Tag do plugin: lead
The Prospect Farmer
(1 total de classificações)Insert The Prospect Farmer forms (www.theprospectfarmer.com) in pages and posts to capture prospects for your business.
Simple PDF bar
(0 total de classificações)Adds a lead generation bar to the top or bottom of your pdf documents
Générateur de leads – EnChantier
(0 total de classificações)Intégrez notre widget de demande de devis travaux 100% responsive, générez des leads et suivez votre rémunération depuis votre interface wordpress !
(0 total de classificações)Getlead is revolution way to getting new leads, your users are able to call to you via video or audio for free
Bouncehelp WP Plugin
(0 total de classificações)This plugin allows you to easily install bouncehelp on your WP site.
Popup Builder for Lead Generation by OptinMagic – Generate Leads, Increase Sale and Grow Mailing List
(3 total de classificações)Convert Visitors Into Customers. Grow your mailing list. Turn traffics into sales and keep them coming back to you with new offers and promotional ema …
Flamix: Bitrix24 and Ninja Forms integration
(0 total de classificações)Bitrix24 and WordPress Ninja Forms integration
OneDigiFlow – Lead Capture
(0 total de classificações)OneDigiFlow lead capture plugin allows users to automatically save contacts and deals into OneDigiFlow CRM.
(0 total de classificações)This plugin connects WordPress to EmbedQuiz.com. Use Gutenberg Blocks, Shortcodes, and Legacy Widgets to embed quizzes on your website!
Flamix: Bitrix24 and Divi Contact Form integration
(0 total de classificações)Bitrix24 and WordPress Divi Contact Form integration
Flamix: Bitrix24 and Forminator integration
(0 total de classificações)Bitrix24 and WordPress Forminator integration
Intercom Live chat and Lead generation by 79mplus
(0 total de classificações)Offers a live chat (by Intercom), a lead generation form and a wide range of extensions to grow your user base using Intercom.