This community is for anyone who lives, has lived, or wishes to live in Brisbane (capital of sunny Queensland - Australia)! Meet new people in your area or catch up with old friends, chat about anything, arrange meet ups, post pictures of you streaking across ANZ stadium, advertise your local Brisbane band or your next open house party! It's also a good way to stay in touch with people you met while visiting Brisbane!
Where's a good place to get cheaper exercise clothing? Just looking for bike shorts / leggings / similar. I've never bought stuff like this before so I kind of have no idea where to go, and I have a feeling it's going to be pretty expensive if I just rock up to Lorna Jane.
I was just looking at my partner's work website and it looks like they have a special offer for teeth whitening. It's about half the price they usually charge until the end of this month, and I can testify that it really truly works.
I thought I'd let everyone know in case it's of interest - I know there have been a few Brisneylanders who have been impressed with their treatment. My partners name is Hayden - or Dr Stewart. Book in with him if you do end up going there, and let him know you're on Livejournal!
My partner and I are moving, and there's a bunch of stuff we would like to not move with us. It is all free to a good home, as long as you pick it up before the 22nd. If anything is unclaimed by next weekend, it'll become roadside loot (council kerbside pickup is the 22nd around here).
Please let me know if this is inappropriate and I will remove it ASAP.
I'm selling a few anime box sets (Get Backers, Hellsing, Comic Party and Escaflowne to be precise) in the hopes that I will be able to afford my uni textbooks this semester.
Prices are starting ridiculously low, all box sets are in very good condition (except Escaflowne's actual box, but it's nothing that can't be fixed with a dab of glue).
Please tell one and all and help me afford those ritzy, second hand textbooks I have been dreaming of since I saw the ominous booklist.
The RSPCA currently has this brilliant rewards scheme where if you donate $100, you receive vouchers for over $5000 worth of food, entertainment, hair and beauty treatments, gym memberships, car servicing, movie rentals, photography sessions and so on.
I know this isn't Brisbane-related, and could be considered advertising, however you guys have been so helpful to me over the years, I thought I would share this with you.
Victoria's Secret have started their stocktake sale today, up to 70% off a huge variety of clothing, bras, and all kinds of stuff. The quality of their clothing is relative to the price, however they are usually damn better than the stuff you'd find in Australian shops. Their tshirts are pure cotton, fit very well indeed and are comfortable, with HUGE range of models and colours. (the "essential tee" is very similar in thickness and comfort to $30-40 Esprit tshirts, but cost about a third). Jeans and pants go from 30 to 36 inches inseam, a dream for someone 6ft tall like I am, and fairly good fit (depends on model etc), and in any case, $40 for pants this long is awesome price. The bras are ideal, go up to DD cup, and on sale start from US$12, in Australia I'd pay at least $50 for this level of quality, fit and prettiness. I've started buying clothing from them about a year ago, and honestly, there is no going back.
Anyway, here's the best thing - if you use code FA919873, you will get FREE international shipping on orders over $200, yay. Which means a saving of at least $46. It's valid until 12th January, and honestly, you won't regret it. This sort of voucher code comes up only once every blue moon, make use of it. :)
This isn't particularly Brisbane related, but I know a lot of you women will appreciate this post!
Christmas aka silly-party-season is upon us. If you're anything like me, you try to squeeze your feet into uncomfortably high yet terrifically sexy shoes that looks a million dollars - until you're drunk and exhausted and traipsing through the city in search of a cab.
Give me a few days for these to be delivered, then I can point and laugh at you as I pull these little fold-up-flats out of my purse and watch as the little square they came with magically expands to form a tote for carrying my heels.
I just ordered a pair - it's like they were *made for me*! And they're only $16.99 [including delivery] and come in three colours [black, silver and pink - I went with glitzy silver].GENIUS! I can't believe I have lived for 26 years on this Earth and not had a pair of these.
Myself and housemate poxy_report are moving out and we want to get rid of all the stuff peterchayward left here when he moved to Canberra! We have pretty much anything you could want if you are looking to set up you own house so please don't hesitate to have a look and make an offer.
Centerpiece of the bunch is the dishwasher, great working condition, only a year old. Just $200ono!
And much more. More photos will be uploaded over the next day or so, but for sale there is also-
An assortment of chairs from $15! A Microwave for just $50! Big kitchen table, just $40! Filing Cabinet, $30ono! Various cutlery, crockery, kitchen utensils from $0.20 each! (Make us an offer!)
Hello lovely ladies of Brisneyland - gents you might want to skip this post. ;] I wish to let you know of an amazing little place that just opened up on Hawthorne Road called, "Full Kandi".
I was immediately drawn to them when I saw a placard out the front of their beauty clinic stating that they gave $30 Brazillian Waxes. I honestly almost drove off the road! I've been a resident of the Hawthorne / Bulimba area for over a year and have been waxed by three separate local places in the time I've lived here. Not once have I paid under $65 for a wax.
I had my first appointment yesterday and was so impressed I couldn't wait to get on here and recommend them to everyone I know! FYI I know this sounds like a paid advertisement, but I can assure you I'm not affiliated with this place at all - I went in for the first time yesterday and was so happy I had to tell everyone about it.
-For starters, the place is gorgeous. They've fitted it out in the most lovely, girly pink and they've managed to convert a tired old house into a really cute beauty salon that makes you feel good when you enter. -Secondly, the wax itself took all of ten minutes. Yes, I'm serious. From go-to-woah, I was lying there for 10 minutes only! Every other wax I've had has taken from 20-30 minutes, and then some. -Thirdly, they have a really unique way of doing the wax. The beauty therapist is from Turkey and practices something they call "Turkish hand waxing". She has a scoop full of wax in her hand and uses that to remove all of the hair required. It's actually a little less painful than the other normal way I've had it done, and I've already mentioned the saving on time! -Fourthly and finally, the price. $30 just cannot be beaten! I'm so excited I'll be able to get my monthly wax again! Being a student makes these little indulgences super hard to justify, but now I have nothing stopping me.
Local ladies I implore you to check these guys out. They mentioned yesterday that they'll be hiking up their introductory rates shortly by about $5 for each service, but that still makes them stupidly cheap and great value.
Hello guys and gals! Today I'm informing you all of the most awesome cheap cheap cheap massages that are available at the building where I study - we share the building with ACNT [Australasian College of Natural Therapies].
Simply call or come in to book an hour massage for the ridiculously low price of $15 per person per 60 minute massage completed by a fully supervised student.
As I have upgraded my portable-music-playing device recently, I would like to offer and sell my old mp3 player to anyone interested. If you or anyone you know would like to purchase it please comment here or PM me to organise stuff. Thanks!
I recently purchased my wedding dress from an online seller at eBay and they initially sent the wrong colour. They have since resent the right colour dress and everything is sweet with them. Due to the costs to send the mistake dress back, they have cut their losses and said that I can keep it/do with it what I will.
It is a brand new size 18-20 (according to their measurements) strapless gown with beading accents across the top and down one side - see attached pic.
The dress is yellow in colour (unlike the picture) and has not been worn.
I've tried asking a couple of places that do dress hire etc and they don't seem to want even a look at it as it's not a 'recognised label'.
I will admit that these dresses were purchased cheap, so I'm open to any offers. Would be great as a formal dress more so than wedding unless you are having a yellow dress (or need an additional bridesmaid dress - I can give you the contact on eBay should you want more though).
1- KORG TRITON LE (ultimate music making keyboard synth) - $900 or special offer
2- ESP FLYING V GUITAR - $700 or offer
3- DIGITAL 4 TRACK RECORDERS (includes memory SD card)- $300 with microphone
4- BEHRINGER CONDENSER MIC (big fat silver thing)= $300 with digital 4 track
5- PIANO ACCORDION, Settimio Soprani made in Italy 1950's handmade, orchestral quality 120 bass - make an offer. (Italian made accordions are several thousand dollars new)
7- STAR WARS TOYS - make an offer
8- ALL MY CDS (indie rock, hard rock, classic rock, no other genres - all in cases with album art) thats the accordion
These will all be sold for LESS THAN 50% OF THE RRP. Some of them have never been used. Please CALL me 0421328059 with questions or if you want specific price
I was going to put prices higher but I need to sell urgently
PS..... does anyone know where else I can get a decent price for these? To sell my star wars toys or music gear?
I discovered (apologies if you know about this already) Jack Purcell meats yesterday. They are this huge butcher shop complete with coffee stand, that sells meaty goodness of cheap!
We paid $40 for enough meat to feed 3 people everyday for about three weeks.