Xpro Multi Layer Slider creates sliders that were never possible before with its powerful and intuitive saved rows interface. Truly beaver builder native, fast loading, responsive, SEO optimized, and works with any module of beaver builder in the slider. Create beautiful multiple layers within slides in multilayer sliders with forms, maps, and anything made in beaver builder.
The responsive Multi-Layer slider plugin makes it easy to create responsive sliders in any visual editor. Build appealing image/video slides, multiple layers, post slides, and much more with our best WordPress multilayer slider.
Xpro Multilayer slider comes with a live slide editor for creating and customizing slides. Our best slider plugin for beaver builder gives an amazing feature to edit your rows at run time. Put your creativity to unleash the slider power.
Multi-Layer Slider For Everyone
Saved Rows | No Coding | No Learning Curve
Xpro Multilayer Slider is a revolutionary slider built for everyone. It doesn’t matter if you are a newbie, an experienced developer, or an agency. Create amazingly responsive sliders for your clients or your own website. The Multilayer slider is created with a sheer focus on saving the user’s time and energy. It is a simple drag-and-drop plugin that harnesses the Beaver Builder power and allows you to create jaw-dropping layers and slides.
Make sure your content is optimized for the resolution of the device by switching your content slider to a different device mode. No matter what device you use to access your website, you can enjoy it in any environment. Choose a slides template without any technical knowledge. Start with blank Slides or select one of our beautiful templates.
Fully Responsive Slider
Smoothly runs and optimizes your content on any device with a fully responsive slider. Additionally, you can customize the width and height of the slider and it adopts beaver builder responsive features.
Mouse Drag & Wheel
Mouse Drag & Wheel allows the user to navigate their slide to the next or previous one. This property enables the user to move next by dragging or wheeling the mouse on the slide. When enabled, the user can scroll the mouse wheel or drag the mouse to the forward and backward slide.
When enabled, it repeats the slides infinitely for a great slideshow. Depending on how many slides there are, you can only slide left or right when Infinite Loop is turned off.
Auto-play Feature
Using the custom duration and timing settings, you can specify how long the slide will appear and play for. In the free version of the plugin, it is possible to take advantage of this feature.
Slider Styles
Orientation, animation, and duration are all details that really matter when it comes to animating the slides. Easily customize the vertical and horizontal slider layout and operate the implementation of amazing fade and slide animation.
Xpro Multi Layer Slider provides several pre-made navigation styles to kickstart your row. Switch your normal and boring slider into an advanced and featured slider. With attractive color, size, position, distance, and modern or classic layout arrows. You can also set your margins to customize a great arrow look.
- Slider Direction (Vertical or Horizontal)
- Full-width and boxed responsive layouts
- Unlimited Slides
- Intuitive slide creation: choose images, select WordPress Posts, or add videos
- Touch swipe, scroll, keyboard navigation
- Slide-switching animations: Horizontal, Vertical, Fade
- Slide background animations
- Autoplay timing options
- SEO optimized and HTML slider
- Layer snap in slide editor
- Adaptive layer font sizing
- Hide layers on specific devices
- Slide thumbnail image
- WordPress Multi Site compatible
What You Get in the PRO Version
Experience The Most Powerful & Advanced Multi-Layer Slider in The Market!
Xpro Addons For Beaver Builder – PRO truly unlocks the full potential of the plugin. All of the above mentioned features are available in the Pro version of the plugin plus additional features that truly unlock the possibilities for you. All features like custom width, fixed or absolute position, floating, and transform are available in the Pro version with no limits.
Here’s a summary of what you will be entitled to if you get on board with a Pro Pack. The pro version truly makes it more fun, easy, and time-saving to create highly responsive carousels and modern sliders for your websites.
Custom Width
This plugin helps to customize your own module width on a slide. The height and width of the row can be changed to your liking in order to make it look just the way you want it.
You can define the absolute or fixed position, these all features come in the PRO version. Also, change the orientation of the layers toward the top left, right bottom, bottom left, etc that suit your needs.
Multi-Layer Slider pro version gives the Z-index features. Efficiently bringing an element with greater stack order is always in front of a component with a lower stack order.
Advanced Transform Effects
Transform effects is a Pro Version of the plugin that gives the translate, scale, rotate and skew for any module in a slide. By transforming the shape and position of the affected content, the normal flow of the document is not disrupted.
- Translate This function allows you to move an element across the plane.
- Scale It helps to resize an element with vertical and horizontal dimensions.
- Rotate Turn an item around a reference point. By default, this point is at the center of the object; however, you can move it to another location.
- Skew Slants an item vertically and horizontally.
Advanced Floating Effects
Floating effects is a Pro Version of the plugin that gives the translate, rotate, scale, or skew for any module in a slide. The floating effect can make your image or any module float on the screen. This new motion effect is available for all elements inside the slide. In floating effects, the module can translate on the x-axis and y-axis and you choose the start and end points. Also, you can rotate your module on its axis like a 360-degree circle.
BackGroud & Border
Make your slides more engaging by adding our cool background color. You can choose a background color from solid or gradient. You can add borders with shadows on any module. This gives you the freedom to play with your creativity and helps your audience to focus on the most important part of the slider.
Join Our Facebook Community
Xpro Slider has an active Facebook Page where we keep our users updated on new development and features. The page also serves as a portal to cater to any questions users might have about Xpro Gallery. You can showcase websites built using our Plugins by tagging us on Facebook. We encourage you to join our Facebook Community Group too where users engage with one another and share their experience with Xpro Addons.
Follow Us On Twitter
Follow us on Twitter to stay updated about new development, updates, and news about Xpro Gallery for Beaver Builder.
Xpro Slider is a user-driven project that endures your feedback. If you face any issues using the plugin or want to suggest a feature for the plugin, please feel free to contact our Support Team. We will be more than happy to hear you out.
Our dedicated team of highly skilled developers regularly updates the platform, always looking for more user-friendly options that would make it easier for you to build world-class websites. We have a dedicated support team for Xpro, and this is why we promise you a compelling web designing & development experience of a lifetime.
Get on board with us on a journey of becoming a successful agency, freelancer, or individual!
- Install Layer Slider Addon for Beaver Builder either via the WordPress plugin directory or by uploading the files to your server at wp-content/plugins.
For more information, please visit our Layer Slider. Keep in mind that not all features described in this page are available in this FREE version of Xpro Gallery For Beaver Builder Plugin for Beaver Builder.
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Registro de alterações
V 1.5.2 – 06 April 2024
- Fixed: Fixed save tempalte URL issue.
V 1.5.1 – 29 December 2023
- Improved: Update dashboard files.
V 1.5.0 – 24 December 2023
The old version slider will not work on this version. Please save your work before updating.
- Deprecated: Remove old slider and its features.
- Added: Added beaver save row use as slide.
- Added: Added saved templates use as slide.
V 1.4.4 – 22 March 2023
- Improved: Update Dashboard Menu.
V 1.4.3 – 17 March 2023
- Improved: Add Dynamic Filters to Xpro Addons Dashboard.
V 1.4.2 – 15 March 2023
- Updated: Update Dashboard Styles
V 1.4.1 – 01 February 2023
- Updated: Update Industry Filters in Dashboard
V 1.4.0 – 29 January 2023
- Updated: Update Industry Filters in Dashboard
- Improved: Update Dashboard Files
V 1.3.3 – 05 Feb 2021
- Improved: Fix compatibility when importing templates
V 1.3.2 – 24 March 2021
- Fixed: Fix module issues upgrading to Xpro
V 1.3.1 – 22 March 2021
- Improved: Fixed portfolio styles.
V 1.3.0 – 05 March 2021
- Improved: Update To BB Xpro Addons.
V 1.2.4 – 30 February 2021
- Improved: Update Template Library.
V 1.2.3 – 25 February 2021
- Fixed: Fixed lite templates link.
V 1.2.2 – 22 February 2021
- Updated: Update Templates.
V 1.2.1 – 12 February 2021
- Fixed: Fix JS issue.
V 1.2.0 – 25 January 2021
The old version slider will not work on this version. Please save your work before updating.
- Added: Add auto-responsive.
- Deprecated: Remove old fields and options.
- Improved: Update JS libereries.
- Improved: Update HTML structure.
V 1.1.0 – 03 November 2020
- Added: Added a responsive option to the ‘Custom Width’ setting under the Layer Type -> Button.
- Added: Added a new setting field ‘Icon Position’ for a button, under the Layer Type -> Button.
- Added: Added a new setting field ‘Button Icon’ under the Layer Type -> Button.
- Added: Added new setting fields for layer background animations with their styling options.
- Added: Added 4 new animations for layers.
- Added: Created a separate section ‘Animations’ for layer animation settings.
- Added: Created a separate section ‘Positioning’ for layer position settings.
- Added: Added a responsive option to the layer icon ‘Background Size’ setting.
- Added: Added a responsive option to the layer icon ‘Size’ setting.
- Added: Added a default icon to the ‘Upload Icon’ field under the Layer Type -> Icon.
- Added: Added a new unit ‘%’ for the ‘Layer Width’ setting.
- Added: Added a default value for the Overlay Color setting.
- Added: Added a new setting field ‘Overlay Style’.
- Added: Added new setting fields to upload navigation icons.
- Added: Added slider ‘Mouse Drag’ and ‘Touch Drag’ options.
- Added: Added a new background type ‘Video’ for slides.
- Added: Added setting field ‘Upload Video’ for background type Video.
- Added: Added setting field ‘Poster’ for background type Video.
- Added: Added setting field ‘Loop Video’ for background type Video.
- Added: Added a new option ‘Background Parallax’, it will work for background type ‘Photo’ and ‘External Link’.
- Added: Added a new option ‘Parallax Speed’.
- Added: Added 9 new background patterns for slides.
- Added: Added a ‘Custom’ option in the pattern’s dropdown setting field.
- Added: Added a setting field ‘Upload Pattern’.
- Added: Added a new option ‘Pattern Repeat’.
- Added: Created a separate section ‘Background Overlay’ for slide overlay settings.
- Added: Created a separate section ‘Background Pattern’ for slide pattern settings.
- Added: Updated pattern names in the dropdown setting field.
- Fixed: Icons from Foundation and Ultimate icons library fixed after publishing.
V 1.0.9 – 17 June 2019
- Added: Added slider “Full Height” option.
V 1.0.8 – 10 May 2019
- Fixed: Layer position classes fixed for responsive devices.
V 1.0.7 – 08 May 2019
- Fixed: Font Awesome fixed for navigation arrows after including Font Awesome 5.
- Fixed: Navigation arrows background color opacity was not working correctly on hover.
V 1.0.6 – 30 April 2019
- Added: Include font-awesome 4 and 5.
V 1.0.5 – 18 March 2019
- Added: Compatibility with BB 2.2 version.
V 1.0.4 – 20 February 2019
- Fixed: Animation delay for the first layer was not working.
V 1.0.3 – 24 January 2019
- Improved: Code improved for slide preview settings.
- Added: Background patterns were overlapping layers.
V 1.0.2 – 03 January 2019
- Added: Updated styles.
V 1.0.1 – 26 December 2018
- Added: Updated JavaScript.
V 1.0.0 – 24 December 2018
- Improved: Improved layer options.
0.1.0 – 12 December 2018
- Initial Release