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N NO OU UV VE EL LL LE ES S V VU UE ES S revue sur les pratiques et les théories du cinéma au Québec préoccupation du domaine de la justice, l'apport des éthiques du care s'articule surtout sous forme d'une posture dont les... more
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      Comparative LiteratureFilm StudiesCare EthicsThe Ethics of Care
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      Comparative LiteratureLiterature and Visual ArtsCare EthicsThe Ethics of Care
co-organisation avec Nicholas Giguère
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      Comparative LiteraturePolitical PhilosophyCanadian LiteraturePhilosophie
This research seminar sets out to explore how Canadian literatures revisit and reimagine the concepts of " care " and of the " ordinary " beyond the default position that tends to reduce them to the residual, to routine, and to repetition... more
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      Canadian StudiesComparative LiteratureCanadian LiteratureLittérature québécoise
This panel seeks to explore the poetic, narrative, and political dimensions of care and particular lives in Canadian women’s writing to question the impacts of care ethics on the literary object as well the contribution of literature to... more
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      Comparative LiteratureCanadian LiteratureCare EthicsWomen's Writing (Literature)
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      Comparative LiteratureIndigenous StudiesCanadian LiteratureCare Ethics
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      Comparative LiteratureCanadian LiteratureIndigenous LiteratureLittérature québécoise
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      Canadian LiteratureWomen WritersThe Ethics of Care
In voice, there is the idea of a claim. The singular claims a shared, common validity. -Sandra Laugier, "Voice as Form of Life and Life Form" 64 Là, ce qui ressemble à des passages, des traversées, à ce qui emprunte aux aspirations... more
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      Canadian LiteratureWomen WritersFeminist Literary Theory and Gender StudiesLittérature québécoise
In voice, there is the idea of a claim. The singular claims a shared, common validity. -Sandra Laugier, "Voice as Form of Life and Life Form" 64 Là, ce qui ressemble à des passages, des traversées, à ce qui emprunte aux aspirations... more
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      Canadian LiteratureCare EthicsWomen WritersFeminist Literary Theory and Gender Studies
Dans un premier temps, je propose un regard critique sur les figures du care et de l’ordinaire dans quelques textes littéraires. Plus précisément, je soulignerai les liens entre les poétiques du care et la perspective de la « culture d’en... more
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      Canadian LiteratureCare EthicsWomen Writers
I celebrate teaching that enables transgressions-a movement against and beyond boundaries-bell hooks, Teaching to Transgress let's start by talking to each other about ourselves…-Lee Maracle, I am Woman: Native Perspective of Sociology... more
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      EthicsFeminist TheoryCanadian LiteratureIndigenous Literature
Relationnalité langagière et culturelle au Québec et au Canada : nouveaux enjeux esthétiques, politiques et épistémologiques de la création et de la traduction littéraires Numéro dirigé par Dominique Hétu et Eftihia Mihelakis @analyses... more
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      Littérature québécoisePlurilinguismeCréation littéraireLittérature Comparée