Plugin Tag: woocommerce
Nota Fiscal Eletrônica WooCommerce
(11 total ratings)Emissão de Nota Fiscal Eletrônica para WooCommerce através da REST API da Webmania®. Faça a emissão de NF-e e NFS-e com um clique.
POLi Payments for WooCommerce
(0 total ratings)POLi Payments for WooCommerce enables POLi payments on the WooCommerce checkout. Enable your customers to pay directly from their bank account without …
WooCommerce Order Emails Log
(3 total ratings)For WooCommerce Admins: Logs sent emails related to orders, and displays them in a table on the edit order screen.
Payment Gateways by Shipping for WooCommerce
(3 total ratings)Set "enable for shipping methods" for WooCommerce payment gateways.
Payment Gateway Currency for WooCommerce
(8 total ratings)Manage currencies for WooCommerce payment gateways. Beautifully.
WooCommerce Addon for PayUmoney
(1 total ratings)Woocommerce addon for accepting payment using payumoney
QuickSwish – WooCommerce Product Quick View
(2 total ratings)QuickSwish is an ultimate and exclusive WooCommerce plugin that allows you to create stunning quickview button for your WooCommerce store.
Best Selling Products for WooCommerce
(3 total ratings)A widget and shortcode displaying your best selling WooCommerce products, with thumbnail, title, price, star rating and link to the product.
Easy Loyalty Points and Rewards for WooCommerce
(11 total ratings)A lightweight, easy to use customer loyalty system for WooCommerce.
Virtuaria Correios – Frete, Etiqueta, Rastreio e Declaração
(17 total ratings)Etiqueta, declaração, rastreio, calculadora, devolução, campos de checkout, descontos, tudo isso na versão grátis, com ou sem contrato. Tem MUITO+
Custom Fee Woocommerce
(2 total ratings)Custom Fee Woocommerce allows administrator to add custom fee to customer's order total conditionally and easily.
(4 total ratings)Integrate your online shop with the Colete-Online platform to validate addresses, display courier prices and create courier orders.
Estonian Banklinks for WooCommerce
(7 total ratings)Extends WooCommerce with most commonly used Estonian banklinks. All in one.
Refersion for WooCommerce
(3 total ratings)Seamlessly connect your WooCommerce shop with Refersion and start tracking sales driven by promoters, influencers, and affiliates!
Change Product Author For WooCommerce
(1 total ratings)Quickly and easily change your WooCommerce product author.
WooCommerce iugu
(11 total ratings)Receba pagamentos por cartão de crédito, boleto bancário e pix na sua loja WooCommerce com a iugu.
Embed Videos For Product Image Gallery Using WooCommerce
(21 total ratings)Embed videos to product gallery along with images on product page of WooCommerce.
GamiPress – WooCommerce Points Per Purchase Total
(0 total ratings)Award points based on WooCommerce purchase's total.
WooCommerce Ajax Mini Cart
(5 total ratings)Custom mini cart for WooCommerce. You can add to cart, update quanity in this cart via ajax. Also you can edit the style for this cart in the admin pa …
City Dropdown For Woocommerce
(3 total ratings)This Plugin change Woocommerce City input into a dropdown, based on states. Works only with Romania country!