Tag do plugin: template
Template Kit – Import
(6 total de classificações)Use this plugin to import Template Kits to WordPress
Show Current Template
(70 total de classificações)A WordPress plugin which shows the current template file name, the current theme name and included template files' name in the tool bar.
What The File
(879 total de classificações)What The File is the best tool to find out what template parts are used to display the page you're currently viewing!
Custom Field Template
(24 total de classificações)The Custom Field Template plugin extends the functionality of custom fields.
Fullwidth Templates for Any Theme & Page Builder
(42 total de classificações)Ao usar um Construtor de Páginas, coisas como o título da página e layouts em caixa geralmente limitam sua criatividade. Este plugin ajuda você a obter largura total em qualquer* tema.
TinyMCE Templates
(8 total de classificações)TinyMCE Template plugin will enable to use HTML template on WordPress Visual Editor.
Multiple Themes
(50 total de classificações)Select different Themes for one or more WordPress Pages, Posts or other non-Admin pages. Or Site Home.
Custom Post Template
(43 total de classificações)Provides a drop-down to select different templates for posts from the post edit screen. The templates replace single.php for the specified post.
(8 total de classificações)A revolutionary block-based page builder used for building layouts, an interplay of the WordPress block editor features and exceptional UI design.
Gantry 5 Framework
(31 total de classificações)Gantry is a comprehensive set of building blocks to enable the rapid development and realization of a design into a flexible and powerful web platform
A WP Life Companion
(0 total de classificações)A WP Life Companion is a useful plugin for awpbusinesspress WordPress theme by awordpresslife.
Export Themes
(13 total de classificações)With this plugin you'll be able to export your themes in a .zip file and then install with that .zip file the same theme in other servers using t …
Template Kit – Export
(4 total de classificações)Use this plugin to export Template Kits for WordPress.
WP Layouts
(6 total de classificações)Save, store and import layouts instantly, all in one place with the click of a button!
which template file
(4 total de classificações)Show the name of the php file of your theme used to display the current page.
URL ShortCodes
(1 total de classificações)URL ShortCodes plugin adds support for a basic short codes to use in your post/page editor that produce correct absolute URLs.
Add Code To Head
(2 total de classificações)(Formerly Add Text to Head) Add custom Javascript/HTML/CSS codes to the page head without editing the template.
Basic URL ShortCodes
(2 total de classificações)BASIC URL ShortCodes plugin support for a basic short codes to use in your post/page editor that produce correct absolute URLs.