? ?

Jul. 14th, 2010

ryan's tweets of the day:

  • 11:17 I make up patent jokes:

    Q: How does Lionel Richie respond to a reissue office action?

    A: "You're once, twice, three times a-mended." #
  • 11:31 No colleagues have responded to my joke. Proof positive that all patent lawyers who are not me have no sense of humor. Poor deluded souls. #
  • 16:02 Holy crap this sounds good. @petersob13: Eyes Wide Shut--My review of "Inception" #

Jul. 12th, 2010

ryan's tweets of the day:

  • 10:04 Know that thing where you see a stranger wave, you wave back, and it's totally embarrassing? I accidentally just did that to a homeless man. #
  • 12:48 There a few relationships at work more worth cultivating than making friends with the IT staff. I'm gettin' Chrome! #

Jul. 11th, 2010

ryan's tweets of the day:

  • 14:56 Poor #ned. Losing like that and having to go home to a language that looks like the result of a German getting hit on the head by a coconut. #
  • 15:51 Christ woman, why do you think this coffee shop is proper for your therapy session?

    And if that's not your psych, you are a terrible date. #
  • 21:03 Showed up at the mall too late to curl, but not too late for a fresh-shucked oyster. #youheardme #
  • 21:26 If anyone knows of a secret Swiss lobotomy technique that allows me to ignore loud douchebags in restaurants, please forward a link. #

Jul. 9th, 2010

ryan's tweets of the day:

  • 14:36 Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!! RT @jonathancoulton: Yes, it's happening: JoCo cruise Jan 2-8, 2011. Details soon! #jococruise #
  • 17:38 Oh old lady who boxed me in on the train, thank you for reading Going Rogue. You justified every mean thought I'd had about you. #

Jul. 8th, 2010

ryan's tweets of the day:

  • 10:42 Songs stuck in Ryan's head for July 8, 2010 include: Valkyrie in the Roller Disco (New Pornographers), The Reflex, Proud to be an American #
  • 17:03 Do I have any Seattle people that would go with me to see @johnroderick tonight at the Triple Door?!?! Please? #

Jul. 6th, 2010

ryan's tweets of the day:

  • 08:10 Eating at this post office building cafeteria is somehow not the saddest meal experience of my life. #
  • 09:22 "Osama bin Laden himself is a member of Team Jacob!" #
  • 09:48 After leaving an hour late, train currently moving backwards. We have not yet crossed the Willamette. #
  • 12:54 Listening to Old 97's cover of Driver 8. Worlds colliding. Mind blown. #
  • 12:55 Apparently Driver 8 has words. In English! Who knew? #
  • 19:44 I think this sign needs adjustment. #

Jul. 5th, 2010

ryan's tweets of the day:

  • 11:55 RT @Photocritic: In 'Back to the Future', Doc sets clock in the DeLorean to a day 25 years in the future. Today is that day. #

Jul. 4th, 2010

ryan's tweets of the day:

  • 11:58 I just unlocked the "Local" badge on @foursquare! #
  • 12:25 Just deleted three pages of argument to the PTO after realizing I was waaaaaay barking up the wrong tree. So sad. #
  • 20:59 Have to wear a jacket to enjoy the 4th this year. #

Jul. 2nd, 2010

ryan's tweets of the day:

  • 11:59 I just unlocked the "Super User" badge on @foursquare! #

Jul. 1st, 2010

ryan's tweets of the day:

  • 14:02 I just unlocked the "Explorer" badge on @foursquare! #


ryan christopher fox

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