Papers by Luciano smith rock

The Mesozoic rocks exposed in the impressive, colorful, 400 m-(1300-foot) high Mesa Alta escarpme... more The Mesozoic rocks exposed in the impressive, colorful, 400 m-(1300-foot) high Mesa Alta escarpment, which dominates the landscape in the northern Arroyo del Agua quadrangle ), contain a rich, but fragmentary, geologic record spanning approximately 130 million years of Earth's history. Remnants of ancient river systems, vast deserts, saline lakes, broad mudflats, and oceanic shorelines are preserved in the cliffs. Mesa Alta is topped by a gently undulating topography of northeast-trending, narrow finger mesas capped by Cretaceous rocks separated by broad grassy valleys underlain by Jurassic shale at elevations of 2590-2740 m (8500-900 feet) above sea level. South of the escarpment, the northerly-flowing Rio Puerco and easterly-flowing Salitral Creek have incised below the Mesozoic rocks to reveal lucent red, reddishorange, and white, Permian to Pennsylvanian rocks in the vicinity of the village of Arroyo del Agua (cover photo). Here, an additional ~20-million-year-long record of older river systems, shallow oceans, and sand dune fields is preserved.

Contributions To Mineralogy and Petrology, 1983
The Nybö eclogite pod in Norway is characterized by a great variety of clinopyroxene compositions... more The Nybö eclogite pod in Norway is characterized by a great variety of clinopyroxene compositions with Jd contents ranging from less than 5% up to nearly 80%, whilst Ac+Hd contents remain almost constant (mostly within 10±5%). Unconstrained X-ray structure refinement has been carried out on 16 pyroxene crystals (8 with C2/c and 8 with P2/n space group) from the Nybö eclogite, and also on one omphacite crystal (from Lago Mucrone in the Sesia-Lanzo Zone, Western Alps) which displays the highest degree of cation ordering yet described. The final discrepancy factors range from 0.014 to 0.029. The population of the sites has been determined on the basis of bond length considerations and of the results of the site occupancy refinement. Six of these crystals were subsequently analysed by electron microprobe. The tetrahedral sites are occupied by Si with negligible amounts of Al. Al, Mg, Fe3+ and Fe2+ occur at the octahedral sites; in the ordered P2/n crystals Al and Fe3+ are concentrated at the M11 site, whilst Mg and Fe2+ are concentrated and the M1 site. The eight-coordinated sites contain Ca and Na with negligible amounts of Fe and/or Mg. Ordering of Ca and Na takes place in the P2/n samples in such a way that in the most ordered crystal the M2 site contains almost exactly 0.75 Na+0.25 Ca and the M21 site 0.25 Na+0.75 Ca. Some geometrical features of the tetrahedra as well as of the octahedra (e.g. tetrahedral quadratic elongation and TILT angle) are not a simple linear function of composition, even when no change in space group occurs. The crystals evidently do not behave like a binary system of the two components, Di and Jd, but behave rather as if the composition Di0.50 Jd0.50 was a distinct end member. The boundaries between disordered and ordered phases in the Nybö pyroxenes fall at about 0.35 and 0.65 Jd/(Di+ Jd), in close agreement with the previous TEM investigations. The degree of order varies with composition following a bell-shaped curve: different coaxial bell-shaped curves can be drawn for crystals which have similar compositions but come from different metamorphic environments. The order vs composition diagrams may be useful for the interpretation of the P-T-t histories of the host rocks.
,New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources, Socorro, NM 87801 2 Lawrence GeoServices Ltd... more ,New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources, Socorro, NM 87801 2 Lawrence GeoServices Ltd. Co., 2321 Elizabeth Street NE, Albuquerque, NM 87112,Department of Earth and Planetary Science, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87131,Earth and Planetary Science Dept., Washington University, St. Louis, MO 63130,New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science, Albuquerque, NM 87104
Physics Letters B, 1997
We report on a search for the excited leptons e ; ; and in e + e collisions at p s = 130 { 140 Ge... more We report on a search for the excited leptons e ; ; and in e + e collisions at p s = 130 { 140 GeV using the L3 detector at LEP. No evidence has been found for their existence. From an analysis of the expected pair produced`` in the channels ee,, , eeWW, and , w e determine the lower mass limits at 95% C.L. of 64.7 GeV for e , 64.9 GeV for , 64.2 GeV for , 57.3 GeV (eW decay mode) and 61.4 GeV ( decay mode) for . F rom an analysis of the expected singly produced`` in the channels ee, , , eW and , w e determine upper limits on the couplings =m` up to m` = 130 GeV.
O objetivo de projetar produtos e serviços é satisfazer aos consumidores, atendendo a suas necess... more O objetivo de projetar produtos e serviços é satisfazer aos consumidores, atendendo a suas necessidades e expectativas atuais e/ou futuras. Isso, por sua vez, melhora a competitividade da organização. Pode-se observar, portanto, que o projeto de produtos e serviços tem seu início com o consumidor e nele termina. Primeiro, a tarefa de marketing é reunir informações dos clientes (e, às vezes, de não clientes) para compreender e identificar suas necessidades e expectativas e também para procurar possíveis oportunidades de mercado. Com base nisso, a tarefa dos projetistas de produtos e serviços é analisar essas necessidades e expectativas, como interpretadas por marketing, e criar uma especificação para o produto ou serviço.
Papers by Luciano smith rock