

Todos os temas

Side Out

Side Out

Este tema não é atualizado há mais de 2 anos. Pode não ser mais mantido ou ter suporte e pode ter problemas de compatibilidade quando usado com versões mais recentes do WordPress.

Sideout is a wide HTML5, CSS3 fluid grid layout theme with option to show posts in two columns or just one column wide. Vertical menu with transitions. In total theme is a four column with navigation on left, content splits into one or two column; then right sidebar is very wide, making it perfect for ads or social media APIs. Two widget areas in footer. Theme Features= Blog page posts display as 1 or 2 columns; Add social links, phone numbers and company info to footer; Removed home page title and metadata; Set background color of right sidebar and footer; Replace footer credits. Comment form button toggles off by default. Theme will work fine on mobile devices and tablets. Built using Gridiculous, a responsive grid boilerplate that takes you all the way from 1200px on down to 320px. Menu is a mobile ready menu.

Vezes que foi baixado por dia

Instalações ativas: 10+