Elisa Sala
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Books by Elisa Sala
Il collage, un unicum della fotografia d’architettura dell’Italia postunitaria, riassume in sé la passione dell’artista e la sua abilità nell’utilizzo delle nuove tecniche di riproduzione, qualità già dimostrate, solo pochi anni prima, con la pubblicazione di due raccolte di “ritratti fotografici” dei fregi e ornati di eccellenti architetture bresciane cinquecentesche: il palazzo della Loggia e, ancora, la chiesa dei Miracoli. Gli album, qui integralmente riprodotti, divengono un efficace spunto per illustrare il connubio tra architettura e fotografia, riservando a Brescia un ruolo di rilievo nel panorama del secondo Ottocento italiano.
Dall’analisi degli scritti dei principali autori italiani, e di alcuni francesi, a partire dal I sec. a.C, fino al 1864 sono state desunte e riprodotte in laboratorio una serie di malte d’allettamento a base di calce e pozzolana naturale. I campioni sono stati sottoposti a prove meccaniche di resistenza a flessione, compressione (UNI EN 1015-11) ed infissione.
La riproduzione e la caratterizzazione meccanica di queste miscele permette di dare un importante contributo scientifico allo studio e alla conoscenza dell’arte del costruire preindustriale e delle tecniche costruttive storiche. Si forniscono inoltre utili dati meccanici su malte, confezionate secondo la “regola d’arte” antica e nel rispetto delle attuali normative, adatte all’utilizzo in interventi di restauro o consolidamento, grazie alla compatibilità chimica e meccanica con i supporti originari.
Recensione: C. BAZZANI, «Archivio Veneto», 18 (2019), pp. 149-152
Papers by Elisa Sala
Tombola, seguendo le linee del più noto Antonio Tagliaferri, realizza a Lovere villa Zitti di cui nel saggio si propone un inedito disegno di presentazione oggi conservato presso l'Accademia Tadini. L'affondo consente parallelismi con altre architetture sia di mano di Tombola sia di Tagliaferri.
Si delinea quindi una prima riflessione sul contributo di Tombola all'architettura residenziale del lago d'Iseo a cavaliere tra la fine del XIX e l'avvio del XX secolo.
Recent archival research attests the contribution of architect Giuseppe Dattaro from Cremona in both church projects and confirms contacts between Giuseppe Dattaro and Nicolò Gambara. Dattaro applied innovative solutions for the religious architectural context of Brescia: in such contests, he experimented with the design of elliptical domes and developed interesting design solutions to integrate collegiate church space, especially in the Verolanuova site, also paying attention to
musical and choir needs.
Thanks to the Gambara family patronage, also in the architectural design of Pontevico and Verolanuova churchs, Dattaro refined his technical skills before arriving in Mantua to work for Vincenzo I Gonzaga (1590-1595). Through analysis of these two architectural examples, the paper aims to recognize the role of Brescia in the architectural context of Northern Italy
during the second half of the 16th century.
E. SALA, I. GIUSTINA, G. PLIZZARI, Lime Mortar with Natural Pozzolana: Historical Issues and Mechanical Behavior, in Structural Analysis of Historic Construction: Preserving Safety and Significance, Edited By Dina D'Ayala, Enrico Fodde, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Structural Analysis of Historical Construction (Bath UK, 2-4 July 2008), Taylor & Francis, London 2008, 2 voll, II, pp. 957-963. ISBN 978-0-415-48107-6
subjected to an inclined stress field, whose vertical and horizontal components correspond to the axial load and the seismic action, respectively. A material characterization, aimed at selecting a material that could reproduce the actual historical masonry, was first carried out on masonry. The aim of this first part of the research was the design of a masonry specimen, suitably reproducing real historical masonries. To this end, an extensive number of mortar specimens were tested. Moreover, the design of a small masonry specimen, representing the critical portion of an actual full scale masonry, is presented and discussed. The right inclination of the stress field was determined by means of linear elastic analysis. A small concrete slab and a suitable test-loading machine were studied to simplify the application of the load on the specimens.
Some tests were performed representing the masonry zone at the bottom of slender panels (for example slender masonry shear walls or masonry arch abutments). The confining technique consists of a reinforcement consisting of steel rods fixed with round anchor plates to the external surface of the specimen. Horizontal displacement results were discussed.
The second part of this paper deals with the investigation of the mechanical behavior of lime mortar addicted with natural pozzolana, widely used in historical masonry. The works of the most important authors from the Ist century B.C. up to 1864 (Curioni’s work) have been analyzed therefore, in order to collect pozzolanic lime mortars historical mix designs.
Flexural and compression tests were performed following the European Standard EN 1015-11:2007 6. The results were obtained after 28, 60 and 90 days of curing. A penetration test, not included in lime European Standards, but very suitable for practical applications, was also adopted.
Il contributo, a partire da una prima sistematica catalogazione ancora in atto, esplora la diffusione della maniera del Pippi a Brescia e nel territorio tra la seconda metà del ‘500 e i primi decenni del ‘600, esaminandone gli influssi sull’architettura religiosa e militare, ma soprattutto su quella residenziale grazie alla nobiltà locale e, in particolare, ai Gambara, legati ai Gonzaga, di cui si rendono noti i rapporti con Giuseppe Dattaro.
Le soluzioni e i motivi architettonici e decorativi individuati consentono di conoscere e soppesare la penetrazione dei modelli giulieschi in area bresciana e di valutarne le principali declinazioni locali, anche in rapporto a materiali e tecniche tradizionali, discernendo l’eredità diretta da quella mediata, a partire da Serlio, da suoi contemporanei e successori.
ENG: The paper aims at investigating the influence of Giulio Romano’s architecture in Brescia and nearby territories, where the circulation of his architectural language has been largely neglected by academics.The research initially dealt with a catalogue of architectural solutions and motifs that could be a possible echo of his “maniera”. The almost fifty entries in the catalogue include works of religious, military and civil architecture, as well as palaces and villas of noble families such as Martinengo, Gambara, Maggi, Porcellaga and Lana. The research then looks in-depth at the case of the Gambara family, who had marriage ties with the court of Gonzaga, and its relationship with Giuseppe Dattaro, who vaguely recalled Pippi’s solutions and, thanks to Nicolò Gambara, was introduced to Mantua. The paper presents the early results of ongoing research and investigates how Giulio Romano’s architectural language, mediatedmainly by Serlio books, was received in Brescia, emphasizing the commissioner role.
Dati bibliografici completi: I. GIUSTINA, C. GUARNERI, E. SALA, La diffusione del linguaggio architettonico di Giulio Romano a Brescia tra XVI e inizio XVII secolo. Per un primo bilancio, in P. Assmann, S. L'Occaso, M.C. Loi, F. Moschini, A. Russo, M. Zurla (a cura di), Giulio Romano pittore, architetto, artista universale. Studi e ricerche, Atti del convegno (Mantova, 14-15 ottobre 2019; Roma, 16-18 ottobre 2019), Todi 2021, pp. 381-387
Il quadro proposto, oltre ad aggiornare la biografia dell’architetto, vuole sottolineare l’importanza assunta da Brescia nella veicolazione del gusto artistico e architettoniche della seconda metà del Cinquecento in area Padana, facendo emergere il mecenatismo della famiglia Gambara.
ENG: The well-known members of the Dattaro family (also called Pizzafuoco) worked in Cremona as architects since the first half of the Sixteenth century. Dattaro family architectural production in Cremona and Giuseppe activities in Mantua (1595-1590) have already been studied; little attention was instead paid to Giuseppe architectural tasks prior to his arrival at Vincenzo I Gonzaga court.
Recent archival researches have highlighted contacts between Giuseppe and Brescia starting from the Seventies of the Sixteenth century; Giuseppe's letters and drawings were found in Gambara family archives. Gambara are a feudal lords family with extensive properties in the areas between Brescia and Cremona; their careful marriage policy made them one of the most important and powerful families of Venetian mainland territories. The letters that Giuseppe wrote to Nicolò Gambara describe his stays in Pomponesco, Maleo, Sabbioneta, up to Casale Monferrato; these documents provide interesting information about his professional background before arriving in Mantua. Nicolò also involved Giuseppe in some Brescia architectural projects, first of all the design of Pontevico church. Pizzafuoco's Mantuan years are also discussed with short notes from the rich Gonzaga archive.
The paper aims at updating the biography of the architect, recognizing the importance of Gambara family patronage and, in general, the role of Brescia in the architectural context of the Northern part of Italy during the second half of the Sixteenth century.
Il collage, un unicum della fotografia d’architettura dell’Italia postunitaria, riassume in sé la passione dell’artista e la sua abilità nell’utilizzo delle nuove tecniche di riproduzione, qualità già dimostrate, solo pochi anni prima, con la pubblicazione di due raccolte di “ritratti fotografici” dei fregi e ornati di eccellenti architetture bresciane cinquecentesche: il palazzo della Loggia e, ancora, la chiesa dei Miracoli. Gli album, qui integralmente riprodotti, divengono un efficace spunto per illustrare il connubio tra architettura e fotografia, riservando a Brescia un ruolo di rilievo nel panorama del secondo Ottocento italiano.
Dall’analisi degli scritti dei principali autori italiani, e di alcuni francesi, a partire dal I sec. a.C, fino al 1864 sono state desunte e riprodotte in laboratorio una serie di malte d’allettamento a base di calce e pozzolana naturale. I campioni sono stati sottoposti a prove meccaniche di resistenza a flessione, compressione (UNI EN 1015-11) ed infissione.
La riproduzione e la caratterizzazione meccanica di queste miscele permette di dare un importante contributo scientifico allo studio e alla conoscenza dell’arte del costruire preindustriale e delle tecniche costruttive storiche. Si forniscono inoltre utili dati meccanici su malte, confezionate secondo la “regola d’arte” antica e nel rispetto delle attuali normative, adatte all’utilizzo in interventi di restauro o consolidamento, grazie alla compatibilità chimica e meccanica con i supporti originari.
Recensione: C. BAZZANI, «Archivio Veneto», 18 (2019), pp. 149-152
Tombola, seguendo le linee del più noto Antonio Tagliaferri, realizza a Lovere villa Zitti di cui nel saggio si propone un inedito disegno di presentazione oggi conservato presso l'Accademia Tadini. L'affondo consente parallelismi con altre architetture sia di mano di Tombola sia di Tagliaferri.
Si delinea quindi una prima riflessione sul contributo di Tombola all'architettura residenziale del lago d'Iseo a cavaliere tra la fine del XIX e l'avvio del XX secolo.
Recent archival research attests the contribution of architect Giuseppe Dattaro from Cremona in both church projects and confirms contacts between Giuseppe Dattaro and Nicolò Gambara. Dattaro applied innovative solutions for the religious architectural context of Brescia: in such contests, he experimented with the design of elliptical domes and developed interesting design solutions to integrate collegiate church space, especially in the Verolanuova site, also paying attention to
musical and choir needs.
Thanks to the Gambara family patronage, also in the architectural design of Pontevico and Verolanuova churchs, Dattaro refined his technical skills before arriving in Mantua to work for Vincenzo I Gonzaga (1590-1595). Through analysis of these two architectural examples, the paper aims to recognize the role of Brescia in the architectural context of Northern Italy
during the second half of the 16th century.
E. SALA, I. GIUSTINA, G. PLIZZARI, Lime Mortar with Natural Pozzolana: Historical Issues and Mechanical Behavior, in Structural Analysis of Historic Construction: Preserving Safety and Significance, Edited By Dina D'Ayala, Enrico Fodde, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Structural Analysis of Historical Construction (Bath UK, 2-4 July 2008), Taylor & Francis, London 2008, 2 voll, II, pp. 957-963. ISBN 978-0-415-48107-6
subjected to an inclined stress field, whose vertical and horizontal components correspond to the axial load and the seismic action, respectively. A material characterization, aimed at selecting a material that could reproduce the actual historical masonry, was first carried out on masonry. The aim of this first part of the research was the design of a masonry specimen, suitably reproducing real historical masonries. To this end, an extensive number of mortar specimens were tested. Moreover, the design of a small masonry specimen, representing the critical portion of an actual full scale masonry, is presented and discussed. The right inclination of the stress field was determined by means of linear elastic analysis. A small concrete slab and a suitable test-loading machine were studied to simplify the application of the load on the specimens.
Some tests were performed representing the masonry zone at the bottom of slender panels (for example slender masonry shear walls or masonry arch abutments). The confining technique consists of a reinforcement consisting of steel rods fixed with round anchor plates to the external surface of the specimen. Horizontal displacement results were discussed.
The second part of this paper deals with the investigation of the mechanical behavior of lime mortar addicted with natural pozzolana, widely used in historical masonry. The works of the most important authors from the Ist century B.C. up to 1864 (Curioni’s work) have been analyzed therefore, in order to collect pozzolanic lime mortars historical mix designs.
Flexural and compression tests were performed following the European Standard EN 1015-11:2007 6. The results were obtained after 28, 60 and 90 days of curing. A penetration test, not included in lime European Standards, but very suitable for practical applications, was also adopted.
Il contributo, a partire da una prima sistematica catalogazione ancora in atto, esplora la diffusione della maniera del Pippi a Brescia e nel territorio tra la seconda metà del ‘500 e i primi decenni del ‘600, esaminandone gli influssi sull’architettura religiosa e militare, ma soprattutto su quella residenziale grazie alla nobiltà locale e, in particolare, ai Gambara, legati ai Gonzaga, di cui si rendono noti i rapporti con Giuseppe Dattaro.
Le soluzioni e i motivi architettonici e decorativi individuati consentono di conoscere e soppesare la penetrazione dei modelli giulieschi in area bresciana e di valutarne le principali declinazioni locali, anche in rapporto a materiali e tecniche tradizionali, discernendo l’eredità diretta da quella mediata, a partire da Serlio, da suoi contemporanei e successori.
ENG: The paper aims at investigating the influence of Giulio Romano’s architecture in Brescia and nearby territories, where the circulation of his architectural language has been largely neglected by academics.The research initially dealt with a catalogue of architectural solutions and motifs that could be a possible echo of his “maniera”. The almost fifty entries in the catalogue include works of religious, military and civil architecture, as well as palaces and villas of noble families such as Martinengo, Gambara, Maggi, Porcellaga and Lana. The research then looks in-depth at the case of the Gambara family, who had marriage ties with the court of Gonzaga, and its relationship with Giuseppe Dattaro, who vaguely recalled Pippi’s solutions and, thanks to Nicolò Gambara, was introduced to Mantua. The paper presents the early results of ongoing research and investigates how Giulio Romano’s architectural language, mediatedmainly by Serlio books, was received in Brescia, emphasizing the commissioner role.
Dati bibliografici completi: I. GIUSTINA, C. GUARNERI, E. SALA, La diffusione del linguaggio architettonico di Giulio Romano a Brescia tra XVI e inizio XVII secolo. Per un primo bilancio, in P. Assmann, S. L'Occaso, M.C. Loi, F. Moschini, A. Russo, M. Zurla (a cura di), Giulio Romano pittore, architetto, artista universale. Studi e ricerche, Atti del convegno (Mantova, 14-15 ottobre 2019; Roma, 16-18 ottobre 2019), Todi 2021, pp. 381-387
Il quadro proposto, oltre ad aggiornare la biografia dell’architetto, vuole sottolineare l’importanza assunta da Brescia nella veicolazione del gusto artistico e architettoniche della seconda metà del Cinquecento in area Padana, facendo emergere il mecenatismo della famiglia Gambara.
ENG: The well-known members of the Dattaro family (also called Pizzafuoco) worked in Cremona as architects since the first half of the Sixteenth century. Dattaro family architectural production in Cremona and Giuseppe activities in Mantua (1595-1590) have already been studied; little attention was instead paid to Giuseppe architectural tasks prior to his arrival at Vincenzo I Gonzaga court.
Recent archival researches have highlighted contacts between Giuseppe and Brescia starting from the Seventies of the Sixteenth century; Giuseppe's letters and drawings were found in Gambara family archives. Gambara are a feudal lords family with extensive properties in the areas between Brescia and Cremona; their careful marriage policy made them one of the most important and powerful families of Venetian mainland territories. The letters that Giuseppe wrote to Nicolò Gambara describe his stays in Pomponesco, Maleo, Sabbioneta, up to Casale Monferrato; these documents provide interesting information about his professional background before arriving in Mantua. Nicolò also involved Giuseppe in some Brescia architectural projects, first of all the design of Pontevico church. Pizzafuoco's Mantuan years are also discussed with short notes from the rich Gonzaga archive.
The paper aims at updating the biography of the architect, recognizing the importance of Gambara family patronage and, in general, the role of Brescia in the architectural context of the Northern part of Italy during the second half of the Sixteenth century.
La pubblicazione dei titoli costituenti la sua biblioteca privata, le prime riflessioni sui tomi d’architettura e arti affini e l’analisi delle sue carte di studio in materia mostrano un Vantini in continuo dialogo con i libri, spesso in labile equilibrio tra curiosità personale e necessità lavorativa. La biografia dell’architetto, privata e professionale, diviene dunque spunto e ragione dell’indirizzo associato alle sue letture: interessi momentanei, commesse, progetti culturali, viaggi, critiche, lacune formative sono la fame che guida Rodolfo verso la carta stampata. Siano trattati, manuali o pubblicazioni illustrative questi vengono analizzati attraverso sintesi e schemi grafici di facile fruizione, tracce che testimoniano un desiderio di conoscenza mai sazio che traspare anche da puntuali note ai margini, foglietti inseriti tra le pagine e lunghe liste di desiderata arricchite da citazioni e selezioni di temi da approfondire. Si propone quindi una lettura dell’operato di Vantini attraverso i volumi da lui posseduti o solo consultati, dove il libro diviene fonte di conoscenza e l’appunto mezzo d’apprendimento.
1.5. Chiesa e casa dei Riformati inglesi (British Factory), San Pietroburgo, pp. 72-74
1.7. Palazzo di Caterina (Palazzo Golovin), Mosca, pp. 74-79
1.14. Edificio (di abitazione?), pp. 91-92
2. Tenute imperiali nei dintorni di San Pietroburgo e dimore extraurbane
2.11. Usad’ba Lopuchin a San Pietroburgo, pp. 117-118
2.13. Residenza di campagna di Aleksandr D. Lanskoj a Vel’e, pp. 118-119
2.14. Unità edilizie singole e binate, pp. 120-121
2.23. Piccola villa, pp. 127-128
3. Architetture pubbliche
3.4. Edificio per l’educazione e il ricovero femminile, pp. 142-145
3.6. Banca di Stato a San Pietroburgo, pp. 145-147
5. Padiglioni, monumenti e archi trionfali
5.1. Pronao di edificio e arco trionfale, pp. 166-167
5.2. Padiglione, pp. 166-167
5.3. Bagno caldo (?), pp. 166-167
5.4. Padiglione rotondo, p. 167
6. Chiese e mausolei
6.1. Cattedrale di Kremenčug nel governatorato di Černigov (Ucraina), pp. 174-177
6.2. Chiesa, pp. 176-177
6.4. Chiesa con campanile, pp. 178-179
6.6. Seminario (?), pp. 179-180
6.7. Cupola e lanterna per chiesa, pp. 179-180
6.12. Cappella sepolcrale per il padre di Aleksandr A. Bezborodko a Stol’noe, governatorato di Černigov (Ucraina), p. 184 e p. 186
6.13. Mausoleo di Aleksandr D. Lanskoj a Sofija presso Carskoe Selo, p. 184 e p. 186
8. Copie e disegni tecnici
8.1. Partenone nell’Acropoli di Atene, pp. 202-203
8.4. Villa Badoer a Fratta Polesine, pp. 202-203
8.5. Tempietto Barbaro a Maser, pp. 203-204
8.13. Capriata e orditura di un solaio ligneo, pp. 212-214
8.14. Parete attrezzata, impianto di areazione (?) di un solaio ligneo, pp. 212-214
Department of Civil, Environmental, Architectural Engineering and Mathematics
The Summer School "Vione: history, restoration and structural rehabilitation of the rural mountain heritage", promoted by the University of Brescia (June 24-28, 2024), is part of the "Vione Permanent Laboratory" project, which includes a series of activities organized in collaboration with the Municipality of Vione and the Mountain Community of Valle Camonica. Vione rises in northern Valle Camonica, an Italian mountain area neighboring the Swiss Alps, on the Eastern side of Lombardy. The project aims to increase knowledge, recovery and valorization of mountain villages. Many examples of traditional mountain construction are preserved in Vione: these examples are essential both to understand rural mountain building traditions and to preserve them through appropriate intervention projects. The course, which will be held between Brescia and Vione, will investigate, first of all, the historical stratification of Vione, the construction and strengthening techniques, the types of materials and their origin, the state of conservation of the buildings and the most frequent structural systems used. Knowledge of the characteristics of the historical buildings will highlight the main critical issues of the construction heritage. The lectures will be completed with in-depth studies on structural behavior of wooden floors, wooden roofs, vaults, arches and masonry walls topics. Hence, one of the main goals of the Summer School is to offer an innovative background on existing structures. Participants, through laboratory activities, will be able to investigate real case studies refining their ability to read and interpret historical buildings, using the most appropriate intervention techniques. The intervention projects designed have the goal of guaranteeing the maintenance continuity of mountain rural architectural heritage, encouraging its reuse by improving its energy efficiency, usability conditions and structural performance.
Fausto Minelli, Full professor
Giovanni Plizzari, Full Professor
Carlotta Coccoli, Associate Professor
Irene Giustina, Associate Professor
Barbara Scala, Associate Professor
Luca Facconi, Assistant Professor
Elisa Sala, Assistant Professor
Letizia Barozzi, Ph.D in History of Art
Francesca Tanghetti, PHD candidate Civil,
Environmental Engineering, International
Cooperation and Mathematics (DICACIM)