The city of Aleppo was located within a hundred and ten kilometers of the northern Syrian coasts ... more The city of Aleppo was located within a hundred and ten kilometers of the northern Syrian coasts of the Mediterranean, neither on a fertile nor barren land. Aleppo has always been an important commercial city due to its geographical location and its historical development. Despite geographical advantages and shortcomings, Aleppo could not see Syria's role as the leading economic and political center for a long time. Aleppo remained inactive in Antakya during the classical period and Damascus in the Islamic period. Before the Ottomans, Hittites, Aramis, Assyrians, Persians, Greeks and Romans ruled the city. Most of the mosques, monuments and public buildings that shaped the city until the time of the modern turnover belonged to the pre-Ottoman period. Hundreds of inscriptions on these works reminded the city dwellers that their city had a history before arriving here before Ottoman 1516. 1
PAPERS by Remzi Soytürk

Turkish Academic Research Review, 2022
Positivist thought, which became widespread in Europe in the second half of the 19th century, als... more Positivist thought, which became widespread in Europe in the second half of the 19th century, also had representatives in the Ottoman intellectual life after the Second Constitutional Monarchy. At the outset the Ottoman positivist literature begin with the famous letter written by Auguste Comte to the Ottoman Grand Vizier Mustafa Reşid Pasha in order to adopt the positivist philosophy. Although we include intellects Remzi Soytürk Turkish Academic Research Review – Türk Akademik Araştırmalar Dergisi 511 such as Beşir Fuat, Ahmet Rıza and Rıza Tevfik, it is difficult to talk about a systematic positivist movement. Ziya Gökalp, one of the most important representatives of positivist thought in the Ottoman Empire, while following Durkheim, on the other hand, seeks to establish a unique sociology school. Using scientific sociological methods, Gökalp establishes a dialogue between Western civilization and Turkish culture and seeks solutions to the problems of the modernizing Ottoman society. While following the Western positivism as a method, Gökalp, the father of the nationalist and Turkist movement, is in search of a new national identity by incorporating national values, especially the religion of Islam, into his theories. In this context, Gökalp's model of society also differs from Durkheim's positivist thought at some points. According to Durkheim, based on the law of three stages of Auguste Comte, we passed the theological and metaphysical stage and finally came to the positivist stage. On the other hand, Gökalp does not completely exclude religion and thinks about the dominant role of Islam in the formation of the character of the individual and society. One of the best sources from which we can follow Gökalp's thoughts on this subject is the journal of the Committee of Union and Progress, the Journal of Islam. While Gökalp tried to solve the problems between fiqh and sociology with a new method he called “social fiqh” in his articles published in this journal; in his poems, he describes the place of religion in social and individual life in a style that is far from poetic. Claiming that we are living in "the age of consciousness, not poetry", while conducting deep social discussions in his articles in the Journal of Islam, he uses divine themes in his poems in a plain language, away from aesthetic concerns, by associating them with social issues. This study is an attempt to examine the place of Islam in Ziya Gökalp's sociology through his articles and poems in the Journal of Islam.

Kültür Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2021
The concept of "public sphere", which has been one of the main discussion topics of the academy s... more The concept of "public sphere", which has been one of the main discussion topics of the academy since the 1980s, derives its basis from Jürgen Habermas' The Structural Transformation of Publicity, published in 1962. The bourgeoisie, whose influence has increased in European society, creates a public community in places such as halls, cafes, and clubs where it had critically discussed in the 18 th century, and the influence of this community has spread to the public with the increase in the publishing of magazines and newspapers. The liberal public sphere, where people engage in cultural exchanges, was interrupted and collapsed by the revolutions that started at the end of the 19 th century and the wars that continued afterward. There was limited public space in the Ottoman society that started with coffee houses (kahvehane) and reading houses (kıraathane) and continued with increasing publishing activities during the Meşrutiyet period. By actively participating in publishing activities, Ottoman women opened a new way in this public space and strengthened their positions. In this study, which considers the novels of Fatma Aliye, the first Ottoman female writer, chronologically, from the woman who is restricted to the house and has a secondary position against the male power (Hayal ve Hakikat), to the woman who becomes increasingly prominent in the public sphere and has her autonomous voice (Muhadarat, Refet, Udi) will be studied.

Asia Minor Studies, 2021
Orientalism, which includes the West's images or discourses about the East, is an area where we c... more Orientalism, which includes the West's images or discourses about the East, is an area where we can see examples in many fields such as travel books, literary works, or scientific studies. One of the most used images in orientalist texts is the woman and harem, bathhouse, slave market. In Orientalist texts, mostly produced by European men, women and their places are symbolized in a way that responds to Western men's desires, and a collection of Eastern narratives drawn through the eyes of the Western male-subject emerges. The Western women later travel to the East, creating works that differ from the Western-male perspective and reflect the female-gaze. In this study, the book Turkish Embassy Letters by Lady Worthley Montagu, who was in Istanbul between 1717-1718, will be scrutinized and the similarities and differences between Western female and male subjects given Eastern women will be shown.
Söylem Filoloji Dergisi
Mehmet Akif’in yedi ayrı kitabının bir araya getirilmesi ile oluşan Safahat eserinin içerdiği ... more Mehmet Akif’in yedi ayrı kitabının bir araya getirilmesi ile oluşan Safahat eserinin içerdiği şiirler Türk edebiyatında manzum hikâye türünün en önemli örnekleri arasında gösterilir. İkinci Meşrutiyet’ten Cumhuriyet’in ilk yıllarına kadar uzanan süreçte yayın hayatına devam eden Sıra- tımüstakim ve Sebilürreşad dergilerinde tefrika edilen bu şiirler dönemin sosyal ve politik olaylarına sıkça değinmektedir. İdeolojik bir yayın organında yer alan, toplumsal meselelerin ele alındığı şi- irlerde metindeki yapının, içeriğin ve şiir sesinin konumu da dönemsel koşullara göre değişmekte ve roman türüne yaklaşmaktadır. Bu çalışmada Safahat külliyatındaki şiirlerin tefrika yayın süreci içerisinde değişen ve roman türüne yaklaşan türsel yapısı tartışılacaktır.
BOOK CHAPTERS by Remzi Soytürk
Asım'da Polemik ve Uzlaşma / Remzi SOYTÜRK 127 Mehmet Akif'in "Bir Gece" Şiirinin Naat Geleneği İ... more Asım'da Polemik ve Uzlaşma / Remzi SOYTÜRK 127 Mehmet Akif'in "Bir Gece" Şiirinin Naat Geleneği İçerisindeki Yeri / Elife ATEŞ 143 vi "Sırr-ı terakkinizi siz, Başka yerlerde taharrîye heveslenmeyiniz. Onu kendinde bulur yükselecek bir millet; Çünkü her noktada taklîd ile sökmez hareket. Alınız ilmini Garb'ın, alınız san'atini; Veriniz hem de mesâ'inize son sür'atini. Çünkü kâbil değil artık yaşamak bunlarsız; Çünkü milliyyeti yok sanatın, ilmin yalnız. İyi hatırda tuttun ettiğim ihtarı demin: Bütün edvâr-ı terakkîyi yarıp geçmek için, Kendi "mahiyyet-i rûhiyye"niz olsun kılavuz."
Conference Presentations by Remzi Soytürk

I. Balkan Çalışmaları Kongresi Bildiriler Kitabı / 1st Balkan Studies Congress Proceedings, 2021
Zaman ve mekân kavramları edebi metinlerde önemli öğelerdir. Bu kavramlar geleneksel yapısalcı ba... more Zaman ve mekân kavramları edebi metinlerde önemli öğelerdir. Bu kavramlar geleneksel yapısalcı bakış açısı çerçevesinde edebi metinlerin incelenmesinde ayrı ayrı ele alınır. Mikhail Bakhtin gibi eleştirmenlere göre edebi metinlerde zaman ve mekan iç içedir. Zaman-uzamın birlikteliğine dayanan kronotop kavramı olayların anlatıldığı metinlerde yeri ve zamanı bir araya getirir. Bakhtin kronotoplar aracılığıyla kurmaca dünyasındaki zaman gibi soyut öğeleri uzam gibi somut öğelerle bir araya getirir ve okurun metne olan bağlılığını arttırır. Yol, karşılaşma, taşra kasabası, eşik, kapı gibi değişik isimlerle adlandırılan ve farklı işlevler üstlenen bu kronotoplar edebi metinlerin temsilleri açısından önemli rol oynar. Bu çalışmada Ivo Andriç tarafından 1945 yılında yayımlanan ve 1961 yılında Nobel Edebiyat Ödülü kazanan Drina Köprüsü romanı Mikhail Bakhtin’in kronotop kuramı çerçevesinde incelenecektir. Köprünün yapımından yıkımına kadar dört yüzyıllık süreci ele alan romanda köprü farklı kültürleri ve insanları birleştirme, birbirinden ayırma, karşılaştırma, bireylerin ve toplumların hayatında dönüm noktası olma gibi kritik işlevlerin yer aldığı önemli kronotoplardır. Bir Balkan kasabasının modernleşme öyküsünün anlatıldığı romanda köprü, bir kronotop olarak kasaba halkının bireysel ve kolektif hayatında önemli rol oynamaktadır. Bu bağlamda Andriç’in romanına adını veren köprü; taşra kasabası, yol/karşılaşma, kapı ve eşik kronotopları etrafında ele alınacaktır.
PAPERS by Remzi Soytürk
BOOK CHAPTERS by Remzi Soytürk
Conference Presentations by Remzi Soytürk