Papers by Raafqi Ranasasmita

Rasayan Journal of Chemistry, 2017
Designing a simple, sensitive, and specific method to detect pork contamination in the food indus... more Designing a simple, sensitive, and specific method to detect pork contamination in the food industry remains a major challenge. In the current study, we developed a sensitive thiol-bond AuNP-Probe biosensor that will change color when detecting pork DNA in the Cytochrome B region. The interaction of biosensor and DNA sample is measured by spectrophotometer at 540 nm. The biosensor is made by reducing gold with sodium citrate to produce gold nanoparticle with 39.05 nm diameter. The AuNP-Probe biosensor (gold nano probe) achieved 16.04 ng DNA/µl limit of detection and 53.48 ng DNA/µl limit of quantification. The linearity (R 2) between color absorbance changes and DNA concentration is 0.9916. The biosensor has a good specificity as it does not cross-react with DNA of chicken and beef. To verify specificity towards the target sequence, qPCR was tested to the target sequence and reacted to the PCR product with the biosensor. The PCR DNA isolate result 2.7 fold higher absorbance compared to pork-DNA isolate alone (without PCR). The sensitivity and specificity of the method show the promising application of the thiol-bond AuNP biosensor in pork-detection.

Acta Biochimica Indonesiana
Background: Increasing blood sugar level may increase free radical compounds in type 2 diabetes. ... more Background: Increasing blood sugar level may increase free radical compounds in type 2 diabetes. Free radical compounds can cause oxidative stress, thereby decreasing endogenous antioxidants such as reduced glutathione (GSH). Objective: This study aimed to determine whether random blood glucose levels affect GSH in type 2 diabetes patients within the Malay race. Methods: This study was observational with case-control, involving 25 patients with uncomplicated type 2 diabetes (receiving metformin and/or glimipiride) and 25 healthy controls. Random blood glucose levels were determined using ACCU-CHECK® Kit. Blood GSH levels were determined by Sigma GSH Assay Kit. Results: Results show that type 2 diabetes patients have a significantly lower random blood glucose level compared with those of age-matched normal subjects (p<0.0001). Type 2 diabetic patients had significantly lower levels of GSH (p=0.00) than those of age-matched normal subjects. We found a moderate negative correlation ...

DNA extraction is needed in the analysis using the Loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) ... more DNA extraction is needed in the analysis using the Loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) method because this method identifies nucleic acids. Some extraction methods that can be selected including commercial kits extraction method and phenol-chloroform extraction method. The purpose of this study was to obtain the best quality DNA extract between the two extraction methods. The DNA extraction process produced DNA concentrations between 31.06 - 410.18 ng / ml for the commercial kit DNA extract and 212.60 - 1502.30 ng / ml for the phenol-choroform DNA extract, while the purity of DNA were 1.82-2.02 for commercial kit DNA extract and 1.93-2.02 for phenol-chloroform DNA extract. The concentration and purity of extracts produced from both methods meet the requirements for molecular analysis. The purity and visualization results of commercial kit DNA extract are better than those produced from extraction from the phenol-chloroform method. DNA extract obtained from the commercial k...
Japanese Journal of Infectious Diseases, 2016
![Research paper thumbnail of The Influence of DMBA (7,12-dimethylbenz-[a]anthracene) Regimen In The Development of Mammae Carcinogénesis on Sprague Dawley Female Rat](
International Journal of Cancer Prevention, 2010
There are many methods for development of mammae cancer animal model, one of which is chemical in... more There are many methods for development of mammae cancer animal model, one of which is chemical induction using carcinogenic agent, DMBA. This research aimed to explore the influence of dose and time regimens of DMBA on development of mammae carcinogenesis on Sprague dawley female rats. The first study was 50 rats treated with 20 mg/kg bw of DMBA orally for eleven times at twice a week. Morphological evaluations were conducted with mammae palpation for 15 weeks and then all of rats were sacrificed for collecting mammae organs for histological analysis using hematoxylin-eosin staining. The results showed that the first and the latest nodules appeared at the fourth-week and the fourteenth-week after ending DMBA induction, respectively, in which the most often nodule appearances were at the seventh-week. The number of nodule incidence and multiplicity were by 74% and 2 noduls/rat, respectively. Histological analysis of mammae glands determined that they fell under in Ductal Carcinoma Invasive (DCIV) category. The second study was 25 rats gavaged orally with DMBA at dose 20 mg/kg bw for five times every three days. After palpating for 15 weeks, the results showed that no nodule was observed but the histological analysis demonstrated developing of mammae gland carcinogenesis reaching about 60% Ductal Carcinoma Insitu (DCIS) and 40% Ductal Carcinoma Invasive (DCIV) stages. Based on the results of this study can be concluded that the dose and frequency of DMBA will affect the successful development of mammary gland carcinogenesis. In DMBA induction with low frequency, no data showed the incidence and multiplicity of tumor, but histopathologic level carcinogenesis can be distinguished. In DMBA induction with high frequency, incidence and multiplicity of tumor data can be obtained but can not be distinguished histopathologically.

Medical Journal of Indonesia, 2012
Latar belakang: Kobalt klorida dapat digunakan sebagai senyawa yang dapat menimbulkan kondisi mim... more Latar belakang: Kobalt klorida dapat digunakan sebagai senyawa yang dapat menimbulkan kondisi mimikri hipoksia tanpa kadar rendah oksigen di dalam tubuh, dan menstabilkan hypoxia inducible factor-1α. Kami memutuskan untuk mengobservasi apakah terdapat regulasi ekspresi renin oleh HIF-1α. Dengan demikian kami menyelenggarakan beberapa penelitian untuk memastikan kemungkinan dan memulai dengan penelitian induksi tikus secara intraperitoneal kobalt klorida (CoCl 2) untuk membangkitkan kondisi mimikri hipoksia dan mendapatkan konsentrasi dan pola ekspresi HIF-1α dan mRNA. Metode: Dua puluh empat ekor tikus dibagi menjadi 4 grup: kontrol, 2, 8, dan 24 jam inkubasi pasca injeksi intraperitoneal 30 mg/kg berat badan CoCl 2. Setelah tikus dikorbankan, organ ginjal digunakan untuk pemeriksaan parameter berat ginjal, kadar RNA, kadar protein HIF-1α (ELISA) dan mRNA renin (RT-PCR). Hasil: Hasil menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan rasio berat ginjal/berat badan tikus, namun secara statistik tidak bermakna (p > 0,05). Secara statistik tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna kadar protein HIF-1α antar kelompok (p > 0,05). Ekspresi relatif mRNA renin meningkat tajam (30 x kontrol), mulai pada 8 jam inkubasi pasca induksi intraperitoneal CoCl 2 dan terus meningkat sampai inkubasi 24 jam (2465 x kontrol). Korelasi antara protein HIF-1α dan ekpresi relatif mRNA renin menggunakan analisis Pearson menunjukkan positif kuat (R = 0,91) (p = 0,09).

MAKARA of Science Series, 2012
Ethnopharmacologically, the fruit of Brucea javanica (L.) Merr. is acknowledged in the Indonesian... more Ethnopharmacologically, the fruit of Brucea javanica (L.) Merr. is acknowledged in the Indonesian community to lower blood pressure. This study assessed the antihypertensive effect of B. javanica fruit extract using adrenaline-induced hypertensive Sprague Dawley rats. Hypertensive rats were divided into 4 groups: group A was given B. javanica water fraction and adrenaline, group B was given B. javanica hexane fraction and adrenaline, group C was given bisoprolol and adrenaline and group D was given adrenaline solely. Systolic blood pressure was regularly measured using the tailcuff method. Treatment of adrenaline-induced hypertensive rats independently given B. javanica water fraction, the hexane fraction, and the bisoprolol group proved to significantly reduce blood pressure by 72.75 mmHg (-34%), 58.5 mmHg (-28%) and 23.25 mmHg (-12%) respectively, while there was an increase of 15.00 mmHg (+9%) SBP in the negative control group given solely adrenaline. The water fraction contains flavonoid and alkaloid. The hexane fraction of this fruit contains alkaloid. Our study suggest that the flavanoid and alkaloid content in B. javanica fruit work synergistically to alleviate hypertension, possibly through β1-adrenergic receptor-related mechanism. Abstrak Efek Antihipertensi Ekstrak Buah Brucea javanica (L.) Merr. Secara etnofarmakologi, B. javanica (L.) Merr. dikenal sebagai salah satu tanaman obat yang berhasiat menurunkan tekanan darah pada penderita hipertensi. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan pengujian efek antihipertensi ekstrak buah B. javanica menggunakan tikus yang mengalami hipertensi akibat pemberian adrenalin. Tikus hipertensi dibagi menjadi 4 kelompok, diberikan fraksi air B. javanica, fraksi heksana B. javanica, bisoprolol, serta kontrol yang tidak diberikan apapun kecuali adrenalin. Tekanan darah sistolik diukur menggunakan prosedur tail-cuff. Setelah mengalami hipertensi, tikus yang diberikan fraksi air, fraksi heksana dan bisoprolol menunjukkan penurunan tekanan darah berturut-turut sebesar 72.75 mmHg (-34%), 58.5 mmHg (-28%) and 23.25 mmHg (-12%), sementara ada peningkatan sebesar 15.00 mmHg (+9%) pada kelompok kontrol. Fraksi air diketahui mengandung flavonoid dan alkaloid, sementara fraksi heksana mengandung alkaloid. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini, kami menduga bahwa flavonoid dan alkaloid yang terkandung dalam buah B. javanica berkerja secara sinergis menurunkan tekanan darah, kemungkinan melalui jalur terkait reseptor β1-adrenergik.

Indonesian Journal of Halal Research
Integrated Management System (IMS) based audit can assist the internal and external auditor to co... more Integrated Management System (IMS) based audit can assist the internal and external auditor to conduct an audit effectively and efficiently while checking compliance of Food Safety Management System and Halal Assurance System in the food industry. Corned beef is a product categorized as critical both in terms of halal and food safety. Implementing a food safety management system and halal assurance in corned beef industries is a challenge for producers and external auditors from inspection agencies. Based on the requirements equality approach, an Integrated Management System can be developed, referring to ISO 22000 : 2018 and HAS 23000. This research aims to combine the requirements of ISO 22000 : 2018 and HAS 23000 to be used for audit activity, as well as formulating recommendations for the corned beef producers in both requirements based on a new version of ISO 22000 : 2018. According to the analysis of requirements equality on each requirement objective, there are 14 of 30 sub-c...
Papers by Raafqi Ranasasmita