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this is so awesome!! the characters are realistic and relatable, i love their chemistry and i can see why they are the way they are ^^


I miss my daughters


replaying for the first time since 2018, so excited to finish up and play the sequel. lovely characters, so so heartfelt.


i never want any Gay girls around me ever again.


lovely lovely lovely game


Loved this game! It was funny and heartfelt. Thank you for making it.

Hello, I could translate the game into Russian or Ukrainian for people from the CIS countries


i screamed so loud when the final scene happened i was like "FINALLY!!!!" this was incredible i couldn't stop yapping to my friends about all the reactions i had to the scenes... diya and min seo are so cute i'm obsessed ARGH love it!!! can't wait to play the sequel :D

i'm jealous...

when i tried yapping to my friends about it they wanted me to shush super lol hahaha............

at least dizzy is my frenemy!!! lore things....!!

you'll love the sequel though!! pary party YEAH

yeahh i played the buso 2 a few days after and loved it just as much <3 the storytelling is absolutely incredible and i absolutely love the characters and their dynamics ^w^

YESYES im sure you can tell who my favorite is…. ʅ(◞‿◟)ʃ

peepeeketchupman for life

also, just in case you needed to know… there is merch. 

i know brianna lei (the creator of butterfly soup) has the link in her insta bio, its confettibri OFCOURSE JUST IN CASE JUST IN CASE…. i just walk and talk butterfly soup i can’t stop.


question what ethnicity are rthe girls?? do i habe to play the game to know?? /gen


diya and akarsha are indian, min-seo is south korean,  and noelle is taiwanese.

you can see this on but to avoid spoilers i wouldn't recommend looking now!! :-))


I played this and the sequel a few days ago, and it hasn't left my head since. This game has maybe become my favorite story of all time? I've never felt so seen in a piece of media, even if my high school years were considerably later than 2008. I really wish I found this when it came out, but I'm so glad I found it at all. Thank you so much for this experience! I hope someday I can create something that makes other people feel as many emotions as this made me feel.

you are so cool and awesome

🦋 🍲 


You wanna a Spanish versión? (sorry bad english)

Answer me pls!

(1 edit)

The game already comes with a Spanish translation. You can download the one from Queerscripts as well. It is kinda the same since the update added their translation to the official game.


Any bets on who's gonna beat their partner? I think the bi-girl will be the first


am i stupid 

am i reading this right 


are we deadass

Love this game so much!!!! Thank you for making this wonderful girls' love game, and I can't believe it is Free!!! Everyone should play this game Q_Q

ay ay diya look outside…..

you would love me ٩(^‿^)۶


Akarsha's so much like me it's scary....and sad...

bro this is so crazy me too 

be my best friend right now


Let me just say:

I just finished playing the game and I LOVE IT SO MUCH, now ill download the sequel

I wanted to play this loooong time ago like back in 2021, but wasnt sure if i should download the game on a pc shared with my sister but now i was finally able to do it and i dont regret it ToT the game was so sweet


If we just removed that one guy on our group, it would most-likely turn out like this. (Romance, basketball, asian girls who are mostly close to each other-) Not to mention but the story that our group made and played out had the guy rejected by the girl love interest because she had a boyfriend ToT (who was played by a girl because we lacked men)


I feel like a gay girl now





Great, but it would be nice if it could be longer. It's not enough to see ah ah ah (shouting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

play all three games in one sitting everyday that’s my recommendation…. please party, stay soupy, and be butterfly 🦋 🍲 


i love this game omg


the humor in this is so funny i actually laughed at every five sentences, it might be one of the best vns in the world to this day


theyre the peakest gays ive ever read in a visual novel


One of, if not the greatest videogames I have ever played.

This game covered several topics to a really really good degree, with realistic dialogue to boot.

I hope that a 3rd game gets made soon!!


Just the art style is enough to give me aids


ofc it's the game with the gay ppl you said gave you aids 😭


Your point? Because as far as I know they are the ones who get the biggest amounts of AIDS spreading ratings out there, aside of relationship violence and promiscuity.


my brother in christ you're lucky i didn't call you out for being the dude who said "if this isn't porn then it's worthless" on love is strange going on a game with freshmen in high school 🤨

(anyway ima stop responding, I am not admitting defeat, simply just don't wanna talk to an actual homophobe, especially not on a novel as good as this one lolol😊)


First off, "Peach", curb your tongue. "You're lucky I didn't do this to you", do what? The fuck you are? You're a nobody piece of shit, a filthy asshole with an overinflated ego. Secondly, you can choke yourself with your "christ", I'm no brother of some sexual deviant like you, dick-chugger. Go fuck yourself.


i think you need therapy my guy


you’re so cool and awesome 🩷

he probably thought this game was gonna be smth he could get off to considering he likes minors…. i can tell he was disappointed when he realized it’s nothing like that! 


thank you ^^

I really hope he just commented on here to be hateful, and not because he was hoping to get off to this game... if it's the latter... (T_T")


what is bro the king of??? king of being a party pooper? king of hate?? king of nothing better to do??? 

i am so gonna throw a gatorade filled pad at you……… 

you’ll never understand that. you’ll never understand me. you won’t even understand dizzy. and most importantly you will never understand this game, probably because you’re a man but whatever have fun living… your uh unfulfilled life?? 🥳🥳 


ok ew you like minors 


i hope you get aids. but then again who would give you them?


i read until the group chat which is when i realized i hadnt laughed once


me if i wasn’t albret einstong

me if i hated a game about freshmans in 2008

me when i don’t like being whimsy and having fun

me if i hated my life 

me if i was a party pooper

me if i was a robot with artificially implanted human emotions 

me if i hated gay girls that play baseball 

you know what’s the worst weed? 

it’s when… i’m WEED you…

if i didnt like having fun id have continued reading 


i can weston koury you in under a minute


I’m not finding the game on apple store anymore :(

can you please post it again???

If yes, please add for iOS 12 ! Thanks<3


I was surprised Min seo might be NB, I majorly related to her as  a non-conforming person. It's important to highlight not all nb ppl are androgynous and not all androgynous people (or non-fem--or masc--) are nb , some are girls or boys wether trans or not. 


this is so adorable, i wish gay people were real


I adored this game, so sweet, and I never see games from this sort of perspective, everything was so nice! (minus the uhhh, yk shit parents part and uhh all the other shit stuff)


So adorable, thank you for filling my little gay heart 


literally the best game i've EVER played, we need a bigger fandom!!

we do.. :-(

i collect butterfly soup fans on tiktok to the best of my abilities ʅ(◞‿◟)ʃ


i first found this game from gloom, and its been one of my most loved and cherishes games of my childhood. It gave me a way to get out my internal thoughts and feeling by living vicariously (learned that word from noel when i was a kid) through Diya and her struggles to figure herself out. I have yet to play the sequel but i want to, maybe in that one Min Seo and Diya will have that doge dog they always wanted.


every time i had to stop reading i felt like a child having to put down his videogame. there's a sequel too! i feel blessed


ive loved this game since it came out and it got me through quarantine i hope to even get a tattoo based on this one day 




I found this game out of nowhere while trying to find a different game, and I've seen a couple of comments saying this is a great game. but I'm still on the edge if I should play it.


You really should! I played this game when I was younger and browsing this site, it is such a beautiful game with diverse characters and backstories. I spent so many years after playing this game simply thinking about it. So if you're still on the fence about playing it, let this be the final push for you. Theres nothing to lose playing this game, if anything you'll gain from it.


alright, I'll check it out. after you said you found it out when you where younger I checked it's release date, it came out in 2017? I'm surprised I haven't found this game sooner to be honest. 

Play it and don't look about it's an important game for every LGBTQ+ member


I know what to say. 👌 good soup.


bruh this game is so good istg


i like this game a normal amount👍


no like this is actually very normal it's just soooo good

exactly 1000 hours or does the counter round it up? anyway you must have left the game running while you were doing other things... for more than a month


Really cute and fun! Love it ^_^


This is undeniably in my top 3 favorite games ever, i got so invested in it, i absolutely love the dynamics and different styles of the characters, I've loved the way min was from the start and i am so insanely happy that i had the opportunity to play this. The dialogue being funny, relatable and sweet with other themes, the fact that it's lesbian (mostly, ik one is bi :3) makes everything so much more better too because i am one and i feel really connected to many aspects of the game. In conclusion, thank you so much for creating this. i won't stop playing it, I'll keep coming back to it, i love it so much. The references and jokes, the way the characters behave and talk, it feels so real and I'm honestly in love with it all, you did an amazing job, it caused me the best crying and laughter I've had in a long, long time <3 :3

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