Build Dynamic Websites

Bricks & WordPress Tutorials

Helping you build custom, dynamic solutions in WordPress using Bricks Builder

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McDonald’s Order Promise Analogy

McDonald’s Order Promise Analogy

From the JavaScript course I am doing now: A Promise is like placing an order at a restaurant. You receive a ticket (Promise object) that…
Conditionally Rendering an Element Outside the Loop based on Taxonomy Term in Bricks

Conditionally Rendering an Element Outside the Loop based on Taxonomy Term in Bricks

A user asks: Hiding element based on taxonomy I have an element in a footer that I want to hide if a page has a…
[Notes] JavaScript Modules

[Notes] JavaScript Modules

I recently began my journey to become a full-stack developer and am starting a series where I share my notes on what I've learned that…
Merging ACF Gallery Images with Featured Image in Bricks

Merging ACF Gallery Images with Featured Image in Bricks

Updated on 12 Mar 2025 In the Bricks Facebook group a user asks: Merging images from different fields into a single gallery Hi, I have…
CMB2 Repeatable Group Bricks Query Loop

CMB2 Repeatable Group Bricks Query Loop

This Pro tutorial provides the steps to create a custom query loop type for outputting the subfield values of a Group field (repeatable) when using…
Host Post’s Term in Bricks Query Loop

Host Post’s Term in Bricks Query Loop

Updated on 4 Mar 2025 In the BricksLabs Facebook group a user asked: Hi everyone, I’m facing a tricky situation that might have a simple…
Filtering Bricks Query Loop By Meta Box Relationship

Filtering Bricks Query Loop By Meta Box Relationship

In the Bricks Facebook group a user asks: Consider this setup: CPTs: Service Areas and City Pages Meta Box Relationship: City Pages to Service Areas…
Filtering Meta Box Cloneable Group by Select Subfield for Multiple Bricks Query Loops with Conditional Output

Filtering Meta Box Cloneable Group by Select Subfield for Multiple Bricks Query Loops with Conditional Output

In the Bricks Facebook group a user asks: Consider this cloneable Meta Box field group for a Custom Post Type called Tour: with the Tour…
Bricks Dynamic Condition – Check if today falls within 5 days before any holiday date

Bricks Dynamic Condition – Check if today falls within 5 days before any holiday date

In the members-only Tutorial Requests section, a user asks Conditionally show a banner if date exists and is equal to today + 5 days before…
Dynamic Google Map in Bricks – Markers from ACF Repeater Google Map Sub Field Values

Dynamic Google Map in Bricks – Markers from ACF Repeater Google Map Sub Field Values

This Pro tutorial provides the steps to show the addresses entered using a Google Map sub field of a ACF Repeater as markers on a…
Checking ‘PublishPress Future’ plugin’s Future Action enabled posts

Checking ‘PublishPress Future’ plugin’s Future Action enabled posts

PublishPress Future is a handy plugin for scheduling actions like unpublishing or deleting posts (of any post type) at a specified date and time in…
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