Tag do plugin: debugging
Debug User/Post/Options Meta Data
(1 total de classificações)Debug User/Post/Options Meta Data plugin lets administrators debug users and posts meta data in a friendly view.
(0 total de classificações)Ferret is a simple wrapper for the Sentry PHP and JavaScript SDKs. It will catch all PHP errors, as well as JavaScript errors if the option is switche …
Query Monitor bbPress & BuddyPress Conditionals
(1 total de classificações)Add bbPress and BuddyPress Conditionals to John Blackbourn's awesome Query Monitor
LogMouse – Error Monitoring
(0 total de classificações)Professional Error Monitoring, Reporting and System Resource Tracking for your CMS.
Simple Email Sender
(1 total de classificações)A simple plugin to send emails from WordPress admin panel using SMTP, with enhanced debugging features.
Gorilla Debug
(0 total de classificações)Gorilla Debug is a simple WordPress plugin. It is geared towards helping programmers with the development of WordPress themes and plugins.
Admin Debug Tools
(0 total de classificações)Admin Debug Tools makes it easy to manage your site's logs and debug settings directly from the dashboard, without needing to edit backend files.