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This report presents the findings of a multilingual national study on the news reporting of sexual violence in India. Drawing on a content analysis of 10 newspapers covering six languages, and semi-structured interviews with 257... more
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      Media StudiesJournalismSexual ViolenceGender Roles
This rapid response report presents findings from a national survey undertaken to ascertain the impact of Covid-19 on Sierra Leone journalists. Sierra Leone was among the nations that took swift action, declaring a 12-month state of... more
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      JournalismSierra LeoneCrisis/disaster Management
This bilingual rapid response report presents findings from a national survey undertaken to ascertain the impact of Covid-19 on Nepali journalists and their working conditions. Covid-19 spread as Nepal was approaching the fifth... more
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      JournalismNepalCrisis/disaster Management
Sanchez (2005) proposed the future leading communicator as: “the true professional [who] will be an adroit strategist, a creative technician and a skilled facilitator – a friend of technology and an exponent of life-long learning. The... more
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This study examines the online communicative dynamics between women and men during the Saudi women’s rights campaign to end male guardianship, which unfolded on Twitter. We analysed 2.7 million tweets with the #EndMaleGuardianship hashtag... more
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      Computer SciencePolitical ScienceNew Media and SocietyCommunication and media Studies
The #MeToo movement, which engulfed much of India's news and entertainment industry in October 2018, was projected by many as a watershed moment for Indian journalism. Driven largely through social media activism, it created significant... more
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      Political ScienceCommunication and media StudiesJournalism PracticeRoutledge
Sexual violence and the news media Issues, challenges, and guidelines for journalists in India About this report This report on sexual violence and the news media is a more than welcome addition to existing literature on the subject. The... more
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      Political ScienceUnesco
Sources of AIDS awareness among rural and urban Indian women were analysed using data from the National Family and Health Survey (1998 Á/2000). Two measures were developed to study the impact each source had on knowledge. 'Effectiveness'... more
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      Program EvaluationPsychologyAdult EducationHealth Education
Centre (BUDMC). He has researched and published extensively on African and Caribbean disaster management issues. Lee also advises local and national bodies on risk reduction and response arrangements in Sierra Leone, including on Covid-19... more
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      JournalismPolitical ScienceSierra LeonePandemic
We could have been killed that day… so that gave us a new perspective. Till now I am reminded of how I was lucky to survive." News reporting from areas affected by natural disasters are fraught with difficulties, not to mention dangers,... more
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This book was made possible by the efforts of several colleagues from a number of institutions in India who came together to help publish NewsTracker (www.newstracker., a single-issue web site that formed part of the MAAR project... more
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The first COVID-19 case in India was reported on January 30, in the southern state of Kerala. Though the state’s response was admirably swift, it was not long before the pandemic spread in other parts of the nation. As of September, India... more
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This research examines the practices and beliefs of journalists at three news websites as they integrate new communication technologies in the workplace. The results of interviews with journalists at Abendblatt, Germany, The Northern Echo... more
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This study proposes that legacies of Puritanism are reflected in the way journalists cover a range of events and processes. The consequences are ambiguous: sometimes they may be harmful, other times they are laudable. Media coverage of... more
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      ReligionMedia StudiesJournalismCultural Policy
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      CommunicationTechnologyMedia StudiesNew Media
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