Pro Conditionally Rendering an Element Outside the Loop based on Taxonomy Term in BricksA user asks: Hiding element based on taxonomy I have an element in a footer that I want to hide if a page has a…Read more →Categories: Bricks, ProTags: Dynamic Data
Pro Host Post’s Term in Bricks Query LoopUpdated on 4 Mar 2025 In the BricksLabs Facebook group a user asked: Hi everyone, I’m facing a tricky situation that might have a simple…Read more →Categories: Bricks, Pro, WordPressTags: Dynamic Data
Pro Primary Term Name and Link in Bricks when using Rank MathOne of the features of the Rank Math SEO plugin is the ability to mark a term like category or product category as primary. See…Read more →Categories: Bricks, Plugins, ProTags: Dynamic Data, Rank Math
Pro ACF Repeater sub field value dynamic data condition in BricksThis Pro tutorial provides the steps to output an element on single posts (can be of any post type) only if a specified ACF (Pro)…Read more →Categories: Bricks, Plugins, ProTags: ACF Pro, Conditions, Dynamic Data
ACF Gallery Images Count Dynamic Condition in BricksConditionally output elements based on how many images are present in the current post’s ACF Gallery field.Read more →Categories: Bricks, FreeTags: ACF Gallery, ACF Pro, Dynamic Data
Pro Media File Attachment Data in BricksWith a 'Media' query loop, this tutorial shows how we can retrieve various attachment-specific properties inside of the loop.Read more →Categories: Bricks, ProTags: Dynamic Data
Conditionally Outputting Elements Only for Posts That Have a Specific Taxonomy TermUsing the core WordPress has_term() function for checking if the current post has a specific term of a given taxonomy.Read more →Categories: Bricks, FreeTags: Dynamic Data
Checking for Post Type in BricksA way to output elements conditionally based on the current post type in the loop in Bricks.Read more →Categories: Bricks, FreeTags: Dynamic Data
Weekday Condition in BricksAs of Bricks 1.7, the built-in "Weekday" condition does not work correctly. This is most likely due to it not taking the site's timezone (set…Read more →Categories: Bricks, FreeTags: Conditions, Dynamic Data
Pro Month and Day Condition in BricksThis Pro tutorial shows how we can define a custom function that takes in a month in the three-letter format (like Dec) and a day…Read more →Categories: Bricks, ProTags: Conditions, Dynamic Data
Pro Condition to Check if the Current Category Has At Least One ChildLooking to render an element in the category archive Bricks template only if the category of the current category archive page is a parent? This…Read more →Categories: Bricks, Pro, WordPressTags: Dynamic Data
Pro How to Insert Element(s) Between Query Loop Posts in BricksUpdate on 16 Aug 2023: Follow this tutorial instead. This Pro tutorial shows how we can insert a Div (or any custom HTML) after nth…Read more →Categories: Bricks, ProTags: Conditions, Dynamic Data, Query Loop
Pro Check if the User Purchased Any of the Specified ProductsThis Pro tutorial provides the steps for setting up a dynamic data condition on any element in Bricks so it can be output only if…Read more →Categories: Bricks, Plugins, ProTags: Conditions, Dynamic Data, WooCommerce
Pro Custom Dynamic Data Tags in BricksRead more →Categories: Bricks, ProTags: Data Providers, Dynamic Data
Pro Conditional Output Based on ACF Date Field in BricksUpdated on 1 Aug 2024 Looking to have a Section or other elements in Bricks rendered on the frontend only if today's date is before…Read more →Categories: Bricks, Plugins, ProTags: ACF, Date, Dynamic Data
Checking for ACF Repeater Rows in BricksUpdated on 13 Feb 2025 Bricks enables us to conditionally output elements if a ACF field of basic type like Text has value by selecting…Read more →Categories: Bricks, Free, PluginsTags: ACF, ACF Repeater, Conditions, Dynamic Data
Pro Count of Images in Meta Box Image Advanced FieldIn the BricksLabs Facebook group a user asks: Is there a way to count images inside a post that uses metabox image upload ? This…Read more →Categories: Bricks, Plugins, ProTags: Dynamic Data, Image Advanced, Meta Box
How to List Your Posts Divided by Categories in BricksIn this tutorial, we'll learn how to display a list of posts divided by each category. The DOM tree Here is how I structured my…Read more →Categories: Bricks, FreeTags: Dynamic Data, Query Loop
Pro Meta Box Relationship in BricksUpdated on 19 Mar 2024 In BricksLabs' Facebook group a user asks: I have a Product (Metabox CPT) that is connected to a Creator (Metabox…Read more →Categories: Bricks, Plugins, ProTags: Conditions, Dynamic Data, Meta Box, Relationship
Dynamic Data :value filter in BricksBricks 1.5.7 introduced a new :value dynamic data filter. This tutorial provides a practical example of how this filter can be used. Meta Box Checkbox…Read more →Categories: Bricks, FreeTags: Dynamic Data
How to apply a custom query var to multiple query loops in BricksIn this tutorial, we'll learn how to apply a PHP filter to modify the query var of multiple query loops in a single function Introduction…Read more →Categories: Bricks, FreeTags: Dynamic Data, Query Loop
Dynamic Post ID in Query LoopHow to add unique IDs for each post in Bricks’ Query Loop.Read more →Categories: Bricks, FreeTags: Dynamic Data
Month-based Background Image in BricksHow to have different background images for an element for different quarters in a year.Read more →Categories: Bricks, FreeTags: Dynamic Data
How to add a “Sold Out” badge for out of stock products in BricksLooking to add a "Sold Out" badge for products in the Shop page for WooCommerce products that are out of stock when using Bricks' Products…Read more →Categories: Bricks, Free, PluginsTags: Dynamic Data, WooCommerce