Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, Apr 29, 2024
Journal of molecular and engineering materials, Feb 16, 2024

gazi university journal of science, Dec 20, 2016
Surface roughness Ra is a parameter normally used to indicate the level of surface irregularities... more Surface roughness Ra is a parameter normally used to indicate the level of surface irregularities during machining operations. This work aims to model the cutting process, correlate and optimise the critical process parameters using the Taguchi method during the milling operation of AISI P20 in order to reduce surface roughness. The Autodesk Fusion 360 (2.0.5357) was employed for modelling the stress, displacement and thermal behaviour of the cutting tool and work piece under different cutting conditions. The experimental plan was based on Taguchi's technique including L9 orthogonal array with three factors and three levels for each variable and studying the contribution of each factor on surface roughness. The Taguchi method was used to study the effect of process parameters and establish correlation among the cutting speed, feed and depth of cut with respect to the major machinability factor, surface finish. The machining parameters evaluated in this study are the depth of cut (d), spindle speed (N) and cutting feed (f m) while the response factor measured is surface roughness. The physical experiments were conducted on M200 TS material on a DMC 635 V DMG ECOLINE, Deckel Maho Germany, Siemens 810D, 3-Axis, CNC vertical milling machine using carbide inserts and the surface roughness was measured using the Mitutoyo SJ-201, surface roughness Machine. The statistical analysis of both the numerical and physical experiments brought about the development of a mathematical model and optimum solutions for the evaluation of surface roughness during the milling process with high degree of correlation with experimental values thus validating the developed model.

Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering
17-4PH steel, which has the perfect combination of corrosion resistance and high mechanical prope... more 17-4PH steel, which has the perfect combination of corrosion resistance and high mechanical properties, is especially preferred in defense and aerospace applications, but its machinability is poor. Thus, an extensive research has been conducted on its milling under sustainable cutting regimes (dry and minimum quantity lubrication_MQL) to contribute to both more efficient use and sustainable machining. First, the changes in resultant cutting force ( Fr), the average surface roughness ( Ra), the mean roughness depth ( Rz) and total energy consumption ([Formula: see text]) were investigated after the experiments performed by applying the L18 orthogonal array. Subsequently, machining conditions were optimized for the minimization of machinability indicators with the Taguchi-based grey relational analysis technique. Finally, the predictive models for these indicators were developed by regression analysis. The order of importance for Fr and [Formula: see text] was the depth of cut and fee...

İmalat Teknolojileri ve Uygulamaları
17-4 PH steel is a martensitic precipitation hardening stainless steel with an excellent convenie... more 17-4 PH steel is a martensitic precipitation hardening stainless steel with an excellent convenience of good corrosion resistance and high mechanical properties. At the same time, it has been determined from the literature that very little research has been done on the milling of this steel, which is one of the materials that are difficult to process. Therefore, an experimental research was focused on the milling of the steel with coated carbide inserts in a dry cutting environment, which is an eco-friendly cutting regime. In the experiments performed with the up milling technique, the changes in the resultant cutting force (Fr), surface roughness (Ra) and total cutting power or energy consumption (PcT) during machining were investigated. Experiments were performed according to the L9 experimental design by choosing three different cutting speeds (V), feed rate (f) and cutting depth (ap). Fr values were calculated with the help of cutting force components measured with Kistler brand...

DergiPark (Istanbul University), Nov 10, 2022
4PH steel is a martensitic precipitation hardening stainless steel with an excellent convenience ... more 4PH steel is a martensitic precipitation hardening stainless steel with an excellent convenience of good corrosion resistance and high mechanical properties. At the same time, it has been determined from the literature that very little research has been done on the milling of this steel, which is one of the materials that are difficult to process. Therefore, an experimental research was focused on the milling of the steel with coated carbide inserts in a dry cutting environment, which is an eco-friendly cutting regime. In the experiments performed with the up milling technique, the changes in the resultant cutting force (Fr), surface roughness (Ra) and total cutting power or energy consumption (Pc T) during machining were investigated. Experiments were performed according to the L 9 experimental design by choosing three different cutting speeds (V), feed rate (f) and cutting depth (ap). Fr values were calculated with the help of cutting force components measured with Kistler brand dynamometer and equipment. The magnitude of Fr mostly depends on the cutting depth (64.92%) and then the feed rate (30.26%), and it was determined that the forces relatively decreased with the increase in cutting speed. While Ra was mainly affected by the feed rate (65.52%), it was observed that the cutting speed had a substantial positive effect (33.78%). According to the Pc T results, although the energy consumption owing to the spindle speed increased at high cutting speed without changing the chip crosssection, the decrease in material strength as a result of the increased cutting temperature led to a decrease in the total energy consumption. However, the lowest value was obtained at the smallest levels of the machining parameters.
Bu calismada, AA7075 aluminyum alasiminda yaslandirma isil isleminin islenebilirlige etkisi arast... more Bu calismada, AA7075 aluminyum alasiminda yaslandirma isil isleminin islenebilirlige etkisi arastirilmistir. Ticari olarak T6 isil islem sartlarinda temin edilen ana malzeme ve yaslandirilan malzeme uzerinde tornalama deneyleri yapilarak, kesici takim uc yaricapinin ve kesme parametrelerinin yuzey puruzlulugu uzerindeki etkileri arastirilmistir. Isleme sartlari Taguchi yontemine gore L18 dizininde tasarlanmistir. Isleme deneyleri kuru kesme sartlarinda CNC torna tezgâhinda gerceklestirilmistir. Yuzey puruzlulugu (Ra) uzerinde isleme parametrelerinin etkisini belirlemek amaciyla varyans analizi (Anova) yapilmistir. Varyans analiz sonuclarina gore yuzey puruzlulugu uzerinde en etkili kesme parametresi ana malzeme icin %68.28 katki orani ve yaslandirilan malzeme icin %55.21 katki orani ile ilerleme miktari olmustur.

X40CrMoV5-1 sıcak iş takım çeliği, enjeksiyon ve ekstrüzyon kalıplarında yüksek sıcaklık, tokluk ... more X40CrMoV5-1 sıcak iş takım çeliği, enjeksiyon ve ekstrüzyon kalıplarında yüksek sıcaklık, tokluk ve aşınma direnci gerektiren parçaların imalatında yaygın olarak kullanılır. Diğer yandan, silindirik parçaların nihai geometriye getirilmesinde, taşlama yerine sert tornalamanın tercih edilmesi üretim zamanı ve maliyeti azaltırken, aynı zamanda parçanın yorulma mukavemetinde iyileşme sağlamaktadır. Bu çalışmada, vakumla ısıl işlemde 55±1 HRC'ye sertleştirilmiş X40CrMoV5-1 takım çeliğinin seramik kesici takımlar (kaplamalı ve kaplamasız) kullanılarak tornalanmasında elde edilen esas kesme kuvveti (Fc) değerleri deneysel ve nümerik olarak incelenmiştir. Sert tornalama deneyleri, kesme parametrelerinin (ilerleme hızı, kesme hızı ve kesme derinliği) farklı seviyeleri kullanılarak Taguchi L32 deney tasarımına göre gerçekleştirilmiştir. Fc değerlerinin deneysel olarak belirlenmesinde Kistler 9257B dinamometre ve ekipmanları kullanılmıştır. Sonlu elemanlar yöntemine dayalı olarak yapılan k...
This study focuses on predictive model for Ra and optimization of cutting conditions in high spee... more This study focuses on predictive model for Ra and optimization of cutting conditions in high speed hard turning of X40CrMoV5-1 steel by CBN insert. Cutting speed, feed rate, depth of cut and coating condition have been considered as cutting parameters. The experiments have been performed in CNC lathe according to Taguchi L 32 orthogonal array. The first order mathematical model for the Ra has been developed with multiple regression analysis. Optimization study with analysis of signal-to-noise (S/N) ratios has indicated that feed rate is the negatively most significant factor for Ra under dry cutting conditions. The best surface roughness has been achieved by the lower feed rate and uncoated CBN insert.

İmalat Teknolojileri ve Uygulamaları, 2021
Superalloys are a group of materials that are commonly used in aerospace applications and are als... more Superalloys are a group of materials that are commonly used in aerospace applications and are also called high temperature materials, as they have superior wear and corrosion resistance. Ni-based superalloys are used more often than Ti alloys in the aerospace industry as they have mechanical and physical properties such as superior temperature resistance and toughness, high corrosion resistance, excellent fatigue and creep resistance. Ti alloys, on the other hand, have the highest strength / weight ratio among metals, increasing their preference in these industries continuously. Casting, forging, powder metallurgy and machining methods are used in the process of shaping machine parts used in the aviation industry from superalloys. However, many components are mostly manufactured using machining methods due to the part geometry, desired size and surface quality requirements. In this context, in the production of parts from Ti alloys and Ni-based superalloys, which are difficult to process, the correct selection or optimization of processing parameters is very important in terms of minimization of processing costs and therefore sustainable manufacturing. In this study, factors such as cutting tool quality and cooling/lubrication technology were evaluated for criteria such as tool life, surface integrity and cutting forces, which have an important place in the machinability of titanium and nickel-based superalloys.

Pamukkale University Journal of Engineering Sciences
Bu çalışmada, AA7075 alüminyum alaşımında yaşlandırma ısıl işleminin işlenebilirliğe etkisi araşt... more Bu çalışmada, AA7075 alüminyum alaşımında yaşlandırma ısıl işleminin işlenebilirliğe etkisi araştırılmıştır. Ticari olarak T6 ısıl işlem şartlarında temin edilen ana malzeme ve yaşlandırılan malzeme üzerinde tornalama deneyleri yapılarak, kesici takım uç yarıçapının ve kesme parametrelerinin yüzey pürüzlülüğü üzerindeki etkileri araştırılmıştır. İşleme şartları Taguchi yöntemine göre L18 dizininde tasarlanmıştır. İşleme deneyleri kuru kesme şartlarında CNC torna tezgâhında gerçekleştirilmiştir. Yüzey pürüzlülüğü (Ra) üzerinde işleme parametrelerinin etkisini belirlemek amacıyla varyans analizi (Anova) yapılmıştır. Varyans analiz sonuçlarına göre yüzey pürüzlülüğü üzerinde en etkili kesme parametresi ana malzeme için %68.28 katkı oranı ve yaşlandırılan malzeme için %55.21 katkı oranı ile ilerleme miktarı olmuştur. In this study, The effect of aging heat treatment on machinability of AA7075 aluminum alloy is investigated. Turning experiments were performed on the aluminium test pieces obtained commercially as T6 heat treated and the aged test materials to investigate the effects of cutting tool tip radius and cutting parameters on surface roughness. Machining conditions are designed in the L18 array according to the Taguchi method. The machining tests were carried out at without coolant on CNC turning. Variance analysis (ANOVA) was used to determine the effect of cutting parameters on the surface roughness. According to the variance analysis results, it has been determined that the most efficient cutting parameter on surface roughness (Ra) is the feed rate with 68.28% for the main material and 55.21% for the aged material.

Pamukkale University Journal of Engineering Sciences, 2020
Bu çalışmada, AA7075 alüminyum alaşımında yaşlandırma ısıl işleminin işlenebilirliğe etkisi araşt... more Bu çalışmada, AA7075 alüminyum alaşımında yaşlandırma ısıl işleminin işlenebilirliğe etkisi araştırılmıştır. Ticari olarak T6 ısıl işlem şartlarında temin edilen ana malzeme ve yaşlandırılan malzeme üzerinde tornalama deneyleri yapılarak, kesici takım uç yarıçapının ve kesme parametrelerinin yüzey pürüzlülüğü üzerindeki etkileri araştırılmıştır. İşleme şartları Taguchi yöntemine göre L18 dizininde tasarlanmıştır. İşleme deneyleri kuru kesme şartlarında CNC torna tezgâhında gerçekleştirilmiştir. Yüzey pürüzlülüğü (Ra) üzerinde işleme parametrelerinin etkisini belirlemek amacıyla varyans analizi (Anova) yapılmıştır. Varyans analiz sonuçlarına göre yüzey pürüzlülüğü üzerinde en etkili kesme parametresi ana malzeme için %68.28 katkı oranı ve yaşlandırılan malzeme için %55.21 katkı oranı ile ilerleme miktarı olmuştur. In this study, The effect of aging heat treatment on machinability of AA7075 aluminum alloy is investigated. Turning experiments were performed on the aluminium test pieces obtained commercially as T6 heat treated and the aged test materials to investigate the effects of cutting tool tip radius and cutting parameters on surface roughness. Machining conditions are designed in the L18 array according to the Taguchi method. The machining tests were carried out at without coolant on CNC turning. Variance analysis (ANOVA) was used to determine the effect of cutting parameters on the surface roughness. According to the variance analysis results, it has been determined that the most efficient cutting parameter on surface roughness (Ra) is the feed rate with 68.28% for the main material and 55.21% for the aged material.