well, it's been a while since I've been in here
Um... I haven't cut in about a month? Or something. The last time I cut was because of an argument with my sister, the day before I went swimming with friends. Why is it so easy for people to accept cats as a reason for scars all over the place? I apologize to my cats when I get home, but I'm still afraid to tell people why the scars really exist.
I lost my job! Rather, I quit it because I was being harassed. Now I'm broke and stuck at home with nothing to do except read the Star Trek kink meme. Unfortunately, wank has sprung up at the kink meme, to the point where it's seriously bothered and depressed me. That, coupled with depressing thoughts about my ex and fighting with my family, makes me want to get very drunk tonight and cut.
I might still get drunk, but I'm going to try not to cut, even if it would feel really good right now. Instead of thinking about myself, I want to know what's going on with you guys.
How is everyone doing? Met anybody? Are your friends doing okay? Are YOU doing okay?
What's your cat done lately that has cracked you up?