Pro Filtering Bricks Query Loop By Meta Box RelationshipIn the Bricks Facebook group a user asks: Consider this setup: CPTs: Service Areas and City Pages Meta Box Relationship: City Pages to Service Areas…Read more →Categories: Bricks, Plugins, ProTags: Meta Box, Relationship
Pro Filtering Meta Box Cloneable Group by Select Subfield for Multiple Bricks Query Loops with Conditional OutputIn the Bricks Facebook group a user asks: Consider this cloneable Meta Box field group for a Custom Post Type called Tour: with the Tour…Read more →Categories: Bricks, Plugins, ProTags: bricks/query/result, Filters, Meta Box
Pro Sorting a Cloneable Meta Box Group by a Date Subfield in BricksIn the past we showed how to order Meta Box group rows in Bricks by a text-type subfield here. This Pro tutorial covers the same,…Read more →Categories: Bricks, Plugins, ProTags: bricks/query/result, Filters, Meta Box
Pro Bricks Dynamic Condition – Check if today falls within 5 days before any holiday dateIn the members-only Tutorial Requests section, a user asks Conditionally show a banner if date exists and is equal to today + 5 days before…Read more →Categories: Bricks, ProTags: Meta Box
Pro Meta Box Relationship Posts Filtered by a Taxonomy Term in BricksUpdated on 17 Feb 2025 In the Inner Circle a user asks: Hello, I have a relationship made in metabox between two Post Types “Travel”…Read more →Categories: Bricks, Plugins, ProTags: Meta Box, Relationship
Pro Filtering posts by a group field’s subfield value with Meta Box when using a custom table in BricksFiltering a query loop to output only those posts with the value of a Select subfield of a Group field set to Yes when using…Read more →Categories: Bricks, Plugins, ProTags: Meta Box
Pro Meta Box Group’s Number Sub Field Values SumIn the Bricks Facebook group a user asked: We can define a custom function that takes a Meta Box group ID, the sub field ID…Read more →Categories: Bricks, Plugins, ProTags: Meta Box
Pro Post Data for the Current User in Bricks with Meta BoxHow to configure a query loop to output the post data of the SalesRep CPT associated with the current user.Read more →Categories: Bricks, Plugins, ProTags: Meta Box, Query Loop
Pro Bricks Query Loop: Outputting a Fixed Number of ItemsHow to intercept the query result and modify it to output a fixed number of items by re-using the items.Read more →Categories: Bricks, Plugins, ProTags: bricks/query/result, Filters, Meta Box
Pro Dynamic Background Slideshow in BricksUsing images from an ACF Gallery field or Meta Box as a sections' background slideshow with fade effect.Read more →Categories: Bricks, Plugins, ProTags: ACF, Meta Box, Slideshow
Pro Post-specific HappyFiles Galleries using a Meta Box Select Field in BricksUsing Meta Box to select one or more HappyFiles‘ folders and output the images.Read more →Categories: Bricks, Plugins, ProTags: HappyFiles, Image Gallery, Meta Box
Pro Meta Box/ACF Images Staggered Grid Gallery in BricksShowing images from two Gallery-type of ACF or Image Advanced-type of Meta Box fields in a staggered grid layout.Read more →Categories: Bricks, Plugins, ProTags: ACF, Image Gallery, Meta Box
Pro Meta Box Group Bricks Query Loop Filtered by a True/False SubfieldWe look into how to show job positions but only those with a ‘job opening status’ set to Show.Read more →Categories: Bricks, Plugins, ProTags: bricks/query/result, Filters, Meta Box
Pro Meta Box Image Advanced Galleries using lightGallery in BricksShowing images in a lightGallery from Image Advanced sub fields inside a Meta Box Group Field.Read more →Categories: Bricks, Plugins, ProTags: Gallery, lightGallery, Media, Meta Box, Query Loop
Pro Meta Box Group Subfield Text’s Slug as Query Loop Item ID in BricksIn the BricksLabs Facebook group a user asks: I have a metaBox custom field called 'section_title' inside a clonable metabox group called 'about_section' How can…Read more →Categories: Bricks, Plugins, ProTags: Meta Box
Pro Post sub field Bricks Query Loop in a Meta Box Group fieldLet's consider this Meta Box field group for Pages: FAQs is a Group-type of field in which one of the sub fields is "Answer Post",…Read more →Categories: Bricks, Plugins, ProTags: get_query_for_element_id, Meta Box, Nested Queries
Pro Dynamic Galleries with Thumbnails and Captions in Lightbox using lightGallery in BricksWalks through using lightGallery & custom ACF/Metabox query loops with support for thumbnails and captions.Read more →Categories: Bricks, Plugins, ProTags: ACF, lightGallery, Media, Meta Box, Query Loop
Pro Filtering posts by a group field’s true / false field sub field value with ACF or Meta Box in BricksThis Pro tutorial covers how posts of a Bricks query loop can be filtered to show only the ones whose true / false or checkbox…Read more →Categories: Bricks, Plugins, ProTags: ACF, Meta Box
Pro Update Post Meta From Another Custom Field’s Value on Post Publish/Update when using Meta BoxIn the Meta Box Facebook group a user asks: Hi all, wondering if I can get some help. For custom field 1, I am using…Read more →Categories: Plugins, ProTags: Meta Box
Random Meta Box ImageDisplaying a random image from a set of images from a Meta Box Images Advanced-type field.Read more →Categories: Bricks, Free, PluginsTags: Meta Box
Pro Meta Box Taxonomy Field’s Image Value in PostsIn a project I am currently working on, the requirement is to show the image of an "Image Advanced" type attached to a taxonomy in…Read more →Categories: Bricks, Plugins, ProTags: Meta Box
Pro Ordering Meta Box group rows by a sub field in BricksIn the BricksLabs Facebook group a user asks: Any idea how to set the sort order of a cloneable group in the query? In this…Read more →Categories: Bricks, Plugins, ProTags: bricks/query/result, Meta Box
Pro Meta Box Relationship in Bricks using Posts Query LoopThis Pro tutorial is similar to the recent ACF Relationship in Bricks using Posts Query Loop guide but for Meta Box. In the past, we…Read more →Categories: Bricks, Plugins, ProTags: Meta Box, Relationship
Pro MB Favorite Posts in BricksThis tutorial explores using MB Favorite Posts in Bricks, including outputting the list of favorites via a query loop.Read more →Categories: Bricks, Plugins, ProTags: Favorites, Meta Box