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Accidents due to defective railway lines and derailments are common disasters that are observed frequently in south- east Asian countries. It is imperative to run proper diagnosis over the detection of such faults to prevent such... more
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      Image ProcessingMachine LearningRailway Track
Since gender recognition contains a wealth of information about the differences between male and female characteristics, it is crucial and essential for many applications in commercial domains, such as human-computer interaction... more
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      Machine LearningClassification (Machine Learning)
Skew angle detection and correction an integral part of any OCR system. Without proper skew correction, the performance of an OCR will simply not be acceptable for most scanned images. We propose an innovative method for skew angle... more
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    • Radon Transform
Skew angle detection and correction an integral part of any OCR system. Without proper skew correction, the performance of an OCR will simply not be acceptable for most scanned images. We propose an innovative method for skew angle... more
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    • Radon Transform
These three words "Human", "Machine" and "Interaction" refer to the modern era of technology where researchers emphasized the interaction between computer machines and humans. We humans cannot confine ourselves to relying solely on... more
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    • Computer Science
Agriculture is the fundamental source of revenue and Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in many countries where economically developing countries; especially the Global South are no exception. Various types of plant-based diseases are strongly... more
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Car owners altering license plates using different typefaces and designs violate the law that strictly forbids such behaviour. Traffic police officers claim that changing the license plates makes it impossible to read the registration... more
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    • Computer Vision
LPR (License Plate Recognition) is an image-processing technology used to recognize vehicles by their plate numbers. This technology is utilized as a part of different security and traffic applications, for example, the access-control... more
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Social media plays a vital role in our daily lives. To understand and interpret emotions and opinions expressed on social media platforms, analyzing sentiment is very important. Our study is based on Twitter sentiment analysis. Our aim is... more
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    • Sentiment Analysis