Papers by Paolo Girardelli
Architecture beyond Europe, 2017
Studi e saggi
Il volume è dedicato all’opera teorica e costruita di Sedad Hakkı Eldem. Nell’ambito di un filone... more Il volume è dedicato all’opera teorica e costruita di Sedad Hakkı Eldem. Nell’ambito di un filone di ricerca sul Mediterraneo e sulla sua capacità di unire i principi di insediamento, il libro si focalizza sulla capacità dell’antico di produrre progetto, applicata alla vicenda di Sedad Hakkı Eldem, figura centrale dell’architettura turca del Novecento e colui che più di tutti ha cercato con il suo lavoro di dare all’architettura moderna turca un carattere vernacolare. Il libro studia l’opera dell’architetto turco attraverso i temi chiave della costruzione della città, come l’analisi dei monumenti e delle case, e affronta inoltre il tema del viaggio, del lascito di Eldem alla città di Istanbul e del suo rapporto con la casa turco-ottomana letta come riferimento primario per la moderna architettura turca.

İstanbul Araştırmaları Enstitüsü, December 12, 2019
(for English scroll down)
Değişen Dini Manzaralar: 18. ve 19. Yüzyıllarda Pera ve Galata'daki ... more (for English scroll down)
Değişen Dini Manzaralar: 18. ve 19. Yüzyıllarda Pera ve Galata'daki Katolik Topografyası
İstanbul'daki Latin anıtlarının mimari ve toplumsal varlığı, birbirine bağlı tarihsel olgulardır. Geç Bizans döneminde, Cenevizlilerin ekonomik önderliği sayesinde, Galata'daki Latin anıtları oldukça görkemli ve İtalyan Orta Çağ kentlerine benzer bir manzara oluştururken, kentin Osmanlılar tarafından fethinden sonra Latin nüfusun azalmasıyla bir marjinalleşme ve direniş süreci başlamıştır. Öte yandan, 17. ve özellikle 18. yüzyıldan itibaren büyümeye başlayan Ermeni Katolik cemaati sayesinde, Katolik yapılar ve toplumsal yaşam yeni bir evreye girmiştir. 19. yüzyılda ise, Avrupa güçlerinin desteğiyle, Pera'daki en prestijli mekânlara Katolik bir imge damga vurmuştur. Paolo Girardelli bu konuşmasında özelikle 18. ve 19. yüzyılda gerçekleşen değişim dinamiklerini ele alırken, Katolik kimliğinin Pera'nın toplumsal ve mimari manzaralarıyla nasıl birleşmiş olduğunu gösterecek.
Changing Religious Landscapes: A Catholic Topography of Pera during the 18th and 19th Centuries
Latin architectural heritage and Catholic communities in Istanbul are clearly intertwined historical realities. During the late Byzantine period, the Genoese economic leadership rendered the landscape of Galata similar to that of many Italian medieval towns. After the Ottoman conquest, with a substantial decrease of the number of Catholics, the Latin landmarks entered a phase of marginalization, and struggle for survival.
On the other hand, Armenian conversions to Catholicism during the 17th and especially the 18th century, encouraged the formation of a new Catholic landscape along the Grande Rue de Pera. This new trend was to reach its peak with the backing of the European powers in the 19th century. In this talk, Paolo Girardelli addresses the dynamics of social and cultural change that, taking place especially in the 18th and 19th centuries, left a durable imprint on what is probably the most contested and diverse part of Istanbul.
The yalı (coastal mansion) of the eminent Turkish archeologist Halet Çambel was donated to Boğazi... more The yalı (coastal mansion) of the eminent Turkish archeologist Halet Çambel was donated to Boğaziçi University to be restored and transformed in a research center for archeology and traditional architecture

This volume represents the first scholarly work in English devoted to the experience of Italian a... more This volume represents the first scholarly work in English devoted to the experience of Italian architects and builders in Turkey, as well as in many of the lands once belonging to the Ottoman Empire. Covering a complex cultural and political geography spanning from the Danubian principalities (today’s Romania) to Anatolia and the Aegean region, the book is the result of individual research experiences that were brought together and debated in an international conference in Istanbul in March 2013, organized in collaboration with the Italian Institute of Culture and Boğaziçi University.
Grounded on a flexible notion of identitarian boundaries, the book explores a rich transcultural field of encounters and interactions, analyzed and evaluated by scholars from six different countries on the basis of hitherto uncovered archival materials. Forms, ideas, individual mobility of actors and materials, networks of patronage, material and political constraints, as well as religious and cultural difference all play a significant role in shaping the landscapes, buildings and architectural projects presented and discussed here. From late 18th and early 19th century experiences of interaction between neo-classical backgrounds and westernizing Ottoman forms to the Italian proposals for a Turkish republican iconic landmark like the Ataturk mausoleum in Ankara; from the design of the first Ottoman university building to Ottoman varieties of Art Nouveau and Art Deco, and to the infrastructures and urban developments of the 1950s in Turkey, the book is both a richly illustrated and documented overview of relevant cases, and a critical introduction to one of the most enticing areas of encounter in the global history of 19th and 20th century architecture and design.
Any analysis of the Christian presence in Ottoman cities has to acknowledge a set of dynamic rela... more Any analysis of the Christian presence in Ottoman cities has to acknowledge a set of dynamic relations that include place, identity politics, diplomacy, geo-political developments , and the role of other non-Muslim communities vis-à-vis the dominant Islamic order. In this paper, Catholic architecture in Pera or present-day Beyoğlu – a district of Istanbul often misleadingly considered as a European enclave – is read in the light of local practices and discourses of co-habitation, as well as international tensions revolving around the so-called 'Eastern Question'.
The transformation of urban landscapes in port cities of the Eastern Mediterranean during the 19 ... more The transformation of urban landscapes in port cities of the Eastern Mediterranean during the 19 th century is often addressed as a process of westernization, enacted through the import of foreign architects, builders and technologies. While several aspects of this vision are obviously important, this paper attempts to analyse processes of urban, architectural and visual change from a different, more internal and endogenous perspective. Acknowledging diverse layers of heritage, and the fundamental plurality of late Ottoman society, this reading connects urban change and landscape to the dynamics of coexistence and tension that were typical of this cultural geography.
In the long history of interactions between Italy and the Ottoman world, Raimondo D'Aronco's work... more In the long history of interactions between Italy and the Ottoman world, Raimondo D'Aronco's work in Istanbul (where he lived between 1893 and 1909), stands as an invaluable trans-cultural heritage. This article illustrates the most significant phases and buildings of D'Aronco's contribution to the recent architectural history of the Ottoman capital. His patrons ranged from Abdülhamit II to the Levantine elites of Pera; his masterpieces include parts of the palace of Yıldız, public buildings like the Imperial school of medicine, and the summer embassy of the Italian embassy in Tarabya (now unfortunately dilapidated). D'Aronco's architecture is presented in this article, addressing also readers beyond the academia, as a unique tribute to Ottoman, Levantine and Mediterranean modernity.

This study is part of a larger project on the Landscapes of the Eastern Question, contextualizing... more This study is part of a larger project on the Landscapes of the Eastern Question, contextualizing the architecture of diplomacy in İstanbul as a symbolic and material refraction of changing power balances and representational strategies. In Beyoğlu, where most of the main diplomatic residences were located, the embassies were originally Ottoman wooden konak structures, but, in time, the increasing influence of Russia, Great Britain and France fostered their monumentalization and the adoption of European academic classicism. By contrast, the summer embassies on the European shore of the Bosphorus remained largely local in terms of technology, image, materials, and spatial layout until the end of the Ottoman Empire. The paper argues that, for many diplomats, a stately winter residence representing national identity, along with a summer house in the spirit of the local traditions, would be used as a communicative and performative resource in the drama of European-Ottoman relations. It also evaluates foreign settlement on the northern shore of the Bosphorus as conforming to a strategy of surveillance and control in keeping with the strategic relevance and contested status of the straits.

Chi abbia visitato Istanbul cercando di superare gli schemi del classico itinerario turistico, av... more Chi abbia visitato Istanbul cercando di superare gli schemi del classico itinerario turistico, avra. avuto occasione di percepire segni, frammenti e memorie di una presenza italiana nell' architettura della citta: nel periodo bizantino, gli insediamenti delle repubbliche marinare sulle due rive del Como d' oro (il porto di Costantinopoli); il quartiere genovese di Galata, chiuso da mura fino al1863, e dominato dalla torre che ancora rappresenta un simbolo monumentale alternativo aHe emergenze bizantine e otto mane della penisola storica (Eyice, 1969; Cuneo, 1987)*. Nel periodo ottomano, oltre alla traccia di un dialogo a distanza con il Rinascimento italiano, che avvertiamo nell' opera di Sinan e che recenti studi si sforzano di penetrare pili a fondo dellivello delle semplici analogie formali (Necipoglu, 2005), la «italianita» di Istanbul appare rappresentata da edifici come il palazzo degli ambasciatori di Venezia, datate in tutte Ie guide turistiche aHa fine del Settecento, e come Ie principali chiese della comunita cattolica: soprattutto il Sant' Antonio di Pera, progettato da Giulio Mongeri con il contributo di Edoardo De Nari e Guglielmo Semprini fra il1905 e il1912. n visitatore con interessi architettonici pili specifid avra aggiunto a questa costellazione di memorie italiane l' opera di Raimondo D' Aronco, architetto ufficiale del Sultano Abdulhamid II fino aHa sua detronizzazione nel1908.
An overview of the Italian appropriation and uses of Ottoman architectural culture, from the seco... more An overview of the Italian appropriation and uses of Ottoman architectural culture, from the second half of the 18th C to early 20th C. In comparison with the standard notion of Orientalism in the Saidian sense, Italian approaches to Ottoman visual and spatial constructions are often mediated by the legacy of a rooted presence in the Eastern Mediterranean. The Levantine heritage allows at times to avoid an exoticized vision of the Ottoman world as other.
While Gaspare Fossati's work in Istanbul is generally remembered for his neoclassical design of e... more While Gaspare Fossati's work in Istanbul is generally remembered for his neoclassical design of embassies, and for the restoration of Haghia Sophia, this study is the first critical evaluation of his interest in the Ottoman architectural legacy, both monumental and domestic/vernacular. An Ottoman mausoleum (türbe), a modern hamam, hybrid residential structures combining a local internal layout with neoclassical elevations, as well as drawings of mosques and yalı (seaside mansions), are discussed here as witnesses of a multilayered cross-cultural dialogue, beyond stereotyped categorizations.
Presented at the first international conference on the work of Italian architects in Turkey (Ista... more Presented at the first international conference on the work of Italian architects in Turkey (Istanbul, 1995), this paper is the first monographic article on the enigmatic personality of Pietro Montani, a protagonist of Ottoman architectural culture in the age of Sultan Abdülaziz.
Conference Presentations by Paolo Girardelli
Department of History, Representation and Restoration of Architecture, Sapienza University of Rom... more Department of History, Representation and Restoration of Architecture, Sapienza University of Rome, 15-16 September 2021.
Conoscere, Interpretare, Diffondere: La circolazione nella cultura architettonica mediterranea tra XVII e XVIII secolo.
Convegno Internazionale
Dipartimento di Storia, Disegno e Restauro dell’Architettura, Sapienza Università di Roma
15-16 settembre 2021
Papers by Paolo Girardelli
Değişen Dini Manzaralar: 18. ve 19. Yüzyıllarda Pera ve Galata'daki Katolik Topografyası
İstanbul'daki Latin anıtlarının mimari ve toplumsal varlığı, birbirine bağlı tarihsel olgulardır. Geç Bizans döneminde, Cenevizlilerin ekonomik önderliği sayesinde, Galata'daki Latin anıtları oldukça görkemli ve İtalyan Orta Çağ kentlerine benzer bir manzara oluştururken, kentin Osmanlılar tarafından fethinden sonra Latin nüfusun azalmasıyla bir marjinalleşme ve direniş süreci başlamıştır. Öte yandan, 17. ve özellikle 18. yüzyıldan itibaren büyümeye başlayan Ermeni Katolik cemaati sayesinde, Katolik yapılar ve toplumsal yaşam yeni bir evreye girmiştir. 19. yüzyılda ise, Avrupa güçlerinin desteğiyle, Pera'daki en prestijli mekânlara Katolik bir imge damga vurmuştur. Paolo Girardelli bu konuşmasında özelikle 18. ve 19. yüzyılda gerçekleşen değişim dinamiklerini ele alırken, Katolik kimliğinin Pera'nın toplumsal ve mimari manzaralarıyla nasıl birleşmiş olduğunu gösterecek.
Changing Religious Landscapes: A Catholic Topography of Pera during the 18th and 19th Centuries
Latin architectural heritage and Catholic communities in Istanbul are clearly intertwined historical realities. During the late Byzantine period, the Genoese economic leadership rendered the landscape of Galata similar to that of many Italian medieval towns. After the Ottoman conquest, with a substantial decrease of the number of Catholics, the Latin landmarks entered a phase of marginalization, and struggle for survival.
On the other hand, Armenian conversions to Catholicism during the 17th and especially the 18th century, encouraged the formation of a new Catholic landscape along the Grande Rue de Pera. This new trend was to reach its peak with the backing of the European powers in the 19th century. In this talk, Paolo Girardelli addresses the dynamics of social and cultural change that, taking place especially in the 18th and 19th centuries, left a durable imprint on what is probably the most contested and diverse part of Istanbul.
Grounded on a flexible notion of identitarian boundaries, the book explores a rich transcultural field of encounters and interactions, analyzed and evaluated by scholars from six different countries on the basis of hitherto uncovered archival materials. Forms, ideas, individual mobility of actors and materials, networks of patronage, material and political constraints, as well as religious and cultural difference all play a significant role in shaping the landscapes, buildings and architectural projects presented and discussed here. From late 18th and early 19th century experiences of interaction between neo-classical backgrounds and westernizing Ottoman forms to the Italian proposals for a Turkish republican iconic landmark like the Ataturk mausoleum in Ankara; from the design of the first Ottoman university building to Ottoman varieties of Art Nouveau and Art Deco, and to the infrastructures and urban developments of the 1950s in Turkey, the book is both a richly illustrated and documented overview of relevant cases, and a critical introduction to one of the most enticing areas of encounter in the global history of 19th and 20th century architecture and design.
and these are the guidelines for the submission:
The call is also available from the website of SAH:
ABE – Architecture Beyond Europe is a scholarly, blind peer-reviewed journal, supported by the French CNRS and dedicated to the study of 19th- and 20th-century architecture and urbanism outside of Europe. It focuses primarily on the transfers, adaptations and appropriations of forms, technologies, models and doctrines across cultural and national boundaries.
Conference Presentations by Paolo Girardelli
Conoscere, Interpretare, Diffondere: La circolazione nella cultura architettonica mediterranea tra XVII e XVIII secolo.
Convegno Internazionale
Dipartimento di Storia, Disegno e Restauro dell’Architettura, Sapienza Università di Roma
15-16 settembre 2021
Değişen Dini Manzaralar: 18. ve 19. Yüzyıllarda Pera ve Galata'daki Katolik Topografyası
İstanbul'daki Latin anıtlarının mimari ve toplumsal varlığı, birbirine bağlı tarihsel olgulardır. Geç Bizans döneminde, Cenevizlilerin ekonomik önderliği sayesinde, Galata'daki Latin anıtları oldukça görkemli ve İtalyan Orta Çağ kentlerine benzer bir manzara oluştururken, kentin Osmanlılar tarafından fethinden sonra Latin nüfusun azalmasıyla bir marjinalleşme ve direniş süreci başlamıştır. Öte yandan, 17. ve özellikle 18. yüzyıldan itibaren büyümeye başlayan Ermeni Katolik cemaati sayesinde, Katolik yapılar ve toplumsal yaşam yeni bir evreye girmiştir. 19. yüzyılda ise, Avrupa güçlerinin desteğiyle, Pera'daki en prestijli mekânlara Katolik bir imge damga vurmuştur. Paolo Girardelli bu konuşmasında özelikle 18. ve 19. yüzyılda gerçekleşen değişim dinamiklerini ele alırken, Katolik kimliğinin Pera'nın toplumsal ve mimari manzaralarıyla nasıl birleşmiş olduğunu gösterecek.
Changing Religious Landscapes: A Catholic Topography of Pera during the 18th and 19th Centuries
Latin architectural heritage and Catholic communities in Istanbul are clearly intertwined historical realities. During the late Byzantine period, the Genoese economic leadership rendered the landscape of Galata similar to that of many Italian medieval towns. After the Ottoman conquest, with a substantial decrease of the number of Catholics, the Latin landmarks entered a phase of marginalization, and struggle for survival.
On the other hand, Armenian conversions to Catholicism during the 17th and especially the 18th century, encouraged the formation of a new Catholic landscape along the Grande Rue de Pera. This new trend was to reach its peak with the backing of the European powers in the 19th century. In this talk, Paolo Girardelli addresses the dynamics of social and cultural change that, taking place especially in the 18th and 19th centuries, left a durable imprint on what is probably the most contested and diverse part of Istanbul.
Grounded on a flexible notion of identitarian boundaries, the book explores a rich transcultural field of encounters and interactions, analyzed and evaluated by scholars from six different countries on the basis of hitherto uncovered archival materials. Forms, ideas, individual mobility of actors and materials, networks of patronage, material and political constraints, as well as religious and cultural difference all play a significant role in shaping the landscapes, buildings and architectural projects presented and discussed here. From late 18th and early 19th century experiences of interaction between neo-classical backgrounds and westernizing Ottoman forms to the Italian proposals for a Turkish republican iconic landmark like the Ataturk mausoleum in Ankara; from the design of the first Ottoman university building to Ottoman varieties of Art Nouveau and Art Deco, and to the infrastructures and urban developments of the 1950s in Turkey, the book is both a richly illustrated and documented overview of relevant cases, and a critical introduction to one of the most enticing areas of encounter in the global history of 19th and 20th century architecture and design.
and these are the guidelines for the submission:
The call is also available from the website of SAH:
ABE – Architecture Beyond Europe is a scholarly, blind peer-reviewed journal, supported by the French CNRS and dedicated to the study of 19th- and 20th-century architecture and urbanism outside of Europe. It focuses primarily on the transfers, adaptations and appropriations of forms, technologies, models and doctrines across cultural and national boundaries.
Conoscere, Interpretare, Diffondere: La circolazione nella cultura architettonica mediterranea tra XVII e XVIII secolo.
Convegno Internazionale
Dipartimento di Storia, Disegno e Restauro dell’Architettura, Sapienza Università di Roma
15-16 settembre 2021
After tracing concisely the origins of diplomatic architecture in Beyoğlu, this lecture will overview the changing image, perceptions and meanings of the Palais the France in a broader history of cultural encounters and geo-political developments, over the XVIII and XIX centuries. Comparing the evolution of the French embassy with other European and Ottoman landmarks in this context, will also allow to reconsider the importance of diplomatic architecture as a form of trans-national heritage, that should be preserved and valorized through collaborative efforts.
In this lecture, Paolo Girardelli will explore and contextualize the manifold visual and environmental consequences of this change in status. In the late Ottoman period, a spectacular development of new architectural landmarks turned gradually the channel into the only urban space in Istanbul comparable to a large Baroque boulevard: a stage for social rituals and display of status, but also an assertion of ownership and control, vis-à-vis the new challenges and the exposure to international traffic. Imperial pavilions, fortifications, and later the main sultanic palaces of the Ottoman household, were flanked by the summer residences of the foreign embassies. In time, diplomacy and international relations, contrasting pressures and claims, would recast the image of the Bosphorus as a cosmopolitan, living representation of geo-political change.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
4:00 PM - 5:30 PM
Asia Pacific Canter - UCLA
Bunche Hall 10383
After the Ottoman conquest of Constantinople, the new rulers initiated an overall redevelopment of the urban and social structure of the city. In this transformation, the Genoese walled district of Pera or Galata (today Beyoğlu) beyond the Golden Horn also changed its social composition and architectural image.
The famous Galata tower, whose silhouette figures today in the logo of the municipality of Beyoglu, was repaired, enlarged and partly rebuilt several times, acquiring its characteristic image only after the fire of 1831. The Genoese walls, in place until 1863, came to shelter also a large number of Muslim inhabitants, while mosques and other structures catering to the Islamic society (but also in part to others) were built: a bedesten (covered market), schools, fountains, baths, and the seat of the kadı or judge. Elements of a new urban landscape (the embassies, the main artery or Grand Rue de Pera, the churches, new house and apartment buildings) clustered beyond the walls, and also changed their image and place according to evolving social and political dynamics.
Rather than functioning as a special enclave or concession, Pera/Beyoğlu became a typical Ottoman settlement inhabited by many of the social and ethno-religious groups of the empire: Christians, Muslims and Jews, with the only difference that a stronger Catholic and European presence was concentrated here. While until the 18th century these communities lived in a social and architectural landscape that conformed to the dominant Ottoman standards, in the 19th century the growing political and economic power of certain groups (especially European, Greek-Orthodox and Armenian-Catholic), produced the new image of Beyoglu, often described and assessed as "cosmopolitan".
This lecture complements Dr. Mabi Angar's invited talk on "Pera Bella. The Genoese Settlement on the Bosporus" (Boğaziçi University, October 2017) , focussed on the late Medieval period. It explores the manifold manifestations that "cosmopolitanism" acquired at Pera, its roots in the plural Ottoman social structure, its connections with changing power balances and international relations.
My (humble) contribution to the first of the two volumes is the translation documents from the archives of Propaganda Fide, related to the Catholics in Istanbul in the 17th century.
You can register here to attend:
structures symbolizes the relationship between two countries, but also
their positioning in a global landscape of perceptions and
representations. Starting from the district of diplomacy in Ankara,
and the project by Paolo Caccia Dominioni for the Italian Embassy
(whose construction began 80 years ago), this conference reflects on the spatial dimension of diplomacy, and
opens a debate on the role of architecture in pursuing international dialogue.
Organized by the Department of Architecture of METU, under the auspices of the Italian
Embassy in Ankara, the event also presents the last issue of the
open-acces journal Architecture beyond Europe (n. 12, 2017), devoted
to "The Space of Diplomacy: Design and Beyond", and guest-edited by Paolo Girardelli.
The journal can be accessed at:
Kitabın sunumu, eserin eş-editörü Paolo Girardelli (Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Tarih Bölümü'nde profesör ve ICOMOS İtalya üyesi) tarafından yapılacaktır. Ekteki programda belirtilen ve eserde makaleleri yer alan konuklar da konuşmacı olarak etkinliğe katılacaklardır.
Sanat tarihçisi, VEKAM müdürü ve Koç Üniversitesi öğretim üyesi Prof. Filiz Yenişehirlioğlu yorumcu olarak katılıp izlenimlerini sunacak, ve tartışmayı halka açacaktır.
The official announcement of the event:
Tue., Nov 25, 2014
Ankara, Architects Association (see attached poster)