? ?
Welcome to Brisneyland!
A community for anyone who has ever lived, left or loved Brisbane!
The moderators abandoned Brisneyland LJ and I don't blame them. New posts aren't added. But I can edit an old post and raise livejournal from the grave - just like the Australian Democrats have risen again!

--don't confuse them with Liberal Democrats. They have a different sort of blast from the past; Campbell Newman is their lead candidate.

Picking splinters of One Nation out of your ballot this year: Group A lead candidate is a former One Nation senator. Group H is the former LNP MP who defected to One Nation 2017 and was actually on the senate ticket for PHON after Malcolm Roberts last federal election but resigned over the strip club footage in April 2019 PLUS Rebecca Lloyd who was going to be PHON's Brisbane House of Reps candidate this year but was disendorsed April 2022 over her website; M is Rod Culleton's Great Australian Party (the WA One Nation senator that went independent, but was found ineligible because of a larceny conviction in NSW) and the last of the Ungrouped, Peter Rogers, is a former PHON candidate. Pauline Hanson herself has finisher her senate term and is lead candidate up for re-election at X. PHON's second is a guy who worked for Adani.

Donkeyvotie is updated, and you can read their funny and informative snark on all parties here:
If you'd like more serious, unbiased policy round-up explainer video, watch Auspol Explained here:
Other useful links updated for 2022:

Dr Bonham's strategic voting advice has been updated.

Vote organisers:
ps:// for your thumbs up and down sorting baskets for your easier drag-and-drop candidates if you like to reorder within parties.

"Who ARE the Ungrouped?" is easily answered this time areound as they all lead candidates have wiki pages. Group A Len Harris and Group H Steve Dickson, mentioned above, are hyperlinked on the wiki page of all federal candidates:

Group I strangely is not. Here it is. wiki.
Dr. Mike Head is an experienced candidate for the Socialist Equality party. It was deregistered like a lot of small parties who were not able to increase there membership in time to meet new rules in the very small window of opportunity for membership drives, hampered by covid lockdowns.

It did unclutter the senate ballot. Antony Green, the ABC election analysist, talked about the Morrison government legislation last year.

Clive Palmer got around the membership drive problem by recruiting a sitting MP, Craig Kelly, to UAP. A number of small progressive parties you might wonder at their disappearance manage to appear on the ticket by forming FUSION, kind of like a cartoon crystal gem super hero. Yet another way to get around not having enough members to form a federally registered political party is register a corporation, like Australia One has, and run candidates as independants with shared policies like Lindsay Temple, a former DLP candidate now running in the Ungrouped, is doing. It's been said Australia One is an unregistered party by design, though.

You don't get candidates direct contacts published by the AEC anymore. The only info is the occupation they list. Here's the offical AEC candidate list if your postcode's 4000, you can check your own.

Here's the eight independant candidates. Only one steadfastly refuses to allow any information about his intentions as senator into the public domain, Kochardy, but he hails from an era before social media and probably thinks Murdoch newspapers are sufficient. Two are actually "party" candidates. The Katter Party perhaps could not find a running mate for their candidate to appear above the line, but they definitely remain a federally registered party. Only three seem to have had no previous experience as political candidates: Robert Lyon, Chey Hamilton, and Laurence Quinlan.

Robert Lyon still has no bio as of May 9, only a pic, but Katter Party policy is well known. Only slightly more info in this facebook post. Farmer. You would have guessed that.

David John Schefe A carpenter who ran for mayor in Roma in 2020

Lindsay Temple Australia One, an unregistered political party given as one of the ten "Freedom Parties" on Joel Jammal's site, Turning Point Australia. It has the most socially reactionary policies.

Chey Geoffrey Hamilton Has independent website, Linked-In, and facebook where he says he will preference Labor. Drought and disaster relief interest. Occupation: banker.

Lorraine Smith
former Drug Reform Party candidate. Has business facebook for Little Green Shed where her last public post is oddly for the Great Australian Party candidate, and previous post supports the Canberra Freedom Rally. Her candidate page mostly just says "Freedom".

Laurence Quinlivan Retired academic campaigning for a Hospital For Seniors. Has shown an interest in PNG political situation, multicultural arts and disability support, elsewhere on the net.

Karakan Karoly Kochardy Papers describe his as Ipswich businessman, AEC describes as pensioner and the only pictures of him are at the Ipswich Mayoral candidate debate 2020, If you read Murdoch papers you might know a bit about him, but I don't so I don't, apart from the headline he offered to donate his pay if elected.

Peter Rogers is another candidate that resigned from One Nation. Occupation: semi retired company director

Its actually been a bit harder than usual to find party candidate info, which is usually available in a bio on their official party page. Tally room has the best collection of links to what there is, if you scroll down past the useful history of Qld senate giving you the current state of play:

But as of May 16 2022, they still don't link

I - Mike Head to Social Equality, as the SEP haven't put up a current candidate page so you are forced to dig out last federal elections when he ran as an MP for Oxley:

K – Lionel Henaway (Indigenous-Aboriginal Party). Their site just links you to the senate candidate's facebook pages. Lional has an archived bio with his previous party, Rise Up Australia.

O – Isabel Tilyard (Federation) now easily available on their site.

I've used this forum to find you the Ungrouped and Independents for Queensland for a few federal elections now, and as we don't have any Queensland focussed policy reviewers, to list reviews from Cate Speaks of Vic, b_auspol of NSW and axvoter of WA in Queensland ballot order. A few months ago, the blogger from "Cate Speaks" passed away tragically young. I cannot express what a deep loss this is, and tears well as I write. She was a multi-talented national treasure, and I long ago decided Qlders were better served by me passing on her reviews than writing my own. Her friends are carrying on her passionate work at "Something for Cate".

I have included their preference position on the How-to-Vote of LNP, Labor, Greens, and Turning Point - Joel Jamal's anti-mandate and socially reactionary guide from my left wing perspective, but they lay out their policy matrix well, and if you don't align with all my lefty reviewers, it might be a quicker way to find someone that represents you.

Group Name
A Not Affiliated see
the digitised land titles just seem to be a non-issue

B (Greens 2nd) Socialist Alliance

C (Greens 4th) Legalise Cannabis Australia

D Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption

E (Lab 5th) Reason Australia


G (Lab 6th) Federal ICAC Now

H Not Affiliated google has news stories and many links on both Steve Dickson and
Rebecca Lloyd

I Not Affiliated (Vic candidates but same policies)

J (Lab 2nd) Queensland Greens

K Indigenous - Aboriginal Party of Australia

L Citizens Party

M (TP 6th) The Great Australian Party

N (TP 4th,LNP 5th) Australian Values Party

O (TP 5th) Australian Federation Party

P (Lab,Greens,3rd) Animal Justice Party

Q (Lab 4, LNP 6) Australian Democrats

R (TP 3rd,LNP 3rd) United Australia Party

S Liberal National Party of Queensland

T (TP 8th) Informed Medical Options Party

U (Greens 6th) FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency

V (TP 7th) Drew Pavlou Democratic Alliance

W (TP 2nd, LNP 4th) Liberal Democrats

X (TP 1st, LNP 2nd) Pauline Hanson's One Nation

Y (Greens 5th) Australian Labor Party

That's it. Happy Voting!

Below this line is the post from May 11 2019, our last federal election.
Who ARE the Ungrouped? Candidates for Qld Senate 2019

Donkeyvotie is my favourite quick rundown on parties, but they rarely have time for the ungrouped as they cover all states, and the only Queenslander you'll learn about briefly is the very last name on our ballot, Paul Stevenson of the Mental Health Party, and I can't help but agree with Donkeyvotie's observation we could all do with some psychotherapy after this election, but I wouldn't call it a single issue party as much as a unifying lens.

Not that you have to agree with any of their jocular opinions, but its a great way to get the parties sorted in your head.

If you are still bewildered by the One Nation offshoots, wonder if Sustainable Australia is an environmental party (Hint:NO) or wonder what happened to Senator Online (It changed its name again, to use up all allowed six words and added three exclamation marks) and want something a bit more journalistic to consult, the Guardian has a great article.

You can also give the smartvote quiz a go to find a compatible representative. I was dubious about my results but I suppose it's better than a facebook or okcupid quiz.

Not everyone realises the AEC page that tells you where you can go to cast your vote in Brisbane also gives you the contacts for ALL THE CANDIDATES so you can ask them directly what they stand for. But the Ungrouped are, as a group, particularly bad at having their websites findable, so I'm going to add them below.

UG 1 LO-DEAN, Debby Independent Business Owner
Mobile: 0402 963 392
Email: [email protected]

Gold Coast local. "Small Business and Serving the Community"

UG 2 SHARPE, Gary Robert Independent Fitter & Turner
PO Box 2769
Mobile: 0458 422 168

Buggered if I know what he stands for. If I can't even find a facebook page I tend to lose interest. But you can ring him if you want.

UG 3 LARCOMBE, Paul Independent Self Employed
PO Box 1821
Mobile: 0433 937 083
Email: [email protected]

Disability activist.

UG 4 HASLER, Jane Independent Sociologist
Email: [email protected]

Social justice advocate. Kind of wish I could find more than a linkedin. I appear to have found a letter to her rep urging them to support equal marriage, and she did fill out this survey so among the candidates whose answers you can compare to yours, as well as the smartvote quiz.

UG 5 WOODWARD, John Independent Farmer
632 Scrub Rd
Phone (home): 07 5484 6419
Phone (work): 07 5484 6419
Mobile: 0419 672 410
Email: [email protected]

Anti-banks, and previously voted for Pauline Hanson because of her policies in that area, but became disillusioned. I'm surprised he's not a Citizen's Electoral Council party candidate.

UG 6 McARTHUR-WILLIAMS, Nicholas Independent Foreign Currency Broker
Mobile: 0481 239 177
Email: [email protected]

"Compassionate Capitalism" supporter. Has a youtube as well as a linkedin.

UG 7 GHULAM, Hassan Independent Community Worker
Mobile: 0427 711 166
Email: [email protected]

Refugee Advocate, President of the Hazara Ethnic Society

UG 8 WHARTON, Wayne Independent Company Director
Mobile: 0408 064 900
Email: [email protected]

Aboriginal elder

UG 9 MURPHY, Amanda Independent Teacher
Mobile: 0420 715 459
Email: [email protected]


UG 10 STEVENSON, Paul Joseph The Australian Mental Health Party Psychologist
Phone (home): 07 3232 1254 Phone (work): 07 3232 1254

My favourite ballot organiser is If you like to vote independent and number every square, you can put the UG first as a party group, get your parties sorted, then drag and drop individuals anywhere you like! Handy if you have a particualar person you want to put last. Print it out and when people wave their how to vote cards at you, you have one to wave back!

ClueyVoter is also offering their public service again this election, which is good if you just use Ungrouped Independents as a sort of buffer between your likes and dislikes. The "pollie-filler" strategy.

We have two sets of Grouped Independents this election, R and X.

If your remember bRavehearts founder (child protection advocate),

and eX-Family First candidate (would protect children against Safe Schools and abortion), you'll have them sorted which is which.


Finally, Cate has given bonus Eurovision song themes to her review of policy pages, this election. Check them out.

A Rise Up Australia Party
B Pauline Hanson's One Nation
C United Australia Party
D Liberal National Party of Queensland
Ok, Cate's a Victorian, so we have to pick our own Eurovision Theme song here. Add yours in comments.
E Involuntary Medication Objectors (Vaccination/Fluoride) Party
F Climate Action! Immigration Action! Accountable Politicians!
G Animal Justice Party
H The Greens
J Australian Labor Party
K Independents For Climate Action Now
L Australian Workers Party
M Australian Better Families
N Help End Marijuana Prohibition (HEMP) Party
O Australian Conservatives
P Labour DLP
Q Katter's Australian Party (KAP)
R Not Affiliated Johnston, Hetty and Mureau, Sue
Website above the Democracy Sausage link above. I'm going to pick a theme."My vmeste"(We Are Together)won for Belarus in the Junior Eurovision Song Contest 2005
S The Great Australian Party
T Pirate Party
U Sustainable Australia
V Love Australia or Leave
W Shooters, Fishers and Farmers
X Not Affiliated Moore, Tony R and Moore, Cartia
Website above the Democracy Sausage link above. I'm going to pick a theme. It represented Malta and was the winning song at the Junior Eurovision Song Contest 2015. "Not My Soul".
T Pirate Party
Y Liberal Democrats
Z Citizens Electoral Council
UG Ungrouped
All the info I have found at the start of the post. If you want to pick them Eurovision theme music, go for it!

And here's a note from Dr Bonham on how to make your 2019 Australia Federal vote most effective.
Hello! Things have changed since last federal election. Dr Bonham explains the easiest and hardest ways to vote.

There's a whopping hundred and twenty-two candidates for the Qld senate this time. Thirty-six parties and nineteen independents. I made a spreadsheet and re-organised all Victorian political commentator, Cate's posts about parties in Qld ballot order. There's black and white logos on the real ballot sheet this year, which helps you find your party, but the spreadsheet was supposed to be the lazy way, so I just coloured the squares above the party names a vague approximation of party colours. The hard work was collecting the new style How To Vote cards. Its quite volatile and parties have changed them around since they started campaigning. Not even the ABC is completely up to date:

I've transferred them to the space above the boxes on the spreadsheet.

Of the three good ballot organiser sites we had three years ago, only one is running.
Thankyou for your service, and is handy to quickly sort all parties into five categories of two thumbs down, thumbs down, don't care, thumbs up, and two thumbs up. So you know which new parties to use as poly filler between ones you hate and ones you'd like a closer look at.

The baton has been picked up by

And of course, the most important navigation site. Where to go to get your democracy sausage.
Last federal election, I was on a mission to find out who the obscure people were on my senate ballot so my vote could be more informed. It's more difficult and expensive to appear on ballot papers at this year's federal election, so there are no ungrouped candidates, and only two lots of independents, but there are more parties than ever before. There are eighty-two senate candidates in Queensland, and the ballot paper is a metre long, even though we don't have to worry about Wikileaks Party, Coke In the Bubblers, Bullet Train, Future Party, 21 Million or several other new ones. Four familiar parties are also not contending the Queensland senate this time. Carer's Alliance, Socialist Alliance, Fred Nile's Christian Democratic Party, and the Citizen's Electoral Council.

The new socialists in town are The Socialist Equality Party. There's now Australian Christians for the conservative Christians, but they believe in reducing carbon emissions, unlike Fred Nile whose party "remains agnostic" about climate change. And Rise Up Australia has replaced CEC in Queensland as the generally low-preferenced weird mob that harbour conspiracy theorists. Weirder, it seems.

GetUp has tried to amusingly explain the role of the senate with "Game of Thrones" characters, here:

GetUp has also arranged a Senate Candidate Meet where audience members can ask questions.
Tuesday, 27 August 2013 from 5:45 PM to 8:00 PM
The University of Queensland, Abel Smith Theatre (Bld 23)

GoT is probably the best allusion to explain the unlikely alliances made through preference deals. Group Voting Tickets are all about who they hope gets killed off first in the count and leaves our voting power to them when we vote above the line. Hopefully there'll also be a record number of voters directing their own preferences. If you've never done it before and are worried you'll stuff it up, you can number above the line as a backup, as below takes precedence unless found invalid.
You can print your own "how to vote" card, which you can brandish on your way in at everyone trying to hand you "how to vote" cards. includes a hyperlink to each party's offical website in the first column, and allows you to compare two different party's preferences with a second. A "W" shows that candidate has a wiki and links to it. Here I'm comparing the two lots of independents' tickets.
Their websites are the only ones not included, so I'll put them here.

C (unendorsed) KEIOSKIE Peter TAYLOR Roland
There is pretty much only one news report on them.

U (unendorsed) RUDD Greg and daughter, DINSEY Emily
It's pretty easy to find news for the prime minister's older brother.

There are three good sites for organising your ballot. This one is handy to quickly sort all parties into five categories of two thumbs down, thumbs down, don't care, thumbs up, and two thumbs up. So you know which new parties to use as poly filler between ones you hate and ones you'd like a closer look at.

Results for 2010 Qld senate election with wiki entry hyperlink. (Letter references for QLD 2013 ballot)
B Liberal National Party of Queensland 1,015,062 votes(41.42%) 3 elected
G Australian Labor Party (ALP) 720,182 (29.39%) 2 elected
Q Australian Greens 312,804 (12.76%) 1 elected
X Family First Party 83,786 (3.42%) 3rd last excluded
AA Australian Sex Party 63,586 (2.59%) 2nd last excluded
N Liberal Democratic Party 55,222 (2.25%) 4th last excuded
AF Australian Fishing and Lifestyle Party 48,547 (1.98%) Last excluded from final seat.
AB Shooters and Fishers Party 42,669 (1.74%) 6th last excluded
H One Nation 22,353 (0.91%) 5th last excluded
Y Australian Democrats 19,019 (0.78%) 7th last excluded
All others combined 67,281 votes (2.76%) Appearing again are:
I Australia First Party (NSW) Incorporated
M Senator Online (Internet Voting Bills/Issues)
Z Democratic Labour Party (DLP) (In Vic, DLP was elected on 2.33% because of preferences.)
AENo Carbon Tax Climate Sceptics
AJ Secular Party of Australia

So, Katter and Palmer's high profile excepted, parties you might not have heard of are:
A - Animal Justice Party
D – AUSTRALIAN INDEPENDENTS Founded by Patricia Petersen, and described as "Socially progressive yet economically conservative" in the brief Described by a Victorian blogger as "Moderate left wing Christians."
E – Help End Marijuana Prohibition (HEMP) Party
F – AUSTRALIAN VOICE An alternative model of party, such as senator online. Whereas SO generally aligns with left parties, AV aligns right. A voice prioritising "small business operators and primary producers." Specialist committees. But not one on asylum seekers or they wouldn't call them "illegal immigrants" as its not a technically correct term.
J – Socialist Equality Party
K – Australian Protectionist Party
L – Building Australia Party
O – Outdoor Recreation Party (Stop the Greens)
P – Pirate Party Australia
R – STOP CSG One issue conservationist party. Preventing Coal Seam Gas mining.
S – Australian Stable Population Party
T – Australian Christians
V – Katter's Australian Party
W – Republican Party of Australia
AC – UNITING AUSTRALIA PARTY was legally threatened by Clive Palmer over their name despite having registered it eight months before he got into politics. Mentions "illegal immigrants" in their policies which always stops me reading further. Feel free to chase up the hyperlink to their website through
AD – Rise Up Australia Party
AG – Palmer United Party
AH – Australian Motoring Enthusiast Party
AI – SMOKERS RIGHTS One issue libertarian party convened by LDP candidate.
Smoker's rights, Republican Party, and Stop the Greens all preference to LDP. While a libertarian I know states they are all separate parties despite sharing some office holders, the preference flow for all their tickets obviously was designed by the same person. Fine if you are happy to go along with their Game of Preferences. But as with all the other parties, numbering up to 82 will give you the satisfaction of controlling your entire vote and spoiling their careful machinations.
30th-Jul-2013 10:17 am - If you're a bit bored...
Hi guys,

I'm a massage student completing my first business plan - it's the last thing I have to do before I can graduate!
I've had to do a survey for the market research section and need a few more people to complete it. At the moment it's been mainly just family and friends as I've shared it on facebook. But I'd like to get some feedback from the broader community so it's more accurate.
If you have time to take a quick look, it's really short and takes less than 5 minutes to finish. The link to it is:
If you have the time and inclination to help me out then you're an absolute champ!

Thank you ^_^
18th-Jun-2013 07:34 pm - Nail Art Stamp
Basically, I'm looking for one of these sets - it's a nail art stamp/plate set. Konad seems to be the brand that people mention the most, but I'm not picky - I can pick up one online, but I figure if I can grab one from somewhere in the CBD tomorrow, I can save myself the shipping. ^_^

17th-Jun-2013 08:05 pm - Room to rent - Lutwyche
Hello, please feel free to share this link, I need someone to replace me on my lease.

It's a beautiful home, the only reason I'm leaving is that I am moving in with my partner. Both housemates are wonderful.
11th-Apr-2013 09:54 pm - Psychologist
Hi all,

Does anyone know of a good psychologist on the North side? Preferably someone who takes more of a psychodynamic approach, not CBT
1st-Dec-2012 10:44 pm(no subject)
Has anyone noticed that there are so many amway people around in brisbane recently? I got annoyed by 3 amway people in the last 2 months.

One, when I was waiting for the bus to come
Two, during my lecture by this other person (I don't know if she was a student or not because she didn't have the lecture notes or even a notebook with her)
Three, this random person called me pretending to be someone from career one

It's soo annoying. (Ok I am sorry if you are from amway and I genuinely hope that you succeed in your business venture) I also hope that it is not against the rules to make this post. if it is I will delete it but beware of amway. They will try to sell you tickets to courses costing $200+, their overpriced products, business development CDs and get you to open a business which is unlikely to succeed. If someone you don't know starts becoming really nice to you and starts talking to you then they might be from amway so make sure you have a good excuse ready to get away from them.

It might just be me who thinks that amway isn't a good business opportunity. You are free to disagree with me but I am free to express my opinion.
20th-Nov-2012 06:06 pm - Epilepsy Awareness Survey Help Wanted
There's quite a lot of us with invisible illnesses on here. Anyone else epileptic?

I've just helped give feedback which will help raise awareness for the condition. The researcher is coming close to deadline, and is finding it harder to find us than anticipated. A lot of epileptics don't use support services, and don't know other epileptics, because we tend to not advertise it if we can help it.

If anyone is interested in helping create a survey for epilepsy quality of life by completing
a survey intended for a clinical trial with 'mock' answers, then express your thoughts on how well worded the survey is and whether it is easy to understand, comment that you are interested, and I'll put you in touch.

It is a fairly straight forward process, does not require any personal health information (just basic demographics - age, level of education etc). I've multiple disabilities and she visited me at home. Potentially, it could be skyped.
8th-Nov-2012 10:56 am(no subject)
Hello there

Does anyone know any good employment services or recruitment agencies for a graduate of law and accounting degrees with limited experience other than a few years in retail and a few internships? I have numerous disabilities too that are not visible so I might be eligible for disability employment services too.

Looking for any kind of desk job here but preferably not telemarketing.

Campbell Newman is making my life hard here :(

Anyone know if there are any good counselling services out there that I coud use. Feeling lost and depressed here.
12th-Oct-2012 08:22 am - New Book

I've posted about the series here a couple of times in the past, but now we've got a Kindle edition live, so I thought I'd share.

The short version is: Magic MiB in Queen St, and with a crazy geek as a heroine.

Episiodes will be released monthly (with short stories available on the other fortnight).

Mirrorfall: Episode One (Require: Cookie)
Hi guys!

Just letting you know about a new multiplatform television show called "The Strange Calls" that was conceived, written and directed in Brisbane (except for some on location shooting in Coolum). It stars Barry Crocker (!), Toby Truslove, Katherine Hicks and Patrick Brammall, and it's directed by Queenslander Daley Pearson.

It begins on ABC's iView tonight at 9.30pm, but will be on your television screens next Tuesday 16 October 2012 at 9.30pm on ABC2. 

The show had a mostly Queensland crew, and was shot in and around Brisbane. Let us know if you recognise any of the locations. 

Here is the link for the promo on YouTube.

Hope you enjoy!
rainy days
Hi Brisneylanders,

I'm relocating so my room in my fabulous two-bedroom apartment on the CBD fringe is up for grabs. It's super-convenient for full-time workers or UQ, Griffith, QUT and Southbank TAFE students.

You'll be sharing with one nerdy, female professional. Women applicants preferred, LGBTQI*-friendly, quiet and considerate a must. Rent is $185/week, bills & wifi extra.

More info here:
14th-Sep-2012 07:43 pm - Free to good home - Cat
Fluffy black cat. Needs to have outdoor access as she has a behavioural issue if kept indoors only.

Partner's ex dumped her on him and he can no longer keep looking after her in the unit.

Ideally would like to re home before the end of the month as we will need to take her to the RSPCA by that point.

When fully groomed, looks beautiful, she really requires regular brushing due to very long hair.

She is not suitable for children.

17th-Aug-2012 12:30 pm - Piercing places in Bris City

Hi all, can anyone recommend a good piercing place in Bris City? Preferably nearby queen St? I want to get a dermal removed and possibly a tongue piercing..
Thanks :-)

Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.

21st-Jul-2012 06:52 pm - Real estate question
Too true

So I'm needing to move at the end of the year, and am thinking of moving into one of those town house - gated community type places- I can't think of the word for them, but where you rent through body corporate and there's a pool and stuff. Is there a website that lists those kind of places rather than just going through domain dot com.

I'm talking similar to

Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.

26th-Jun-2012 12:40 pm - Car repairs

Eep, I've had my first car incident. Basically, I was moving house last week, it was a massive day, wasn't really concentrating and long story short my bottom left bumper now has a big dent in it.

So I'm insured but I'm clueless as where to go for a quote to get it fixed. Does anyone here have any car repairers on the Northside that they would recommend? Someone good but affordable. I live in the city but would be willing to travel (my dad lives at North Lakes and has said he can drop it off/pick it up f need be).

Thanks in advance :-)

Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.

19th-May-2012 05:17 pm - Brisbane Tarot Card readers
xanderfunnyface -vampirellabites
Hi all,

Im looking for recommendations for a good, not overpriced, tarot reader in the inner city area please? I know there are heaps around, i can go to any market and find one, but I'd like to hear of any reputable ones.

Thanks folks.
8th-May-2012 09:50 am(no subject)
hey guys, working night shift at the moment and i'm looking for something to train in (which is almost impossible for night shift). preferably something along the lines of judo, ju jitsu, ninjutsu, aikido and that sort of thing. if anyone knows of any classes or decently priced 1 on 1 training i would be sincerely happy.
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