news blog, for example, or has anyone contributed to one?

Thank you so much in advance for any insight into your news consumption or creation habits!

If for some reason you would like to say something in private, feel free to note me or email me at
[email protected]
[Middle] Hello kitty.

No Clean Feed - Stop Internet Censorship in Australia

As internet users, I figured brisneyland would be just as upset as I am at this proposed "Clean Feed". I have found this site that has an online petition and a letter template to send to Senator Conroy, making it very very easy to get your important opinions heard.

Please take five minutes out of your day and send some feedback to the government on this issue. Every little bit counts.
16th-Dec-2009 01:08 pm - Aust Post Strike = free mail
Hi all,

Is it true, that the Australia Post strike that is occurring right now, has allowed the delivery of "free mail"?

Basically all standard greeting cards this season within Australia will be delivered free.

Could someone confirm?

Thank you.
24th-Sep-2009 09:21 am - Save the net
[Low] Can of worms.
<div><object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase=",0,28,0" width="300" height="250"><param name="movie" value=""><param name="quality" value="high"><embed src="" quality="high" pluginspage="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="300" height="250"></embed></object></div>

^I thought I had best explain until this ban on embedding is lifted and you can all see what I was talking about.

Our Government should be doing all in its power to take Australia into the 21st century economy, and to protect our children. This proposed internet censorship does neither.

Now it's decision time for the Government - with results from their flawed live trial due any day now. We'll be running a massive ad in The Australian this Friday, make sure your signature is included to make that number too large to ignore.

Add your name to the petition here. Bought to you by the active folk at GetUp.
17th-Aug-2009 05:34 pm(no subject)
the dude
Senate Inquiry into the Marriage Equality Amendment Bill 2009

On 25 June 2009 the Senate voted to send the Marriage Equality Amendment Bill 2009 to an inquiry.

The Bill was lodged in the Senate the day before by Greens Senator Sarah Hanson-Young.

The Bill seeks to amend the federal Marriage Act so that same-sex partners are able to marry in Australia, and to recognise same-sex marriages legally entered into overseas.

The inquiry will be conducted by the Senate's Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee. Submissions are being received until Friday 28 August 2009 with the inquiry due to report by 26 November 2009.

In 2004, an inquiry into the Howard Government’s ban on same-sex marriage received more submissions than any other Senate inquiry in history; 13,000 against same-sex marriage and 3000 in favour. Please join us in ensuring that the balance of submissions to the 2009 inquiry more accurately reflects majority community support for equality.

Anyone can make a submission, not just those in a same-sex relationship. It is also very important for our politicians to hear from family, friends, work colleagues and other supporters of our community.

Make your submission here

You can also email your submission directly to:

Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee
Marriage Equality Inquiry*
[email protected]

*Be sure to include your name and address, and you must indicate whether your name is to be withheld from publication and whether your submission can be made public.

For more info, see the AME website; or the Senate inquiry site.

Please repost!
Did anyone else see the news tonight about a man stealing produce from a fatal truck accident scene at Eagle Farm? They said on the TV a driver stopped, actually walked past the dying truckie on the side of the road and stole a crate of pumpkins before driving off.

Story here:,25197,25734546-12377,00.html

If the story on the TV is accurate, it just totally stuns me that anyone could do this. It's just soooo heartless, it makes me sick. I hope they catch him and cut his balls off.
9th-Jun-2009 10:53 pm - Cat registering in Brisbane

July 1 will soon be upon us when the registration of cats will be made mandatory.

So, how do we register our cats when there's no new information on the websites?

Will it be like dogs, where you pick up the form from the local BCC library and you just post the info out - or maybe online?

The council only have literally a fortnight to implement ths system and get it right on the first least those in SE QLD will be waived the registration fee for the first 12 months...I don't know, I have a feeling this is one system that can't afford to not iron out the kinks before it becomes a law. That being said, at least some info and how things could be done would be least for reference, you know?

Oh I read these sites:

Register your cat - QLD gov
Cats - BCC
Managing cats and dogs

I have actually contacted the local council about it and even the lady on the phone said to wait til after July 1 to see what happens ~ hmmm


20th-May-2009 02:58 pm - Rain, rain...

Hi all. I'm loving the rain, but can't say I'm looking forward to driving home in it.

Road closures, school closures and power outages, oh my!Collapse )
Moods of cat &#42;&#42;CREDIT TO LONELYSTREET&#42;&#42;
Humans werent/aren't the only ones caught in the fires in Victoria. Animals - companion pets, livestock and wildlife, also lost their homes or were injured. In many cases they have been split from their owners and authorities are struggling to match owners with their pets in the midst of the devastation.

If you'd like to support the animals of Victoria, go to the RSPCA Vic website for more information on how you can donate blankets, food, temporary fencing supplies, green/enviro bags (they're using them to create care packages to give food and supplies away), bedding, leads, bowls, feedbins + buckets (livestock) or any other kind of assistance.

The link is

Dig deep Brisneyland, imagine if it happened to your furry/feathered/scaled loved one :(
10th-Feb-2009 07:39 pm - Another way to contribute.

If you're looking for another way to contribute to the Victorian Bushfire Appeal, I've just found this group on Facebook:

Samboy are having a competition whereby the group with "Samboy is back" in the title that is most populated by this Sunday wins $10K. The moderators of this group are going to donate the money to the bushfire appeal.

The group is currently in the lead (just), and I'm figuring that even if it is a scam there will be so much media attention if they win that the money will have to be donated.
15th-Jan-2009 09:56 pm - Police in Norman Park?

quick question, did anyone see the massive police presence in the norman park/hawthorne area this afternoon around 4:30pm? the whole intersection at hawthorne rd and the back streets were all blocked off. anyone know what happened? i can't seem to find anything on

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