Pro Conditionally Rendering an Element Outside the Loop based on Taxonomy Term in BricksA user asks: Hiding element based on taxonomy I have an element in a footer that I want to hide if a page has a…Read more →Categories: Bricks, ProTags: Dynamic Data
Pro Merging ACF Gallery Images with Featured Image in BricksUpdated on 12 Mar 2025 In the Bricks Facebook group a user asks: Merging images from different fields into a single gallery Hi, I have…Read more →Categories: Bricks, Plugins, ProTags: ACF, render_tag
Pro CMB2 Repeatable Group Bricks Query LoopThis Pro tutorial provides the steps to create a custom query loop type for outputting the subfield values of a Group field (repeatable) when using…Read more →Categories: Bricks, Plugins, ProTags: CMB2, Custom Query Type
Pro Host Post’s Term in Bricks Query LoopUpdated on 4 Mar 2025 In the BricksLabs Facebook group a user asked: Hi everyone, I’m facing a tricky situation that might have a simple…Read more →Categories: Bricks, Pro, WordPressTags: Dynamic Data
Pro Filtering Bricks Query Loop By Meta Box RelationshipIn the Bricks Facebook group a user asks: Consider this setup: CPTs: Service Areas and City Pages Meta Box Relationship: City Pages to Service Areas…Read more →Categories: Bricks, Plugins, ProTags: Meta Box, Relationship
Pro Filtering Meta Box Cloneable Group by Select Subfield for Multiple Bricks Query Loops with Conditional OutputIn the Bricks Facebook group a user asks: Consider this cloneable Meta Box field group for a Custom Post Type called Tour: with the Tour…Read more →Categories: Bricks, Plugins, ProTags: bricks/query/result, Filters, Meta Box
Pro Sorting a Cloneable Meta Box Group by a Date Subfield in BricksIn the past we showed how to order Meta Box group rows in Bricks by a text-type subfield here. This Pro tutorial covers the same,…Read more →Categories: Bricks, Plugins, ProTags: bricks/query/result, Filters, Meta Box
Pro Bricks Dynamic Condition – Check if today falls within 5 days before any holiday dateIn the members-only Tutorial Requests section, a user asks Conditionally show a banner if date exists and is equal to today + 5 days before…Read more →Categories: Bricks, ProTags: Meta Box
Pro Dynamic Google Map in Bricks – Markers from ACF Repeater Google Map Sub Field ValuesThis Pro tutorial provides the steps to show the addresses entered using a Google Map sub field of a ACF Repeater as markers on a…Read more →Categories: Bricks, ProTags: Google Maps
Pro Checking ‘PublishPress Future’ plugin’s Future Action enabled postsPublishPress Future is a handy plugin for scheduling actions like unpublishing or deleting posts (of any post type) at a specified date and time in…Read more →Categories: Bricks, Plugins, ProTags: PublishPress
Pro Meta Box Relationship Posts Filtered by a Taxonomy Term in BricksUpdated on 17 Feb 2025 In the Inner Circle a user asks: Hello, I have a relationship made in metabox between two Post Types “Travel”…Read more →Categories: Bricks, Plugins, ProTags: Meta Box, Relationship
Pro ACF User Field Bricks PHP QueryIn the Bricks Facebook group a user asks: my end goal was to create a set of cards that would display the Users that are…Read more →Categories: Bricks, Plugins, ProTags: ACF, Users Query
Pro Filtering posts by a group field’s subfield value with Meta Box when using a custom table in BricksFiltering a query loop to output only those posts with the value of a Select subfield of a Group field set to Yes when using…Read more →Categories: Bricks, Plugins, ProTags: Meta Box
Pro Hover & Switch Images for SureCart Products in BricksHow to display a secondary image for each SureCart product when the user hovers/focus each product in a query loop.Read more →Categories: Plugins, ProTags: SureCart
Pro Changing Bricks Lightbox Arrow IconsHow to change the left and right arrow svg icons with custom ones in Bricks lightbox.Read more →Categories: Bricks, ProTags: CSS
Pro Ordering Posts by Terms in BricksHow to output upcoming events at the top and past events below in a single query loop in Bricks.Read more →Categories: Bricks, ProTags: Query Loop
Pro Team Member Photos Stack with Hover Tooltips in BricksHerman Baiatian shared in the Bricks Facebook group here that he worked on overlapping team member headshots showing info in hover tooltips. I recreated it…Read more →Categories: Bricks, Plugins, ProTags: UI Pattern
Pro Filtering Posts of a Bricks Query Loop by Meta Box Group’s Subfield ValueHow a Bricks filter can be used to limit the posts output by a Posts query loop based on a Meta Box group’s subfield value.Read more →Categories: Bricks, Plugins, ProTags: bricks/query/result, Filters, Query Loop
Pro Event Date and Time in Visitor’s TimezoneThe steps for showing the value of a Meta Box datetime type of custom field in visitor’s timezone.Read more →Categories: Bricks, Plugins, ProTags:
Pro Bricks Query Loop Cards with Hover ImageHow images uploaded to posts can appear when the featured images in a Bricks posts query loop are hovered.Read more →Categories: Bricks, Plugins, ProTags: Hover Image
Pro Another Fixed Sidebar Layout in BricksHow to get the main content and sidebar sandwiched between the site header and footer.Read more →Categories: Bricks, ProTags: CSS Grid, Fixed Sidebar, Layouts
Pro Custom Nested Queries in BricksIn most of the previous tutorials covering nested query loops in Bricks on this site, we accessed the parent query's looping object in the inner…Read more →Categories: Bricks, ProTags: Nested Queries, Query Loop
Pro Meta Box Group’s Number Sub Field Values SumIn the Bricks Facebook group a user asked: We can define a custom function that takes a Meta Box group ID, the sub field ID…Read more →Categories: Bricks, Plugins, ProTags: Meta Box
Pro Related Posts by Taxonomy in BricksIn the previous Posts Related by Current Post's Terms in Bricks tutorial, we showed how posts related to the current single post that have the…Read more →Categories: Bricks, ProTags: Query Loop, Related Posts